
Today I sit here In the afterglow The vision fades But it seems like I am still supposed to follow it? I can't just ignore it I can't forget it Even as I forget the feel of it

Tomorrow Is my last day in hospital For now

Yesterday I could blame the medications For my drop in creativity But today, I am back On my usual doses And writing is more of a struggle Getting up is more of a struggle Life is more of a struggle

Today I try to make the kinds of plans An insane man would approve As sufficient for this insane world I guess I can still do all the same things But slower And less effectively Remembering that if I fail That's OK Others will take my place

Yesterday Life was strangely uncomplicated Waging spiritual war From the comforting structures of an institutional Life

Today The war continues But life is going to get in the way Of any decisive manoeuvres

Yesterday Or before I gave thanks for my church and my congregation How much more I have to give thanks for them now

Today The real work toward wellness begins

Yesterday Well, earlier, actually I learned to feel safe Even in the dreamworld, in its wyrdness Activation without agitation We'll get there One day

Tomorrow Wendy You don't have to die

to the tune of One Thing Remains

With me at the lowest of the lows There to shield me from the harshest blows Ahead of me, wherever my heart goes Your grace, it flows

I'm on my knees, I'm crying out in pain She answers; I don't need Her to explain Whatever happens next, God only knows But Her grace, it flows Her grace, it flows

You're here by my side You're not giving up You're never leaving me alone x3 x2

In life, in love I feel your Awesome Presence As you whisper love to my soul You came, forgave You commuted that hard sentence And you made my spirit whole x2

(chorus) x3 x2

I surround myself With friends Is that unhealthy? Should I be more self-reliant? I mean maybe there's some co-dependence In the sense I'm not myself without them (Can't speak for them about the reverse)

I think the World Prefers us as Atoms Splittable and knittable But we thrive as molecules Abundant chemistry

I treasure my friends They are precious Money can't buy them Time at best solidifies them You have to click, first of all Share a wavelength, hear a call

I hope my friends know They can rebuke me They can leave me if they feel it's right I'll hurt But I'll survive They don't owe me unconditional loyalty Their respect is earned, and maintained

From dusk to dawn I hope to dwell With friends

to the tune of maybe my favourite song

There's no way I could cope Without you You have always got my back And your grace Faced my disgrace You cut me so much slack

Oh woah oh, oh woah oh, oh oh oh

And I just pray Pray and hope With all my soul That when you're trapped in rabbit holes You know I'm here Here with you And we can make our way back


And I dreamt we could save the world By playing manic games Turned out harder than I'd thought So far the world looks just the same

And you knew I would let you down But you forgave me just the same More precious than the world to me You helped me back to my good name I've never known a more dependable love


At Luna Park We shared our tastes In Dresden Dolls We faced the customers by day And in our way We were on a roll And we were building banter And it didn't matter that our lives were shit We had each other and we just got on with it

You're an impossible survivor More resilient than a star And now that you're alive here You're going to go far

I've never known a more dependable love

At 4am Witching hour My heart sours

The darkness of the world intrudes It makes me Mad How very rude See past my mask, Delilah?

And I won't rest I'll do my best To let you in

And we'll stay in this mess together Until we find Something better

You are incredible, Delilah A queen without a rival You taught me all I've ever known in this damned world About survival

You're wit is quicker than a light switch Your meme game is so flash And when you have my back I know I can hold my nerve

Your grace is full to overflowing You've learnt so much from life And I'm hoping one day soon You'll get what you deserve

I never had a more dependable friend

It's fine to cry, Delilah To ask God “Why?”, Delilah We'll learn to fly, Delilah

Let's see how high we'll float this time x3

this one is also for Cameron. But he'll know the tune this time

Two plus one, to taste salvation Times by four, to every nation Clever, no?

You reach for grace and grasp at meaning For history that keeps repeating Why?

You'd kill your own reflection Betray your own defection To stay up high

You're bruised, but you're not broken Your faith's not just a token You will learn to fly

Just feel the Love From high above Lands like a dove Notice the love

You dodged another bullet The fire's getting heavy but you've held your ground You're out of ammunition But you think you'll be ok if your squad sticks around

You're running now for cover You're trying to retake some poor lost soul Your feet begin to hover You don't know how to dive down the right rabbit hole

Don't hold your breath Don't flee from death Just feel your breath You're safe from death

Ba da da da, Ba da da, Ba da da da da da Ba da da da, da da

Ah, the best thing that you've ever had The best thing you had is but a dream One day you will awaken And the real world will be nothing like you've ever seen

You'll be unbound On solid ground Not lost but found See you around

to a tune Daniel almost picked himself

Dramatize the play The players fade away The script it writes itself, you see The lines they just wash over me I make a show of it

You travel back in time The gravity's sublime The pulsars pulse a steady beat The shadows face a sound defeat They feel afraid of the light Of that which is good, of that which is right

With all the secret virtues you hide, they can still be seen Your wits are sharp, your laugh is on point, and your spirit's keen

And I can barely tell Side to side and round the bend I note what you do well I take my hat off to you If who you will become Is more of what you are now I thoroughly approve

You dodge the winner's pride You stay level inside You fabricate a great device That's made of code and sound advice You feel OK when you're stretched And look on the face that you have sketched

All the broken pieces you find, you'll know how to repair I know that you remember that shame comes before despair

And I can once more breathe We're side to side and round the bend It's not what you believe It's what you bring to the table And what you bring right now's A sign of fruits you're bearing I'm ready to engage

If everybody sees us standing tall If you'll be someone who'll come to catch me when I fall You just gotta remember to be yourself Take your sword and shield and armour down from off the shelf Sideways, still and levitate Singing side to side and don't be late

to the tune of arguably the best song of the 90's

So I guess I'll say the Truth I've felt I've been waiting for a while to get it out To talk about the hand that I've been dealt To whisper and to softly shout

I've seen the light I see through all the lies I'm running under unfamiliar skies Am I just my genes? I guess not Environment has also said what's what

And now I'm just another human x4

My best friends rallied round my cause They somehow really liked me all along Fast forward shook me, they hit pause They listened to me sing my favourite song

Now I hear their minds, I feel their hearts We are off to quite the hopeful start Yesterday I was quite sound asleep But now we're waiting for those righteous beeps

We are a lucky group of people x4

[Spoken] Beep beep beep beep, beep!

Well I guess what we sing is true We are the right group of folk for you You are our friend, you are a person x4

see also: Waiting

A time to act, a time to wait A time for Acts, a time for thoughts A time for action, a time for reflection

A time for everything under the sun

“Don't wait, act” Says the fool on the hill But the Lord says “Be ready” Act, yes, but act-in-waiting

Your plan is not God's plan You are part of God's plan You are not God's plan God's plan for you is Good

Discern God's plan With a serpent's wisdom Execute on God's plan With the innocence of a dove Follow God's plan Though you can't see the outcome Spread God's plan Preach the Gospel and then some

Strategy Is not a dirty word God plays chess In more than 11 dimensions The King's Gambit Always succeeds The sacrifice Wins the game “White to mate In 10,000 moves”

So don't feel lonely little pawn And don't try to fight that Rook ahead Until called upon You'll know your moment When you see it

And if you're lucky Maybe you'll queen

see also: Acting

Are you waiting For faith that moves a mountain? Well grab a shovel And get digging

Are you waiting For justice to roll down like waters? Have you given thought To the ills of our justice system? Which victim, which perpetrator, which falsely accused, which needlessly incarcerated Will you visit tomorrow?

And are you waiting For God's love to transform someone? Have you tried Maybe Sharing your feelings?

Tell me, are you waiting For some great mystical revelation? I think there's one of those waiting for you In the back of the book

Are you waiting For the next miracle that could save the world? Tag You're it

to the tune of a song Ben identified immediately

Greetings, softly treading friend Our story's coming to an end A spirit's coming, overwhelming Its message growing in the telling And the mission that it calls me to fulfill Lingers still Between the quiet shadows

Our story started in a dream Built on an old familiar theme But dreamers cannot dream their world better Though they live their dreams out to the letter And the nightmare of this world Always creeps in Its pain seeps in While we are all soundly sleeping

It's time for story to redeem To reboot all those tragic scenes And all of us to wake each other Every sibling, every sister and brother And for rebirth of our song, a new Earth where there is no wrong Just joyous choirs of music