

Last time I did a list of my favorite movies, so I thought I'd do it again.

The Moderns Mamma Mia Twilight Super 8  Pride and Prejudice

The Vintage Singin' in the Rain The Sound of Music Meet Me in St. Louis

Some other movies (mostly, actually all, from the 90s)   The Secret Garden Titanic Forrest Gump My Girl Home Alone Jurassic Park

Disney classics Sleeping Beauty Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

It's pretty much the same list as last time except I left out most of the Disney movies so the list isn’t too cluttered.

I also added one important addition to the list and that is my new favorite movie, The Secret Garden. I watched it for the first time last year and it's such a wonderful movie. I'm obsessed with it. I was going to do a review on it but never had the time. Maybe later.

That is all.


It’s Twilight's 10th Anniversary and in honor of that, I'll be making posts about Twilight.

Here's my list of my favorite scenes from Twilight. OR CAN WE JUST SAY EVERY SCENE IS MY FAVORITE SCENE. I just love Twilight. Every scene is perfect. The trees scene, the truck scene, the piano scene, even the prom scene is nice.

1. Bella and Edward in the trees THIS. THIS scene makes the movie. The first time I saw this, I was immediately blown away.

“This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.” NO BELLA IT ISNT REAL ITS TOO AMAZING TO BE REAL

2. Edward saves Bella from truck accident

3. Meadow scene/Bella learns about Edward I think of this as one, long related scene. I love those scenes where not a word is spoken and you just take in the moment. This could have easily been a boring “talking heads” scene but Catherine Hardwicke is a brilliant director and made it into something more.

I couldn't find the full scene but this and this should do.

So iconic.

To this gorgeous final shot.

4. Bella gets out of Edward's car So cool.

5. Prom The lights in the gazebo are gorgeous.

6. Edward is a vampire Music is on point when they walk into the forest.

Favorite scenes from other movies in the saga

New Moon


Breaking Dawn Part 1

Breaking Dawn Part 2

That's not all.


Hi gang,

I've been having lots of ideas lately and I just wanna write them down, so bear with me through the next few posts.

You know what? I’ve realized that the best stories are children's stories. The books, the movies, the shows, it's all SO good. Kids are blessed to have so much quality entertainment and media at their fingertips (if their parents help them wade through the crap, there are plenty of gold nuggets out there). And that's why, ever since I decided to become a movie director years ago, I knew that I wanted to make children's movies because they are the sweetest. Their stories are more touching and heartfelt, and more exciting, imaginative and adventurous than 99.99% of the adult crap that's out there. Talk about overrated.

That's not all.

The Blogger


The Ocean – Moana I always loved the ocean. But Moana made me love the sea even more, to the point of possible obsession.

The Cold – Frozen I didn't really love the cold, but now I appreciate the cold, snow and winter even more because of this movie.

Pacific Northwest – Twilight This is why I love the movie so much. Not because Taylor Lautner is hot, but because Twilight made me fall in love with the Pacific Northwest.

This goes to show how powerful movies and the media are. They can really affect your outlook on something and the way you perceive the world around you.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's more but I can't remember them off the top of my head atm. So I'll come back and add to this list as soon as I remember them.

That is all.


I was gonna make a meme out of this but being technology impaired and too lazy to learn, I'll just dump this here.

Living in your living room:

Expectations (look how obviously fake they look. No one sits around their living room reading a book like a good little lady with their posture perfect like that. Look how intellectual and well-rounded we look! Elizabeth Bennet is certainly not impressed with this gimmick). vs Reality

Time may pass but some things never change ;)

Especially the mother. That is so me to the max.

That is all.


Because I am an avid list maker (I swear it's an actual addiction. I pretty sure like more than 50% of my blog posts are lists), I made a list of all the common childhood story fantasy places that people say they'd like to escape to whenever real life gets too much.

Hogwarts Hate school? Logical Solution: go to another school. It seems like a lot of fun. I for one, would like to FINALLY get sorted into a house. Eating in the Oxfords-esque hall, learning magic, flying on broomsticks, going to quidditch games – sounds like a grand time to me.

Narnia I still keep looking in every closet hoping to find that place. A GIRL CAN DREAM.

Neverland Mermaid lagoon, pirate ship, Indians. Think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings.


Wonderland Curiosity killed the cat.

How many times do you hear “I wish I was at Hogwarts” or “I wish I was in Narnia” or “I wish I was in Neverland”? Funny thing is why do we want to be there in the first place? These places are so dangerous and have a lot more problems than we do. Hogwarts — you have to face He-Who-Shall Not-Be-Named. Narnia — they fight battles and wars like all the time and you have worry about your literal livelihood. Neverland is no child's game either. Peter Pan can be a jackass, Tinkerbell can literally kill you, mermaids will drown you, there's a Captain Hook, a human-eating crocodile and a Tiger Lily that will flirt with your crush. Talk about a hazardous place. No wonder Wendy was so eager to get home. In Oz, you'll be constantly chased by the wicked witch and lions, tigers and bears and it's impossible to get home. And nobody wants to be beheaded by the Red Queen in Wonderland.

Stretch dem leg muscles Hook. Yer gettin a free workout!

It seems like in every one of these stories, the main character gets there and be like “nope, I wanna go back home.” There's no place like home

In the mean time, I'll be creating my own fantasyland and this time the character's gonna like it so much that they'll want to stay there forever. Meanwhile, I'll be saving up my money to go to Hawaii or something. Now that's where the real paradise is. Ahhhhh

That's all!


Lacking motivation? Here are TV/movie characters who inspire us to well, turn off the TV and movies, and hit the books.

Hermione Granger Need I say more? Hermione is the poster girl for NERD. She makes studying seem like a fun game. Remember, every time you get an answer right, it's 10 points for Gryffindor!

Rory Gilmore Though she's my least favorite TV character, I have to say, she really is quite the student. You can't help but want to root for her when she first gets a D at Chilton, but then rises to the top with flying colors and lots of As. If only studying were that fun and easy in real life.

Elle Woods Like Rory Gilmore, she starts out as the underdog. At least her pink study gear looks cute.

Jenny Mellor The An Education protagonist starts out like most of us. She'd rather be listening to jazz, traveling to Paris and living the good life than study. That's when she almost has sex with a 38-year-old man (she's 16) that she realizes she's “too clever” to live life as a fraud (her said 38-year-old boyfriend (more like manfriend) steals paintings for a living). She then decides to study her ass off and gets rewarded with the idyllic lifestyle at Oxford.

Anna Kendrick (do we really care about the character's name?) In Up in the Air, Anna plays the top graduating student from an Ivy League school. While everyone's losing jobs in the 2008 recession, Kendrick is up and going, set to have “a corner office by 23.” Yet her perfectionist attitude might be a little...neurotic.

So that's it! Study away my friends. Hopefully these characters provide us with much motivation to power through the final stretch (or probably not). And oh, I guess I should stop writing this blog and start studying for finals. D:

That is all.

The blogger


People (and I’m guilty of this too) like to say how movies were better in the good ole’ days. Well, not all movies in the present day are bad. We have a few good ones and someday, people will look back on this generation and say they don’t make movies like this anymore!

So in honor of that tradition, here are some of my fave movies from 2010 onwards for when I become a granny and say, “They don’t make movies like this anymore!”

Pride and Prejudice Yes I know this is from 2005 but my point still stands that this is a very modern movie that people will appreciate for being good.

Super 8

Les Miserables

Great Gatsby What is old is old, but in this movie, what is old is new. This fresh, new take really brings out the essence and energy of the 20s. I don't know about you but anyone who can make 20s technology seem newer than the iPhone is a master filmmaker in my book. It would be interesting to experiment with perspectives that we normally don't see, like making the present day seem old too. The storytelling and visuals are unique, whereas other Hollywood movies nowadays just do the exact same thing in all genres. This director clearly had vision.

The Hunger GamesJennifer Lawrence is awesome.



Star Wars: The Force AwakensJJ Abrams always knows how to make a decent movie.

La La LandThis movie is literally a response to they-don’t-movies-like-this-anymore.

The Amazing Spider-Man

What current movies will you be nostalgic for? Comment below!

That is all,

The Blogger


Goodness is subjective. Art is subjective.

Someone once said that by studying film, your taste will get “better.” That you can still like a bad movie, but it’s still bad. I find that thinking pretentious.

Even if a movie is universally considered bad, if you like it, that means something in that movie speaks to you, that made you enjoy it. It could be the music, the action, or the characters. Ergo, the movie’s done its job and is therefore a good movie. It might not speak to the majority, but it still speaks to you. You can learn to appreciate the advanced technique of critically acclaimed movies, but obligated to like them you are not. Like Two For the Road. I’m aware of the unique editing skills but it’s still a boring movie and there’s a reason that it’s boring. In that sense, it has failed. And it'd be kinda sad if you stopped loving the movies you once loved just cause your taste got “better.” Of course tastes naturally change but there is a reason, something that the filmmakers did, that made those movies appeal to you in the first place.

My teacher once said that it annoys her when people don’t have a reason why they dislike a movie. When she asks them why, they go “I dunno, I just don't.” Everything must be explained intelligently. I disagree. You don’t have to explain why you don’t like something and you’re completely entitled to your opinion. People might not be able to articulate exactly why they like their favorite movies, but their instincts are telling them something. Knowing these things helps if you want to make movies or go into that field, but for the average Joe, you like what you like. Simple enough. No need to justify your preferences to please others. After all, movies weren’t designed to make people super intellectual even if they can include intellectual things. If people only liked or disliked movies for purely logical reasons, then movies wouldn’t be art anymore. It would be a hard science, which defeats the whole purpose of movies in the first place. After all, movies are better judged by its overall effect rather than the sum of its parts.

And that’s why I wonder if I’m starting to become too evaluative about movies. That I should just relax and enjoy the movie-watching process more like I did before, when I fell in love with movies in the first place and just sit back and be absorbed and not worry about judging.

I’m not sure if I’m starting to be pretentious about my supposed lack of pretentiousness. But comment below what you think. It would be quite hypocritical of me if that were so. But I love irony. So a good dash of it in my life would be amusing I suppose.

That is all.

The Blogger


I don’t really like the word “film.” It sounds too pretentious. Idk whenever I hear the word “film”, I just think of some boring French noir indie movie about some poor gay dude stranded in the desert somewhere and his friend/mom/little kid neighbor next door gets cancer or something. And then all those awful colored filters and shaky cam that make the whole thing look like your friend’s Instagram video. Saying “film” makes movies sound more boring.

I prefer “movie.” It sounds more like a fun Hollywood blockbuster that’s really epic. They’re kind of the reason I liked movies in the first place. I think people say the word “film” a lot so that other people would respect them for studying it. It would be really weird to say my major is movies. It just doesn’t sound academia or intellectual enough so I think people say “film” so that they’d be taken more seriously.

I also like the word “cinema.” It sounds fancy and has a nice, full ring to it. It sounds like a rich person drinking fine wine going to the opera kind of fancy. Fun fact, they did make movie theaters like operas back in the day to appeal to rich people.

I just can’t believe British people say “film” instead of “movie.” They must sound so pretentious all the time.

That is all.

The Blogger
