My Linux OS timeline.

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After experiencing a few problems with Fedora I decided to move on & experience Debain / Ubuntu.

It was a minimal netinstall with lightdm, openbox & a bunch of lightweight apps.

When I first opened the laptop, I just wanted to game so I nuked the pre-installed Windows 10 & installed Xubuntu 16.04.
The reason that I chose Xubuntu is that I've been an xfce user for most of my Linux life now & Ubuntu was officially supported by steam.

I've just started making fresh back-ups of my system, while contemplating which system to install next. Should I switch to Fedora, or should I stick with xubuntu.. Or or or should I give Debian a try....

Once I've finished backing-up everything I plan on doing a fresh install of “SOMETHING”, followed by installing my back-ups. Hoping everything is plain sailing & that I enjoy whatever distro I choose....

#fedora #debian #xubuntu #linux #os #gaming #thinkpad