Non-Monetized Together #svalien


This article was originally published on Medium on February 20, 2023 (

#Thankful #EnjoyingLife #Dating #Economy #SuccessfulPeople

I always found it weird how blasé people are about having a romantic partner. How do people treat such an accomplishment like it is just another outing?

Like, I know most people experience it. So what? Imagine if everybody was as doing as well economically as they are romantically. I think that would be quite the difference from the world we are living in now. It would sound like paradise. So why don’t people view romantic success the same way?

If the economy was at that level of prosperity, would people be able to understand how good they have it? Or would it just not matter anymore, like it does with romantic relationships?

If the social movements to reduce wealth inequality actually end up succeeding, and we get to this point of economic balance, I hope people don’t start treating financial comfort like they do romantic comfort. Otherwise, all that effort from the activists would be wasted.
