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Sharing outputs from a terminal, or even just config files can sometimes be hard. With termbin it's now super easy. Simply enter your command & then add a pipe to termbin at the end.

e.g. cat hello.txt | nc termbin.com 9999

Sharing files is now super easy & quick. If you like you could add the termbin command to a bash alias so that you only need to type “termbin” each time after the pipe. To do this simply open a terminal within your home directory and type “nano .bashaliases”. This will open your bashaliases file or a blank document if it doesn't already exist in nano. Now type or paste in the code shown below.

alias termbin=“| nc termbin.com 9999”

Save the file by pressing “CTRL+O” & then exiting by pressing “CTRL+X”. Close your terminal and then reopen for the alias to take affect. That's basically it. You can now quickly & easily share outputs & config files from the terminal .

#terminal #linux #termbin #share #bashalias #alias