
May 12, 2020

Day 17: Practice makes...almost perfect

It has been said most things learned at an early age are easier. For example a musical instrument or a foreign language. Sometimes later is better than never.

I always admired those who could play the piano. I had come from a mostly instrumental family, and my husbands family was even more so. Piano was a way of life in his household . So as our children grew up, we had them take piano lessons. Somewhere in the course of our second child taking lessons and our third child coming along, I decided to take up piano.

Let me tell you simply, that 16+ years into lessons I am by no means accomplished. I cannot accompany anyone, but what I can do with practice is play most any music I sit In front of me. This has not come easy. Finding time to diligently practice as an adult is challenging. Especially if some of the pieces are hard and you would rather do anything rather than work on those troubled spots or pieces. One valuable lesson that I have learned is that the more one practices and keeps at it, the better one gets. It’s the over and over again making yourself do when it would be easier to give up. Isn’t that how it is with most of life?

We all find we have trouble areas in our lives. It takes work to overcome habits we don’t like. Yet there is a satisfaction that comes when you work at things long enough, breakthrough happens.

I will never be an accomplished pianist. But I can play for relaxation and enjoyment. With that said, I think its been well worth the pain, frustration, struggle and overcoming to get where I am. Able to read music and play piano.


May 11,2020

Day 16: Something New

I tried something I’ve wanted to try for some time. Since I have so much rhubarb coming on right now, I wondered what Rhubarb Empanadas would taste like?

I went through the process of making the dough, rolling it out thin, figuring out what my circle cut out was going to be, cut those all out , cut the rhubarb and even cut up some strawberries to add to some.

Since this was really my first time making them it was an experiment for sure. I filled the pastry with fruit, folded it over and crimped the edges. After refrigerating them for 30 min. I took them out, wiped each one with egg and sprinkles with sugar. They cooked for roughly 23 min.

They were ok, I think I would do things differently next time. Possibly make more of a pie filling. As it was I had pieces of rhubarb/strawberries with a little sugar. When The empanada was done, there was a air space which could have been filling. Maybe next time I’ll try apple or maybe banana/rhubarb. That combo makes a very nice pie, empanadas with rhubarb/banana should be good as well.


May 10, 2020

Day 15: Motherhood

I think it is safe to say that experience is the best teacher. At least I find this true with most things. For example, we never learn how to ride a bike until we get on it, ride a bit, fall off, try goofy stuff, get hurt and get back on. Each experience is teaching us valuable lessons and building our confidence. Same is true for much of life.

Motherhood is about like that too. Thank goodness we have 9 months to plan and prepare. No matter how many books you read, or mothers you talk too, each child, each pregnancy is going to be different and unique. I know before we had our first son, I was terrified to even try having a child for fear I would be a terrible mom. Fears of all shapes and sizes have plagued me over the years. Of course the first child is your “trial and error baby.” You try to do everything perfect even though lets face it, no one is perfect. Never have been and never will be. Who are we trying to kid. We live in a fallen world of imperfect people.

It doesn’t mean the more you have gets any easier either. Our middle child for many years because of her “uniqueness, has often told her father and I, “ I think I was adopted!” Of which my normal reply is, No, my daughter that can’t be, for I remember very well your pain during delivery.

Don’t get me wrong there are many blessings of motherhood. The amazement of that little person with 10 fingers and toes! Watching them sleep, watching them smile in their sleep, watching them grow, their first tooth, their first step, singing to them, reading books, potty training, playing together, watching them build character, maturing. Each day is a growing experience for both child and parent, infusing love, compassion, faith, security and independence to go out into the world.

Sometimes I wish I would have had all my “stuff” together before becoming a parent. You know, like anger management, my emotional baggage taken care of from my teenage years. Fears and worries down to a minimal. As it is, we end up spending a lifetime working on issues in our own lives and also our children’s lives which they have fortunately or unfortunately inherited from us.

I thank the Lord every day for the children He has blessed me with. I am far from a perfect parent. I have my flaws and short comings that’s for sure. But as I look at my 3 through eyes of faith, God knew exactly what I needed in a family. We have differences of opinion, we talk, we laugh, we make memories, we encourage and are sometimes downright crazy, ultimately it is love for each other that keeps us together. I like it that way, and wouldn’t change it for anything.

To all you mom’s out there young, older or somewhere in between, you are precious in the eyes of your Heavenly Father. You have not arrived, but you have left on an an adventure somewhere in the midst of this thing called Motherhood. Enjoy, for life is ever fleeting.


May 8, 2020

Day 14: We all need a little Encouragement

One of the quickest ways I know how to get out of a discouraged mind set is to do something for someone else. Quite often its someone’s Birthday on Facebook, or someone comes to mind to pray for, or Hey, I was thinking of you and thought I would let you know.

We all need to be encouraged that’s for sure. Some days when I head out for a walk there can be burdens or a worry’s on my heart. I truly believe God sends all kinds of distractions to change my mind set. A ladybug on a branch, a rabbit in my path, the sun shining, or deer off in the distance, or a “heart” shaped nut on the ground. All these to change my mind set to something positive.

This was one of those such mornings. Concerns of near future events were getting me all anxious and worried, which made for a bad mood. While standing at the sink, and talking to my husband I observed a bluebird swoop down and grab something to eat off the driveway and flue up and sat on the edge of the garage for a few moments. I had never seen them that close for that long before. Shortly there after, I saw a female Mockingbird on the driveway looking for food also. I watched her hop around for several moments. Because I enjoy watching birds, it seemed as though it was one of God’s way of distracting me to get my eyes on something other than “self!” So I chose to be thankful for my observations which changed my mood and made for a much better afternoon and evening.


May 7, 2020

Day 13: The Farm Life

Some say that farmers can be real gamblers. I say they have to have a lot of faith and trust.

It’s spring time in NW Ohio. The saying here is, “ stick around the weather is bound to change.” Boy does it. One never knows if its going to rain, be overcast and cloudy, snowing or sunny and nice. So far this spring we have been all over. Warm then cold... they are calling for it to be in the 20’s tomorrow night! We are really not wanting a repeat of last year with all the rain. If anyone knows past history of NWOhio, this area used to be called, “The Black Swamp.” There is a wide variety of soils in this region, but for much of this area there is clay, then there is clay, and then there is clay. Clay holds moisture for a long time, or it gets dried out and becomes hard like a rock. Which is not always the easiest to work with and plant, but many make their livelihood working at it.

There is a lot that goes into planting a crop. First its wise to have machinery ready for planting. Ready meaning greasing areas that require grease, replace warn or broken parts. Making sure all is ready is like looking over everything with a fine tooth comb. Some farmers spend their winter months, doing most of those repairs and do finishing touches heading into spring planting with occasional breakdowns. Farmers usually have the seed they plan on using already ordered. If you happen to be a farmer that does your own spraying there are all kinds of chemicals, fertilizers, spray tips, oil, grease and diesel fuel purchases necessary for running equipment.

Observing my husband doing some virtual tests for spraying to get his license for this year, I was amazed of what all a person needs to take into account when spraying. You need to know what crop your neighbor is planting, wind directions, temperature, concern of possible of drift if crops happen to be up. Not to mention all the records he has to keep for every field he sprays. It’s no wonder when I’m sitting at the table in the morning and my husband is debating on if he will spray, plant or wait depending on the weather. He prays and trusts the Lord will guide him accordingly.

So far we have a few acres of beans in the ground and some spraying done. I learn not to get concerned when just because the neighbors are going and my husband isn’t, its normally for a reason. Hopefully better conditions are coming. Is everything perfect? No, far from it. Farming like most things in life are an opportunity to grow like our crops. Farmers know also that not every year is the same. The conditions are always different. Always a lesson in trusting.


May 6,2020

Day 12: Should I or should I not? That was the question...

When my husband and I were dating he already had a “hand me down dog” that had belonged to his cousin . A beautiful sheltie/boarder collie mix. His name was Shawn. A great watch dog, and guard dog.

After Shawn passed away, we inherited K.C. From one of our land renters. They didn’t want K.C. Because he dug up their flower beds. So once again we inherited another dog. K.C had more Collie in him. We had him for some time though I can’t put a time span on it. I asked the kids and they thought quite awhile, and died shortly after we returned from a family vacation.

Then there was Vanilla, which my father-in-law always called, “Banana’s.” Again she was given to us by a friend of the family that was moving and needed a good home. Vanilla was a chow mix of some kind. We knew that because of her purple tongue! During the cold winter months I can still remember the cats sitting on top of Vanilla to stay warm. I was Vanilla’s demise unfortunately. Running late picking up a child from school and Vanilla was slowly walking behind the car.

We jump now to June of 2011. We were finishing up a week of Vacation Bible School at our nearby church. One of the families had brought several animals for a petting zoo, among the variety of animals were 4 puppies. They were so cute... I was smitten. Should I bring a puppy home unannounced? The logic behind my decision was that the kids had never had their own puppy. So I took my chances and when I came home from VBS, a little bundle was in my lap. The rest has been history. To say Oreo is my dog is an understatement. My kids say she gets more attention than they do. I must say she has been a good companion for me. If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t be out for walks every day and I sure wouldn’t have taking up the hobby of picture taking and enjoying nature. I know pets don’t last for ever but for now she still makes me laugh when she is all sprawled out on her back to keep flies off, tilting her head when I ask her if she wants a walk, and her announcing the UPS man is here with her barks waiting for his treats for her.


May 5, 2020

Day 11: Learning Patience

They say anything worth having is worth waiting for. Last week I got the opportunity to experience a little of that. With being under quarantine and the meetings that take place via Skype, FaceTime and Zoom, it hasn’t taken me long to figure out in order to see more faces on my device, I needed something a bit bigger. I inquired from my son the tech guru, what he would suggest. So after discussing a few possibilities I made a purchase.

I received my tablet last Monday excited to set things up and get going on learning how to use it. I took it out of its packaging and proceeded to turn it on. Nothing. I thought maybe it was out of battery so I plugged in in for an hour and tried again. Nothing . I looked at how to force restart. Nothing. I was beginning to think my tablet was dead on arrival! Sure enough everything I tried didn’t work and I started the process of sending it back. I was frustrated to say the least.

I had ordered a case for it and another tool to use with it. I had received both of them and continued to wait patiently for it to arrive. Finally, today the tablet came . I held my breath as I repeated the process of starting up. Success! It started up this time and everything worked.

I’m learning ever so slowly that things happen for a reason. I don’t know why it didn’t work. Some things cant be explained. Thankfully I didn’t blow by stack over it. Here’s to learning more technology!


May 4, 2020

Why I wait till I'm tired to Blog

When I wake up at 4 a.m. with enough thoughts on my mind that I can't sleep; you guessed it, I got up. I read, did some writing, and prayed. before I knew it it was 5 and I heard my husband stirring in the kitchen. He had farming on his mind so he got up. Well I never did go back to sleep. My day got off to a wonderful sunshiny cool morning start.

I progressed through the morning just fine. After lunch I cut up rhubarb to freeze and did something I don't do very often but sat down and watched a show on the Disney Channel while working. When finished, I went and spent some time “kitten playing” at my neighbors. They recently acquired 2 little kittens. The kittens are in the house presently, but who knows for how long!

By the time I came home, I was out of goals and sat down. that did it. I nodded off for a bit. Is it because I'm getting older? Goals get done? Why can it be so easy to fall asleep when I sit down? I never have Googled that. Maybe I should. So it was time for supper and I had no desire to fix anything. Fortunately, I did come up with enough to fill our bellies.

So in conclusion, its a good thing I do my most important things during the day before I'm too tired. I literally have my computer on top of a coffee can on the stove standing and typing because even standing, I'm getting tired. I seem to recall someone else doing this once upon a time... good night all.


May 3, 2020

Day 9: Tell Me, What Day Is It?

I'm quite well aware of what day it is. Its a bright, sunny, close to 80 degree Sunday afternoon. We started our day pretty much like normal. that word, “normal”. Its really what its become these past several weeks in quarantine. A new normal at that. Sundays routine has become so different. The usual get up and get around and go to church is not what it used to be. Now I don't have to worry about what to wear to church!

On Sundays, my husband and I most generally turn on You-Tube to see our churches sermon of the day as well as 2-4 other services. Though this morning it was different. After seeing our pastors sermon, I went for my usual morning walk and my husband went out to farm. Don't get me wrong it was fine, there are just different mind sets to overcome. We typically don't farm on Sundays, but after such a wet year last year, and no crops in the ground, you can bet if its a nice day, its time to get out there.

So even though each day runs into the next, I simply remind myself each morning what day of the week it is, what day of the month it is, what activities if any are going on, or whats coming up and then go about my day. I think the weeks are going by even faster than before. Even though I really don't have a schedule I seem to have no trouble finding plenty of things to do. Which reminds me its time to go out and enjoy this beautiful day. Happy Sunday!


May 2, 2020

Day 8: The Dilemma

This spring I have been faced with a dilemma. Since my husband and I have been married, going on 34 years this year, we have always had some sort of garden. Having anything larger that a pot is guaranteed responsibility, and time put into having said garden. Ive grown all kinds of “veggies” over the years. Regular potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini,corn, red beets, carrots, lettuce, peas, peppers, and spinach. ( I'm sure I forgot something) Don't forget strawberries, rhubarb and raspberries!

first figuring out what I want to grow, getting the ground ready, getting seeds, putting everything in, watering, weeding and praying for God to send suitable weather for growing. Weeds.. cant keep down the weeds unless you constantly spray or go out and do the backbreaking chore of weeding by hand. When one has nice soil it works well, but in our clay soil, lets just say its better for rocks than gardening. And as I get older I have to decide really, how much work I want to put into it.

So insert dilemma here. We have had a patch of dirt my husband put beside the field to the north of our house. Several years ago our daughter decided to buy 75 strawberry plants for herself as a birthday present. Those plants all needed a home of course.. in dirt. That is where the mound of dirt originated. Where this dirt came from had lots of weed seeds. Thistles to be exact and if anyone knows anything about thistles, their root system is as deep as the plant is tall and very hard to get rid of. Unless you spray it off with some kind of killer and then where would your berries be? So for the past few of years we have made do. We've worked the ground different times and I worked at keeping weeds out. The sad part is the thistles are winning.

This years question is, what do you want to grow my dear? how much work do you want to put in, and where do you want your garden? Ugh! for now I am still in the planning stages and praying hard for an idea that would be suitable for what I want. Hopefully withing these 100 days I will get back to you on those unique garden plans.
