

Perhaps many of us neglect the issue of cleaning and sterilizing the loofah shower. For this reason, experts began to warn of the need to take care of this issue, mainly since the loofah by its nature contains many angles and corners that can allow bacterial organisms to grow inside.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Dermatologists, commented that when people use the loofah shower to rub dead skin cells, these cells rest in the corners and cracks of the texture, which paves the way for bacteria to multiply, something that many people may not know.

“The loofah shower is exciting,” It is used in a humid environment. People also hang it in the bathroom, which is also a moist environment and settles there. They are hardly dry, so they are a particularly fertile environment for bacteria.”

Beiliang continued by asserting that the loofah shower could contain fungal microorganisms that lead to skin infection with certain diseases! And that is why it is necessary to take care of cleaning them permanently, replacing them reasonably regularly and using them gently on the skin, not with excessive force.

Here are five tips that can be helpful for your fiber shower :

Dry them daily

Where it is rinsed well after use, then shake it well and hang it in a cool place until it is prepared to air and dry.

Avoid using it for a few days

This is after removing excess hair in the legs area, where bacteria can penetrate the skin through any cracks or wounds, and there is no reason to use the loofah shower more than twice a week.

Not to be used on the face or in the genital area

These areas are susceptible and can catch the infection easily, as well as there is no need for women to rub them.

Interest in cleaning the every week

Regardless of the type of loofah shower used, you have to clean it at least once a week, and you can do this by soaking it in a diluted bleach solution for 5 minutes and then rinsing it well.

Replace it regularly

If you use a natural loofah shower, you must replace it every 3 to 4 weeks, and if you use a plastic one, you can replace it every two months.

Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

Header photo by Tabitha Mort from Pexels

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Image : Andre Furtado on