Non-Monetized Together #svalien

Tired of Internet drama and fakeness? This community can help with that. Articles and comments may contain sensitive content.

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I’m so tired of hearing this from people. Whenever a disgraced celebrity, such as Kanye West or Sia, comes out as autistic, there will always be somebody who will claim that the autism is a PR attempt for levelling public backlash against them. These people are very uninformed on what autism means.

News flash: autism is not, and never was, a status symbol for protecting someone from being criticized. It is a medical term for people who mentally process things differently than other people.

Some people will respond to Kanye, Sia, or Brewdog CEO James Watt with “autism isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card,” but these comments are still wrong because they feel a need to bring up the PR aspect unprompted. None of these three public figures never said anything about it being a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Anybody who thinks autism is a PR tool is completely detached from reality. They need to stop sensationalizing things and get in touch with the life experiences of the people around them. Could celebrities be taking advantage of people who have this wrong idea about autism? Maybe, but if commentators stop associating autism with PR, then autism won’t be an effective PR tool.

Before I leave, I noticed that even though Nonmonetized Together keeps getting more and more views, nobody other than me has written an article for it yet. I started Nonmonetized Together because I wanted a place where anybody on the Internet could have their voice taken seriously. Because of this, I would appreciate it if you provided me feedback as to why you haven’t yet wrote an article for this publication. Are there any changes you want me to make to Nonmonetized Together first?

#Autism #Neurodivergence #Society #Celebrity #Feedback


AI-generated photo from Pixabay

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What was the first example of future funk music? Some people say the Louis LaRoche track “Peach” (2008) or The Phantom Revenge track “Absolute Ego Riot” (2008), but I don’t think either track is fully future funk, even if they are precursors of the style. Other cited examples include Keats Collective, Saint Pepsi, the song “Close to Me” (2010) by Teams & Star Slinger, and even the song “Arabest” (2011) by SebastiAn, but I have a contender that predates all of these examples, and that I haven’t seen anybody mention before.

My suggestion is Go Go Bizkitt’s 2010 EP The Bizkitt, which is just two songs and a remix. The two songs are Miami Nights and Get Up, and the remix is a redone version of Miami Nights.

When determining the answer to the question “who was the first future funk musician,” what you really need to be asking is “when did filter house evolve into future funk?” You can find music that sounds close to future funk as far back as the mid-90s if you look at the genre “filter house,” also inconveniently known as “French house.” Future funk grew out of filter house in the early 2010s. Both genres are funky, energetic, and prominently sample tracks from the 70s and 80s.

But what are the differences between filter house and future funk? I have trouble answering this question, and even if I use the Internet to help me, there are not very many sources online that can help me. Thalia Harris of YumeTwins tries distinguishing the two styles of music in her article “Future Funk: A Guide to This Retro Aesthetic.”

“[Filter house] tends to have more ambient build-up and repetition, with short loops and repetitive structures at 120–128 bpm and longer track durations. On the other hand, future funk is more melody-driven, sample-heavy, and influenced by the psychedelic elements of vaporwave. It features tracks typically under three minutes long and at 100–110 bpm.” — Thalia Harris/YumeTwins

Harris’s claim that future funk is more sample-heavy is not true. As a filter house fan myself, I can tell you that almost all tracks in the genre are based off samples. Other than that, Harris seems to have a good grasp on the differences between the two genres.

Aside from this, the only other sources I can find that differentiate the two genres would be a bunch of Reddit discussion threads. They mostly echo the points Thalia has already made, though some users have added other points of diversion, like the drums in future funk being louder, or future funk being more maximalist.

Some other people say that filter house and future funk are too similar to each other to be different genres. To be honest, I can’t say I disagree with this take. I’m surprised that people thought future funk was different enough from filter house that it had to be its own thing. Despite this, no one person can control how new music genres are defined and categorized. Once enough people recognize a genre as its own thing, the genre name is out there in the world, and you can’t change it back.

So based off the minor differences future funk has from filter house, when was the moment that filter house first transitioned to future funk? There are two tracks from 2008 that have been brought up as candidates — “Peach” by Louis La Roche and “Absolute Ego Riot” by The Phantom’s Revenge.

Peach — 

Absolute Ego Riot — 

Feel free to disagree, but I don’t think either of these tracks classify as future funk due to their lack of melody. The two tracks on the Go Go Bizkitt EP have some melodic parts, so I think they’re more like future funk than the two tracks from 2008.

I would also say “The Bizkitt” matches the other criteria for future funk. It’s psychedelic, the drums are loud, and it’s maximalist. “Get Up” uses samples from the 1981 Gwenn McRae song “Funky Sensation.” Both original tracks use more variation than most filter house tracks, and are structured more like a pop song. You could argue that the speed and tempo of these songs are closer to filter house than future funk, but I don’t think that makes these tracks not future funk. Here’s the Apple Music link to the EP. I can’t pull up a YouTube link to the songs on the EP, because they aren’t publicly available on YouTube.

AI-generated photo from Pixabay

“The Bizkitt” was released on April 21, 2010. This predates other contenders, such as the label Keats Collective or the musician Saint Pepsi, both who began creating music in 2012. SebastiAn’s one-off foray into future funk, “Arabest,” was released in 2011. Even the earliest future funk release in RateYourMusic’s database — “Close to Me” by Teams vs Star Slinger — was only released in June 2010.

Another reason that Go Go Bizkitt, whose real name is Tom Nelson, could lay claim to being “the father of future funk” is that he actually intended to create a new genre. Except he didn’t call it future funk, he called it “stutter funk,” as you can see in the Bandcamp description for his second EP StutterFunk. This EP may be the second-earliest future-funk release, having been released on May 4, 2010, still earlier than any future funk track I can find from any other artist.

Go Go Bizkitt’s pioneering tracks still hold up today. They are fun and energetic, with sound design that pops and sparkles. Nonetheless, Nelson no longer makes future funk under the name Go Go Bizkitt, which is understandable because that style of music doesn’t seem as popular as it used to be. Now, he makes 80s-style synthpop under the name Luxxly.

Even though Luxxly’s music sounds nothing like future funk, Luxxly’s aesthetics are more future funk-like than Go Go Bizkitt’s aesthetics have ever been. Luxxly music videos use a lot of nostalgic and consumerist footage from the 80s and 90s, and there’s lots of anime in his SoundCloud artwork. I enjoy some Luxxly’s songs, but I prefer Go Go Bizkitt. I feel like Nelson had more ideas as a future funk artist than a synthpop artist.

We may be nearing the end of this blog post, but the story is not over yet. I always want Nonmonetized Together to be an interactive community, so not only will I challenge you to find an earlier future funk release, but I’ve found a good starting point you can use. This blog post from 2011 has described Go Go Bizkitt as being part of a new era of disco producers, which includes U-Tern, Starsmith, Ghost of Venice, and Geisha Twins.

Despite being a follower of nu-disco music, I have never heard of any of these musicians. Perhaps one of them has a future funk release dated earlier than “The Bizkitt.” I’ll leave this as a project for my readers to explore.

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#Music #MusicHistory #FutureFunk #Vaporwave #DanceMusic

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If the child version of you could see the person you are now, would they think you’re one of the grown-ups who are screwing up the world? As you got older, did you remember the promise you made as a child, that you would be the one to fix things up? Are you passing up the opportunity to turn your dreams into reality?

At the moment, are you working to fulfill the hopes and dreams your child self hoped to achieve as an adult? Or are you avoiding letting them come to fruition, wasting all that excitement you used to have? Are you letting down your child self? Are you ignoring their needs and emotions?

Are you letting down today’s children? Are you setting a good example for them, inspiring them to make their dreams become a reality? Do you think about how your decisions can help children get what they want, and how your decisions will shape people’s lives after you die?


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#VibeCheck #SelfReflection #Success #Childhood #Motivation

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Just in case you’re wondering, here’s a link to my first idea and here’s a link to my second idea.

The video for the NZCA Lines and VIAA song For Your Love is one of the most emotionally powerful videos I’ve seen in a long time. It prompted feelings I may have never felt before when watching a movie. I asked myself, what is it about this video, directed by Florence Winter Hill, that allowed those feelings to develop?

Link to music video

And the answer I found was a strange one. What sets this video apart from most other films is that we don’t know anything about the characters.

The two “main characters” are depicted as silhouettes, so they could be anybody. The other characters all show up only once apiece and we don’t know anything about any of them. Rather, their purpose of being in the video is to symbolize emotions. Emotions such as excitement, passion, longing, and celebration.

How does this allow the music video to succeed? Because it heightens these emotions to the point where they come across as feeling different than they do in the real world. Filmmakers may put a lot of time and effort into making characters seem real and getting the audience to relate to the characters’ emotions, but let’s be honest, real-world emotions are a drag. They’re linked to the random chances of your life situation. They’re grounded and reasonable. They’re messy and sometimes confusing. They can ruin your day or even your life, but they will only satisfy the former.

This music video presents an escapist fantasy where none of that gets in the way. The people in this video do not come across as human beings with their own inner lives. They only exist to express the video’s themes and to coordinate the video to the music. And because of that, the video feels more emotionally intense than anything I experience in my own real life.

So how could this approach to filmmaking become its own genre?

My vision is of a movie that contains dramatic character interactions, but always at a distance from the characters. The audience is not to know anything about the characters. The film will also show the consequences of the characters’ actions. An example of this would be the film showing an announcement of a bill being passed, followed by a scene depicting an anonymous person’s everyday life under this new law, which would then lead to a shot from a moving vehicle capturing the law’s effect on the city.

Whose perspective would the film be shot from? Surely not from any of the characters. I’m envisioning the film instead being shot from the perspective of the land and of the space inhabited by the land. I think this will allow the films in this genre to feel like the music video I linked earlier.

So if you have writer’s block, why not try making a “distance drama?” By combining drama, symbolism, and escapism, your film can maximize its emotional power.

#Cinema #Emotions #Filmmaking #Dramas #Creativity


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Here I’m starting a discussion thread about subtle changes you’ve noticed among people in the past few years. Not big changes that people talk about, but ones you just barely notice, registering as nothing more than a different sense in the air.

I’m interested in hearing your responses because I like hearing perspectives about things I might not be thinking about much. Here are a few examples I’ve noticed:

· People don’t react to music anymore. Remember how people would be like “that’s my jam!” when they hear a song they like in public? Why don’t people do that anymore? I feel like this has been a thing since the pandemic started. Maybe they just don’t play good music in public anymore.

· Nobody my age is living in my town anymore. This is very noticeable for me, but not so for most other people. When I was in high school, there were a ton of other teenagers in the area, and there still are. But now that I’m 24, it seems like people my age have mysteriously abandoned my town. Where did they go? I doubt they’re finding a place of their own because it’s pretty rare for someone to do that immediately after they graduate. Yeah, there’s university residence, but that’s temporary, and besides, most of my peers are finished university already. Since I live in a suburban town that orbits a major city, you would think new graduates would want to stay here because it’s the cheaper option, but they aren’t, so I’m really confused about this one.

· Social media comment sections are mostly simple reactions or emojis. Entire comment sections on TikTok and Instagram containing huge stretches of emojis and simple sentences like “whoa” or “I’M DYING.” These comments were always a thing but I don’t remember them overtaking feeds to the extent they do now. Please don’t do that in this discussion!

· Commercials feeling like an AI wrote them. I never pay much attention to commercials, but I saw someone on r/decadeology point this out, and so I just had to start paying closer attention to ads. Once I did that, it was extremely obvious how generic ads have become. The script for these commercials literally feels like AI without the quirkiness.

Zoomers not holding conversations. When I was in high school, my classmates could all hold conversations no problem. But for most of university, it seemed like people really had to force themselves to keep a discussion going. I feel like I’ve actually gotten better at it over time. However, I’ve noticed socializing has become a challenge for other zoomers. Not just when they talk to me, but when they talk to other people as well. Oh, and this only seems to be a problem with Generation Z. Not with other age groups. I think it might have to do with a rise in social isolation among zoomers.

Have you noticed any of these examples yet? Do you agree or disagree with any of them? What other changes have you noticed?

#SocietalChange #Observations #SocialTrends #Discussion #PersonalExperience


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The filmgoing experience is all about identifying with, or at the very least, taking an interest in the characters and experiences being shown on the screen. Combine this with movies being a common dating spot and it seems like a natural next step to make movies designed to spark social interaction.

So I’m unsure why I’ve never heard of any movies made for the purpose of being played in the background while people socialize. What do you think? I don’t see what would be stopping these movies from being played in theatres. To enable viewers to talk, the employees can just turn the volume down, like they do for autism-friendly screenings. Plus, the film’s poster can emphasize that talking with other people is encouraged during the movie.

These movies can make it easier to keep a conversation with people. Have you ever met someone that you had trouble holding a natural conversation with, not because they didn’t want to talk to you, but just because they were an awkward match? These films can help you overcome these barriers. There would always be something happening on the screen to discuss. Maybe the movie can help you choose discussion topics you wouldn’t have otherwise thought of. Or perhaps some emotional scenes could help the viewers bond together emotionally.

“Movies for mingling” could be a great way to bring people back into the theatre. With the recent dominance of streaming, filmwatching has become more isolating and less communal. These mingling movies can create a social element that’s missing from streaming services. In a similar fashion, these movies can help theatres stay competitive if VR headsets ever take off.

These movies should be about something that has a following so that patrons can find people who have similar interests as them. This means no generic action movies, comedies, etc., unless they are trying to draw in a certain fanbase. The subject matter will draw in people that have things in common each other while drawing out creeps looking to take advantage of people.

These films would benefit from having a basic storyline that doesn’t demand constant attention from the audience. Comedies, action films, and documentaries would probably be the best genres for this format. Genres that rely on immersion, like horror and drama, should not be used.

If movie theatres developed their potential as a social environment, they could make a killing. They’re open all day and all night, every day, and play the same movie multiple times a day, so they’re much more convenient than other social locations. Most of them don’t serve alcohol or have dress codes either, which can allow them to attract an even wider audience looking to mingle.

So is this a good idea? Films have been around for a long time, and the fact that nobody has tried it out makes me things there’s a hole in this idea. I’d love to hear your thoughts, especially if you have industry experience. What’s preventing studios and theatres from profiting off the basic human drive of socialization?

#Movies #MovieTheater #MovieTheatre #Entertainment #FilmIndustry



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One of the biggest blows to the battle for social justice is that all the “-ism” and “-phobic” words have become insults. You can’t have a serious discussion about racism, sexism, classism, or homophobia anymore because so many people will feel personally attacked if anybody suggests to them ways they could work towards a fairer society. These used to be movements focused on equity and transformative conflict, yet they are now often used to spread moral superiority and petty conflict.

It’s important to instead discuss inequity as what it truly is, a social issue caused when people express viewpoints that accidentally contain logical gaps which overlook human rights. As a socially conscious provider of information, I can’t be sparking public fear by accusing all these statements of having malicious intent. Instead, I will have to acknowledge the possibility that the person may have simply forgotten to consider what their viewpoint means for other demographic groups.

In this article, I will demonstrate how I approach the topic of inequality. I will do this by presenting an example where the discrimination is easy to miss if you aren’t paying close attention. I will explain how it’s discriminatory, speaking for the benefit of the people who may fall for it and the people who are targeted by it. I will describe these examples as logical fallacies, not as rage bait.

I’ll discuss the comments on this r/worstof thread shaming a person who asked r/TrueChristian how to explain Christian reasoning against same-sex relationships to a Christian coworker who was already in one. I can see how at first glance, the comments can seem like fair criticism directed to someone behaving petty, unnecessary, and judgemental. So while I’ll assume the r/worstof commenters had good intentions, they failed to recognize an important piece of context, which resulted in their comments actually being discriminatory against Christians. (By the way, attacks against people for their faith do not have an “-ism” or “-phobic” word associated with them, at least not to my knowledge, but as long as they attack the people and not the religion, they can be placed in the same category).

What the commenters missed out on was the fact that Christians, like anyone else, have the responsibility to love and respect people they disagree with. The r/TrueChristian user never actually said anything judgemental, but since they view same-sex relationships as a sin, the commenters jumped to the accusation that the Christian was filled with resentment for this person, despite the fact that the Christian even says, “I’ll be praying and keep treating her the best I was already treating: with love and kindness.” Maybe they could have been a kind, supportive, empathetic friend with their coworker. But by that point, the commenters dismissed any such possibilities on the grounds of their religious views.

Some commenters also assumed that these comments would hurt their friendship. These users have forgotten that respectfully sharing advice is a common attribute of relationships among all people, Christians included. Now, it’s fine to disagree with Christian advice or to even be offended by the advice itself, and if a respectful Christian encounters that response from someone, they will know not to bring it up to that person anymore. The difference is that the r/worstof commenters aren’t personally involved in the Christian’s situation, so the commenters are saying that they don’t have to know the coworker to know that the Christian’s suggestions would poison the relationship. By assuming that nobody would take Christian advice well, the perhaps unintentional effect of their comments is that Christians should not share advice with anybody, even if they’re respectful about it, which is a double standard because that’s what everybody else does.

Now I’m not trying to get anybody outraged by a “Christian hate panic” or whatever — this is only one Reddit post after all. I’m instead here to show an example of where inequity can come from, how it can easily go unspotted, and what you can do to prevent it from happening. Christians such as I believe that intolerance against Christians is inevitable and that it will never go away completely. Instead of creating rage bait, we are supposed to consider these obstacles to be like puzzles to navigate. How we handle these puzzles will reveal our level of faith.


What doesn’t solve the problem is when you insult people. This is the problem when words that should be used to describe unfairness become insults. It doesn’t people to the knowledge they need to treat people equitably. Instead, people believe that when they are called racist or homophobic or ableist or whatever, then the other person must hate them, and that they must respond not by considering the impact of their words, but by repairing their bruised ego.

Every time inequality is viewed in this way, the opportunity for resolution goes out the window, adding up to a staggering amount of lost potential over the years. Millions of missed opportunities. That’s the problem right there.

And Internet discussions are our big ticket to solving it.

Now you can give it a try in the comment section below. Feel free to use this new method of describing examples of discrimination.

#Inequity #SocialJustice #Religion #Reddit #ConflictResolution


Image from DALL-E 2

I know the world doesn’t revolve around me, but if you want my honest feedback about doing a presentation, here it is: don’t begin with an overview of the sections of the presentation.

Overviews set a dull, unimportant tone that often lasts for the rest of the presentation. They contain no real content, so the audience is just left waiting for you to move on to the next slide. By placing something like that at the beginning of your talk, it impacts how I experience the entirety of the presentation, putting me in the mindset where I’m waiting for the presentation to end.

Instead, you should begin your presentation with something fun and casual to grab your audience’s attention and make them interested in what you’re talking about. You can follow that up with an explanation of how the fun stuff is actually important to the subject you will be discussing, allowing you to smoothly transition to the main portion of your presentation. This format makes me feel like I should value and appreciate what you’re talking about. Plus, it doesn’t interrupt my engagement like a summary does.

I’m also more likely to enjoy your presentation if I don’t know what you’re going to discuss next. If you begin your presentation with an overview, the audience has nothing left to look forward to except for the facts that matter to them or that answer their questions. So when you’re not addressing those concerns, people like me will feel bored. I might feel anxious for you to get to the part that matters to me.

I’d rather not know what you’re going to talk about next because it gives me a reason to stay engaged, even when you’re not discussing the things that are most important to me. If you don’t include an overview, then I know I better pay attention because there’s always the possibility that an important point is right around the corner.

By not starting with a summary, your presentation can go from being a chore to commanding the floor. Your first impressions can improve your entire presentation, but preview summaries turn off my interest immediately.

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#PublicSpeaking #PresentationTips #Presentations #Speech #FirstImpressions


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In response to the news that r/decadeologyanarchy will go private once it reaches 500 members, I want to mention that if anybody wants to make a public post in the style of that subreddit, they can use Nonmonetized Together to do so.

Decadeology is a subject I’ve been fascinated by for years. It’s a term used to refer to Internet analysis of the evolution of society, technology, politics, and pop culture throughout the years. Where decadeology differs from general historical analysis is that a decadeologist usually limits their focus to decades they’ve lived through, basing their analysis on their own personal perceptions. Another difference is that people sometimes use decadeology to predict the future.

As you can see, decadeology isn’t a very academic method of analysis, but it was never intended to be. It’s just a fun way to explore different people’s ways of perceiving the world.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that up until a few months ago, decadeology used to be more geared towards hair-splitting. You would often see people grouping certain eras with super-specific cut-offs, often down to a year’s season. Or they would analyse really small shifts in society. Now, this wasn’t exclusively the case. Decadeology has always made room for broader analysis, but hypercategorization was a common feature of decadeology.

But lately, decadeology has gained a much wider audience, which has caused the hair-splitting to be pushed to the wayside in favour of more mainstream-focused discussions. Though, I enjoyed reading the in-depth posts that used to be popular. I liked them because they were more detailed and made the community less repetitive. A few people agree with me, and they congregate on r/decadeology’s sister subreddit, r/decadeologyanarchy, which is dedicated to preserving decadeology’s tradition of making hyperspecific posts.

Since I don’t have a Reddit account, I was disappointed to hear that r/decadeologyanarchy said they would go private at a certain point. One of the reasons I read Reddit is because of its convenience — you can see a lot of discussion without signing in. But I remembered that I run a non-paywalled platform that welcomes alternative and overlooked content — the one you are reading right now. Why don’t I designate Nonmonetized Together as a place where people can publicly make decadeology anarchy posts?

This does not mean that Nonmonetized Together will become a publication focused on decadeology anarchy. I will be regularly writing new articles on other subjects just like I always have. If you liked what I’ve been posting previously, you’ll also probably like what I will continue to post on the future. I’m just saying, anybody who wants to have a public discussion on the topic of decadeology anarchy can use this platform to do so.

Nonmonetized Together is available both on Medium and on a federated platform called Make sure to read Nonmonetized Together’s “about” page to get an understanding of what the community stands for, how it works, how to behave, etc. I have other articles that go further in depth on the things discussed on that “about” page. While it’s important to read the “about” page, these other articles aren’t really necessary to read, but they can help you understand this online environment better. Many of them are featured near the bottom of the “about” page on Medium and

Nevertheless, I’m not expecting everybody to understand everything about this publication right away. If you make a Nonmonetized Together post that suggests you don’t quite understand something about it, I’ll respond to the post and let you know.

If you feel overwhelmed with all this information, you can go here to find the articles I’ve posted to Medium, sorted by topic. Please note that the list “Issues that Nonmonetized Together can help solve” is comprised up of other people’s articles; all the other lists contain my own articles.

If you want to be added as a writer to Nonmonetized Together, make a Medium account and send me a private message or comment saying you want to be added. Then you will be able to post to the publication.


#Invitation #Writers #Reddit #WriteAs #Decadeology

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Yep, I don’t like it when academia invents obscure terms to prevent the masses from educating themselves, so I’m just going to name #svalien something that describes exactly what it does.

Please note that the title of the publication will still be displayed as “Non-Monetized Together #svalien” because the new term is too long to fit in the title. The term #svalien will be used in the publication’s “notes from the editor” for the same reasons.

If you’re wondering “what is #svalien,” here’s the answer:

It’s a marker I invented to let everyone know that you don’t need to be constrained by politics when you’re on Nonmonetized Together. The community operates in a social context where you can be free from the limitations that your political role imposes upon you. Other activists are encouraged to make their own #svalien online communities to help restore a sense of hope among viewers.

For more information, see the link below:

#Updates #CommunityUpdate #NameChange #SocialNorms #Politics
