Some days I want to completely give up on both WordPress and SSGs and use something like But that feels wrong, somehow, too.
Posts with no titles are automatically titled using the post's date. That could be good for something like daily posts, but not sure about it if I try doing that and short blog posts on the same day.
After six months, I'm calling it. Raycast has completely replaced Alfred for me. I occasionally miss the “instant actions” from Alfred, but not enough to make me stay.
RRR is the most gloriously absurd movie ever and I had an absolute blast. It makes every recent Marvel movie look lame and even makes the wonderful “Everything Everywhere All at Once” look like a charcoal sketch in comparison.
So has an option for the display of post dates called “Notebook”. When this is selected, posts are displayed in the usual reverse-chronological order, but no dates are shown on the home page. This seems nice for the way I'm using it lately. Let's see how it feels.
Update, 1 day later: I've gone back to the “Blog” format. Still not sure which I prefer.
Just a regular note to self:
Hello, summer...
My sister got another new dog yesterday. A pug rescue named Pepper.
Remember yesterday when I listed the things I needed? I ended up in Craft almost all day. Go figure. Right now I'm thinking about Craft vs NotePlan for my lab notebook, etc. NotePlan is still in the lead, but damn Craft is nice.
Considering where I should keep my “daily notes” now that I'm spending more time on an iPad. I don't want to bother dealing with getting TiddlyWiki running via Node on a server somewhere. And I didn't like the experience of using the Quine app either. Maybe Maybe (gasp!) roam? Dunno yet. Here, I'll need to create a new post each day, then update it as I go. Does that make sense?