Thunar not displaying thunbnails on xfce.

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Thunar not displaying thumbnails is a problem I regularly run into whenever I do a minimal xfce install. For some reason the required packages for displaying thumbnails in thunar are never included and I end up having to install them manually every time. If like me you ever run into this same problem, here's how to easily fix it with two simple steps..

[1] Install the required packages....

sudo apt-get install tumbler tumbler-plugins-extra ffmpegthumbnailer

[2] Delete all thumbnail cache....

sudo rm -r ~/.cache/thumbnails/ && rm -r ~/.thumbnails/

Thumbnails in thunar should now be working again, if not then i'd recommending visiting #linux over on freenode irc, or the community forums for whatever distro you happen to use.

#xubuntu #xfce #thunar #thumbnails