I remember, I must have been like 10 years old, it must have been my mother that came home with an empty Football Sticker Book; Football as in Soccer, NOT to confuse with American Football. My brother, sister and I collected the stickers; we really liked it, competition, trading amongst each other, but also with class mates.
Getting all the stickers, a complete book was the end game. In the beginning, if you did not get the book complete, you were able to order the missing numbers, but only a certain amount in exchange for stamps. That of course changed, it is a money business, let's see when they allow crypto currency: So Panini, when you read this:
Throughout the years, I have collected many books. Many Dutch competition, but also European Championships, World Championships, in the Netherlands, but also Switzerland, Germany and other countries.
It is a big thing, Panini and it is big bucks:
The Panini Group, headquartered in Modena, Italy, is the world leader in collectible stickers and trading cards. Panini is also one of the largest publishers of children's magazines, books, comics (comics), manga and graphic novels, both in Europe and Latin America. Accordingly, Panini is also involved in many multimedia programs. In 2018, the turnover of the Panini Group was more than 1 billion; this was achieved in 150 countries, by twelve subsidiaries and more than 1200 employees.
The rest of the article has NOTHING to do with Panini, but it shows my love for “the collecting things”. This is where it started ! ! !
Well, blood goes where it cannot crawl and it has started with our son ....
Albert Heijn B.V., the largest Dutch supermarket chain, founded in 1887, started with their own sticker book two years ago, I think. WE noticed it, but it was more ME collecting the stickers than it was done by Noah. This year ..... different world ! ! !
For every 10 Euros spent in the supermarket, you get 4 stickers for free and you can put the stickers in a book with all the Dutch teams, and national teams, ladies and gents, in the Dutch Soccer Competition. In total 250 Stickers and it is like every collection, you want to have them all ! ! ! So this week they started with the stickers.
In short ....... my son needs 1 picture and the book is complete ! ! ! He absolutely loves it and although only 6 years old, knows everything about it now. Knows all the teams, all the numbers, funny to see. Recognises all the logos of the teams and at the store, when opening a package, he will tell me, yep number 99, SCORE !
So, on Tuesday, I came home with the first packages as I just had done some groceries. That time of the year again. I had bought the book as well and I was daddy of the year again ! ! !
He asked me if we had to do some more groceries and if he was allowed to come. Well ...... not too late, after diner we would go to get some dessert for him, something I am not eating at the moment.
We went by bike as it is really close by and he raced into the store, he knows exactly where he needed to be and I trust him he will be there. So I came inside and he already showed me the first packages. He had asked a gentleman, with a lot of groceries for the stickers and as the gentleman did not want them, Noah got them. I went inside the store and Noah stayed at the check out place asking people to “donate” the stickers to him when they did not want them themselves ! ! ! Coming to the check-out myself, he already had a big pile of stickers in his hands, with the biggest innocent smile on his face.
He also carried a receipt. A lady did not ask for the stickers and told him he was able to collect the stickers showing the receipt at the service desk .... and so, I had to collect the 24 sticker packages (240 euros of Groceries ! ! !). We left the store with close to 60 packages and a little person smiling from ear to ear. Yes, I know we have to be careful because of COVID-19, and we do.
I will share some picture below, but somebody is sleeping upstairs at the moment, with a book filled with stickers beside his bed. He loves it and I tell you, this weekend we may have to make another run to the grocery store. FUN FUN FUN ! ! !

Source Header Panini
Source Header Voetbal Helden
The two are not affiliated with each other, they are 2 different entities, two different products