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Thunar not displaying thumbnails is a problem I regularly run into whenever I do a minimal xfce install. For some reason the required packages for displaying thumbnails in thunar are never included and I end up having to install them manually every time. If like me you ever run into this same problem, here's how to easily fix it with two simple steps..

[1] Install the required packages....

sudo apt-get install tumbler tumbler-plugins-extra ffmpegthumbnailer

[2] Delete all thumbnail cache....

sudo rm -r ~/.cache/thumbnails/ && rm -r ~/.thumbnails/

Thumbnails in thunar should now be working again, if not then i'd recommending visiting #linux over on freenode irc, or the community forums for whatever distro you happen to use.

#xubuntu #xfce #thunar #thumbnails

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Ok so I use deja dup for backing up my system and have done for a number of years now. It's a great app that makes backing up any system super easy. It's also included in many Linux distributions repos which makes it easy to install. The only problem I have is that unless you're running nautilus (gnome-files) the restore functions are pretty limited. You could easily open deja dup and restore a whole backup, but what if you don't want to restore a whole backup. What if you only want an individual file or folder ?? After doing some research, I found that you can use deja dup with a custom action in thunar. Follow the steps below to set up your own deja dup action in thunar.

  1. Open thunar....
  2. Select Edit and then click on Configure custom actions.... alt text
  3. Click the + button to create a new custom action.... alt text
  4. Complete the text boxes: Name: Restore Description: Restore files with Deja Dup.... Command: deja-dup —restore %F Icon: deja dup icon alt text
  5. Click on Appearance Conditions tab and check all 6 boxes.... Uncheck directories if you don't want to be able to restore whole folders alt text
  6. Click ok to finish....

You may need to log out and in again for changes to take effect, but now you will now be able to right-click on a file or folder in thunar to restore earlier versions.

#thunar #nautilus #xfce #dejadup #backup #Linux