”'Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
'Twas Grace that brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home”
- Amazing Grace, John Newton
Finally, then, we meet another named character (sort of). How exciting for you! Now that J and B are on the scene (but surely it should be J and T?) do we expect to find more action in the story, perhaps finally some movement toward answers viz a viz, “Who are the Joker and the Thief?”, and, “Why do we give a shit?”
But in all honestly there is not as much to say of B as I would like. Their interaction with J rapidly escalated into a bizarre psychotic friendship that feels very hard to describe to anyone who has never experienced psychosis. For a night, it turned hostile, which became the focus of much of J's subsequent paranoia. And then, almost as soon as it had begun, it was over; B left the hospital ward, by paths unknown; and J wrote a short story, “The Joker and The Thief”, about that brief and especially strange time.
And as I said from the beginning, this story is not that story. Indeed, really it's less a story about the Joker, or the Thief, than about J, and how he came to be a person who tells stories about The Joker and The Thief.
And really, there's only a little left to say on that front. You see, for years, J was, whenever manic, desperate to be heard; desperate for the strange portents he came across in the spirit world to be made known far and wide.
Yet at the same time, he was cryptic. When not manic, he was slow to tell others of any real details of his bipolar. When manic, he would surely shout many things from the rooftops, but other things he would make only impossibly obscure hints about in things he said or wrote.
But while there are surely things that are not yet ready to be shouted to the whole world, yet there are other points on the spectrum between shouting and secret keeping. Are there not people around a person who can be trusted, who will listen to simple truths and strange ideas alike, when spoken quietly and calmly and taking the time to put them in context?
And so gradually over the years J worked on his vulnerability, with a little help from a slowly growing faith in God, and some wondrous, glorious friendships; until, at the tail end of one episode, he decided to write another story about the Joker and the Thief, and post it in a place where he could easily share the story with anyone it made sense to share it with.
So this is definitely not the last story about the Joker and the Thief; in some ways, it is the first. Let's see where we go from here.