karma police


My Tottenham Hotspur Story: From this great Reddit thread

“What a beautiful thread.. let me add my story. I'm 16 and from India – started following Spurs halfway through last year. Was born (and still am) a cricket fan, and found myself with a lot more time + freedom during the pandemic, and turned to football.

I've always loved the Lilywhites but started to find myself relating to them a lot more this year. Always “outsiders”, always “with the potential”, inherently capable but rarely achieving glory, my immature teenage mind latched on to the team. I loved the ambition the club was showing and could not help but be optimistic about the entire Mourinho project. The Amazon doc definitely helped too...

It's been a wild ride. I read up the history of the club and learnt the fan chants. Two days ago, I got my Spurs jersey delivered. Now I'm staying up till 1:45am to watch a little bit of the FA Cup game.”


P.S. What happened to our form over the last two months nobody knows Other notes: I'm capping off this entire experiment with Day 50: so it's #50DaysToOffload now, not the original #100DaysToOffload.

The Mechanic

The elevator's hurtling up 'Bout to be launched to the top of the Moon When the doors close and walls close in Shoulders clench and sentences clipped

Don't fix it till it's not so broken Ain't now way to treat your heart I only write inside a hurricane On days I'd pray would just end.

People always seem to have people I figured I'd figure it out But how could I?

Want to sail right to the moon And splash around in it's cold pool But the elevator ride seems stuck I drunk myself on my earth's beauty The moon and all of my silver dreams

But I need to fix the elevator That feels so broken closing in on me.

#NotAPoet #100DaysToOffload


We create entire worlds just to speak to one another To whisper sweet nothings and wake from our slumber Transpose realities and lose ourselves In what's right in front of us.

If we dreamt in a dream that we were so awake If we woke to realise it was just a dream I lived in a cave and saw the shadows dance From the one source of light at the end of the tunnel Never thought to turn back to see what broke the light

And the edges blur and I ask myself One simple question – to what end? To what end? Where are we going? Why are we going? Why do show up, paint our eyes Change the game and raise the stakes?

If all you know is your perception slowly fading to deception Why do you fight for all of those rights? Why do we scratch but never fail to re-write?

I asked you this question, I asked you this question Why?

And you said Why not?

And I couldn't answer either question. I couldn't answer either question.

#100DaysToOffload #NotAPoet

Book review: The Mom Test by Robert Fitzpatrick

Recommended reading for my Nu School summer program, this book redefined my perspective on my own projects. You see, as an engineer at my core, my first instinct has always been to open an IDE and see how I can fix the problem. WRONG!

This book provides an excellent framework that everyone can utilize to interview users. A lot of times, we tend to ask bad questions: – “Do you think this product is a good idea?” – “Would you pay X for a product that does Y?”

These are examples of questions that WILL make people lie to you, because they don't want to hurt your feelings. This book leads you away from fluff, compliments, and mere annoyances to facts, data, and real world user problems.

It's written in a dry, real style. It gives advice so practical that you could read this book and go off and ask questions.

“It boils down to this: you aren’t allowed to tell them what their problem is, and in return, they aren’t allowed to tell you what to build. They own the problem, you own the solution.”



As you became Dancing patterns of pixels Three moving dots and a bubble I saw new weird angles and lighting

A chainsawed off A pale, cut-off Imitation of your hesitation.

I needed to be alone Didn't expect an accept- ance with no resistance Why didn't my dance rhyme with yours?

So then I held on much tighter To lightless visions To countless imaginations This lack of vision An absolute lack of direction All with a new revelation.

My dance rhymes with yours now My laughter crackles so loud now Shuffled so it rhymes in the now now Through your tinny speaker And terrible fibers that drive our connection We work that much harder for it now.

#100DaysToOffload #NotAPoet

Closed Source

My two eyes I thought my own Spotted a comet in the sky Trailing dust and specks of the moon And I thought it a distraction. But as you straked through the shky In a graceful parabolic curve My eyes followed you.

At first I thought you an offshoot An additional addition A pop-up window in my augmented reality.

And then you landed onto my planet Created a crater in my heart. I thought it a crack I created To fill the others that existed just like it.

And then you rose again And I saw the flame twirling in the periphery As it took center stage. And just like that you rewrote the code And created our brand new virtual reality.

#100DaysToOffload #NotAPoet

Learnings from Nu School – Personal Finance 101 by Judith Weiniger


Learnings from Nu School – Organizational Behavior 101 by Nicole Abi-Esber


Learnings from Nu School – Government Policy and Civic Duty with Jessica Cole


Learnings from Nu School- Cold Email 101 by Daniel Ahmadizadeh

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