Non-Monetized Together #svalien


Earliest Mars Bar Video on YouTube: mb, uploaded by jaaney, January 26, 2006.

This was the only video jaaney posted to YouTube and for some reason they chose this one. Just two people trying a deep-fried Mars Bar.

Earliest M&Ms video on YouTube: Blue m&m’s, uploaded by mrquigley, November 8, 2005. (Contains Adult Content).

I’m only two videos in and I think I already have a contender for “the candy in this article that is used most creatively for its earliest YouTube video.” This is a main reason why I thought this article would be interesting, because you can never know what you’ll find when you’re searching for the earliest YouTube videos on certain topics.

As the description says, “X-men man thing likes his candy only to discover his mom is a pedophile..” If you thought this would be a respectful, sensitive video about pedophilia, you were wrong.

Earliest Kit Kat video on YouTube: Counting Kit Kats, uploaded by Michlitsch, October 31, 2005.

A family home video that involves counting Kit Kats.

Earliest Reese’s Pieces video on YouTube: President Bush Seeks Advice — E.T., uploaded by BrendanBrendan, May 9, 2006.

I can’t make out what ET says in response to Bush’s question about illegal aliens.

Earliest Hershey’s video on YouTube: Hershey’s cupcake, uploaded by beccanorman, November 7, 2005.

This video is of someone ordering getting a giant Hershey’s cupcake with chocolate pieces sticking out. Looks like a mess.

Earliest Snickers video on YouTube: GRAB A SNICKERS, uploaded by Georgina Acebedo, November 24, 2005.

This seven-second video is about how you can put Snickers bars in between your boobs. There isn’t really anything in this video that isn’t given away in the thumbnail.

Earliest Milky Way video on YouTube: Why so blue Panda Bear?, uploaded by kinhova, April 7, 2006.

I’m surprised this article didn’t include any commercials until now.

Earliest Oh Henry video on YouTube: ow henry, uploaded by josive, February 19, 2006.

What is this even.

Earliest Twix video on YouTube: rizzo doesn’t like twix, uploaded by sh8dbrady, December 8, 2005.

A video of kids fooling around with a Twix bar.

Earliest Maltesers video on YouTube: “malteser madness,” uploaded by ragdolls100, March 5, 2006.

This video captures “the Malteser game,” a game in which two players sit on opposite sides of a chair with a Malteser in the middle. The purpose is to blow it off the chair so it lands on your opponent’s side. It sounds fun but the game usually takes five seconds (at most) to finish.

Want to look up early YouTube videos yourself? You can do this by specifying your date range in the search bar. To find videos earlier than a specific date, use the format before:yyyy-mm-dd in the search bar. So if you want to look at videos from before February 18, 2006, you type “before:2006–02–18”. You can also search for videos from after a specific date using the format after:yyyy-mm-dd.

Article is also available here:

#2000s #YouTube #Chocolate #Internet #Brands


Medium Comments:

I enjoyed watching these videos.

Chaudhry Writes

Thank you!

Kevin the Nonmonetized