A Story about The Joker and The Thief, Part 2
“You took a trip, and climbed a tree At Robert Sledge's party And there you stayed, 'til morning came You were not the same after that
You gave your life to Jesus Christ And after all your friends went home You came down, you looked around You were not the same after that”
- Not the Same, Ben Folds
So J kept ranting – there was, I want to emphasize, a lot of ranting – and not doing much sleeping (although thank God for some restful breathing yoga techniques on a CD he was given); until eventually after a couple of days, he had a booking with a psychologist that one of his relatives very kindly escorted him to.
The psychologist asked if her student could stay in the room for the appointment, to which J agreed.
So the psychologist asked J what was happening, and J very carefully and methodically gave the version of his life history and recent events that he figured he would have given a few days ago – that is, back when he just had regular Bipolar Disorder, before he developed cognitive super powers and cured himself.
The psychologist carefully and methodically took notes about it all, in that calm and friendly manner that is quite common among psychologists.
J asked if the student could leave the room (he wasn't confident at pulling off what he wanted to achieve with more than one person present). The student left.
J dialled things up from maybe a 7/10 to... much more than 7/10.
He explained very, very rapidly to the psychologist that while all the stuff he'd said earlier was technically accurate, what was much more important was that he now had some unique event happening in his brain; and that he needed to be put in touch with some leading scientific authority in order to begin the urgent study of this profound and potentially revolutionary phenomenon. (It's worth remembering at this point that J had only skimmed a Wikipedia article on Bipolar, and wasn't across any finer details such as the Type I/II distinction).
The psychologist started crying, and pressed the button to call security.
(to be continued)