
May 1, 2020

Day 7: To My Mother-in-law with Love

As I type this blog today it is the eve of my mother- in -laws Birthday. Anyone who new her especially her grand kids and great grand kids adored her and admired her immensely. She was one “classy” lady. She was very particular about everything from the food she cooked, to the cloths and shoes she wore.

Its not everyone that can live back the same lane with your in-laws and get along. Because my mother-in-law lived next to her parents in town there were lessons she learned to do and not to do. Mom was never one to pry in our affairs. If she became concerned she may mention it, but for the most part she left us work out our troubles as newlyweds and young parents. But if it really rubbed her the wrong way she just might tell you!

Living that close, I learned many life lessons from her. Oh did I mention she was an excellent “Pepper” bid euchre player? I learned early on in our dating, this was a game I needed to learn in order to survive in the family! It was her and dads main activity with friends and neighbors from church. They would come once or twice a week promptly at 7:30 and play till 10 or later. Men against the women. Depending how they were doing depended on how late they played!

when we found out mom was battling Cancer, we as family did our best to make life memorable by spending as much time as possible with her. My husband and I living so close popped in to check on her, spent time talking, occasionally we gathered and played cards with grand kids, my husbands 2 sisters, and friends. It got to where we played cards most nights that last year. Grand kids would make special trips home from college and further places to spend time with their very loved grandma.

She knew how to spoil her kids and grand kids! She made pie! Apple, blueberry, pumpkin, rhubarb and peach. And we always had to have Blue Bunny yogurt on top! She also spoiled us with her homemade cookies.

I guess one of the things I miss most about mom was her friendship. Our relationship grew the more I spent time with her. there were days she hated how her body was doing. She would complain now and then, I would listen, she would listen to me rant about my ills. We would cry, and laugh. We encouraged and leaned on each other. I would never change those days for anything. They were priceless.

Dearest mother, I am not the cook you were. I don't keep a house quite like you but being with you I have learned to laugh and live and make time for others. Happy Birthday! We love you!


April 30,2020

Day 6: Did you see that?

Its not very often I leave the house without my phone. Its not that I talk on my phone all that much. More important it is my camera that is the most important feature of my phone. More than once my husband has said, “I get the best camera for my wife to talk on,” and that's no joke. I first had the IPhone 7, went to the Google Pixel, Google Pixel 2, and have graduated to the IPhone 11. It kind of helps my oldest son keeps me in the know on the best phone camera's.

In a previous blog I talked about my daily walks that I take. Where ever I go, my phone is sure to follow, normally in my back pocket! I take pictures of just about anything and everything. You name it: sunrises, sunsets, trees, butterflies, flowers, bugs, oh yes and people. Quite often people ask how I catch the pictures I do. I'm always observing my surroundings looking for unique subjects to catch on camera. I believe it is key to learn to wait patiently, to get as close as possible, and enjoy the process.

Everything in nature fascinates me. I have learned to admire the beauty in what some people would think either disgusting or ugly. They are all part of God's wonderful creation and I try to capture as much on my camera as I can.

Early morning walks in the late summer, early fall have to be some of my favorite times to walk. Its at that time of morning the dew is hanging heavy everywhere. If I'm fortunate, and I have been many times, the butterflies are covered with dew in the fields and are moving slowly. When the wings are wet, it is easy to pick up a butterfly and hold it for however long and they won't fly away. Its a magical moment. I have a secret.. some may think I'm crazy but I have on different occasions actually talked to the butterflies and asked them If I could take their picture. I'm not lying, I have gotten some really close pictures doing that.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder... I think our Creator has done a pretty amazing job in all he has created for us to observe and enjoy no matter how big or small. Hey, did you see that?


April 29, 2020 Day 5: When awake in the Night

Hats off to those who can go to sleep at night and sleep the whole night through and wake up refreshed and ready to embrace their day.

I cannot truly remember a night of sleep like that since before I had my last child 16+ years ago. I don’t have a problem going to sleep, it’s staying asleep that gets me. I generally sleep about 4 hours wake up to use the restroom then either fall back to sleep for another 2 hours or am wide awake. I’ve tried writing thoughts down before bed, I’ve tried oil’s, I’ve tried a bath before bed, I’ve tried meditating on scripture, I’ve tried nighty night echinacea tea, I’ve even refused to look at the clock when I wake up and have used a mask.

I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to get up and pray, read, sing, stretch or journal, writing thoughts, worries and cares down. After an hour or so I lay back down and sleep till morning. It’s not always what I like to do, but I find it’s what works best for me.


April 28, 2020

Day 4: Coping with Covid 19

For my husband and I, daily routines have not changed much with the worlds pandemic. On the other hand, for our 16 year old, his life has been turned upside down. School was and is his social outlet. He does help with various chores around the house and has done some occasional cooking. He works at keeping up with his virtual school work. His real desire is to retreat to his room to play video games with his friends. I get it.

My husband and I on the other hand have worked on doing more activities together. We laugh more, we have done several puzzles; I think 8, with the possibility of several more. My husband is an avid reader which I'm glad. I like to color, adult coloring that is. Sometimes the more complex the better. Its therapy for me. We also play board games. Recently we have taken up playing Game Pigeon on our phones. Just a little competition after a meal before going on with the day.

With social distancing we haven't been going to church, but with technology, sermons are on the computer which helps us get spiritual nourishment from various churches in the area and around the country.

I would have to say the most difficult part of this pandemic is not being able to travel. Our two older children live in other parts of the country. Not being able to see them and family and friends has been hard. Again, thanks to technology, we do the “Zoom thing “once or twice a week some weeks. we can at least see each other and play games!

So what will it be like when we get back to “normal?” i don't know. I've been enjoying each day as it comes, not taking life for granted. One never knows when it could change.


April 27,2020 Day 3 Insecurities

The older I get the more I realize unless I face my fears head on, those fears very well may take over me. At the worst cripple my abilities to do various things in life.

Take for example a new smart phone. I know to be as smart as your phone, one should in all honesty read the entire manual in order to successfully run your phone. That takes too long. Just show me how to do the main functions and I'm good.

I have gotten to the point that if I want to know how to do more things and not read the manual, I can always Google it. Which I do.

I think the worst thing is that I don't want anyone to know how insecure I am. Pride can be a big issue. If something doesn't come easy, I may just avoid the situation all together to be secure. It may work for some things but not for others.

I will say even though this is an ongoing dilemma I face, over the past 3 years or so it has gotten better. I've learned how to successfully fly on an airplane, to big cities, even by myself! I've had to make major decisions regarding elderly parents and their well being. I've learned to talk on the phone without anxiety attacks. Even though I am not very tech savvy, my kids and husband are patient with me and help when I need it.

I'm realizing the more I face my fears, learn to be patient with myself, life tends to become a lot less stressful, in fact even enjoyable!


Day:2 Enjoying a cool Spring

It is the end or near end of April and like most people I'm looking forward to some nice warm temperatures. Just a little over a week ago we had 2-3 inches of snow and I went on a snowman building spree to enjoy the weather we were having at the moment. There is a saying my husband has always told me and our three children; you have a choice and that choice is to be happy, or be happy! Simple enough! The secret of happiness is learning to make the best of what we have. So when we are given snow, I make snowmen.

My husband would say I'm about like the mailman. I walk in the snow, the rain, wind and yes on beautiful breathtaking blue sky days. There is always something new to see and to enjoy along the way.

Today as I took my normal trek around our 40 acre field I've been observing the various spring flowers that are coming up. One that especially caught my eye is the Trillium. Its a 3 leaf flower with a maroon blossom. The morning was nice enough I got off my normal path to look around. I found several patches of Trillium blooming! Its amazing the wonders that await us when we veer of our well warn paths into the unknown.

Another plus to a cool spring is watching the tulips, daffodils and other spring flowers go into slow motion on their blooming. I get to enjoy them a bit longer anyways.

One of the joys of spring is watching the rhubarb slowly come out of its winter hibernation. When I first see the leaves coming up, I think I'm out there every day checking to see if the stalks are big enough to make a cake, or a pie or better yet sauce. Now that I've made you hungry, I'm off to work on the rhubarb I brought in last evening that is enough for all of those! Yes sir, i like a cool spring... it means more rhubarb!


First time Mom blogger

So I have never blogged before in my life! When my older kids throw the challenge in my court to try blogging for 100 days, my thoughts were well, I’ll never learn any younger. And so here I go! Diving headlong into only the Lord knows what...

Something that I faithfully work at doing every day is take a walk. “My” dog who is a beagle/ boxer/ terrier mix gives me that” are you ready yet?” look shortly after breakfast every morning. Over the many years we’ve had this what I would call, “ high maintenance “ dog ,she has given me many hours of enjoyment, companionship, and grief. Grief only because she hunts and kills things and brings her “trophy’s” home for us! Ugh!

Walking gets me exercise, as well as the pup. I can clear my mind, enjoy the beauty and come back home most days refreshed.

So we shall see what these next 99 days hold. It should be interesting.
