Non-Monetized Together #svalien


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  1. In five weeks, Jennifer Lopez will be old enough to order off the senior’s menu at Applebee’s.

2. Gordie Howe’s NHL career started before Bobby Orr was born and ended after Orr made it to the Hockey Hall of Fame

3. Alexander Graham Bell could have eaten at A&W.

4. The world’s oldest living person, Maria Branyas, was born in 1907, which means she was already 19 years old when Buster Keaton’s The General, was released.

5. Harriet Tubman and Bing Crosby were alive at the same time.

6. Gloria Swanson could have watched MTV.

7. The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross premiered on January 11, 1983, closer to the release of Dumbo than today.

8. Caitlyn Jenner was born closer to the invention of sneakers than today.

9. Pope Francis was born before the invention of the helicopter.

10. Mark Ronson is 48 years old, one year older than Barack Obama was when he became president.

Also, this isn’t related to the article, but if you Google how AI works, the top results are all from AI startups, and it takes a while until you find results from more balanced sources. Just goes to show how useless Google is becoming.

#History #FunFacts #Listicle #List #PopCulture


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Nonmonetized Together is a place where people can think ponder their worldview and develop a greater understanding of themselves. This article is no different.

I’ve put together eight questions for readers to ask themselves. Probably only some of the questions will apply to each reader. There are three positive outcomes that this can achieve:

a) You teach me that a question is inaccurate or missing key information.

b) You keep the previous belief that the question is asking about, but expand it so that it now accounts for the factors mentioned in the question. This would result in a more educated and persuasive argument than what you had before.

c) You change your mind after considering the question.

There is one not-so-positive outcome this article can achieve, and that would be if you already considered the points I bring up, therefore waste their time by reading the article. I welcome all four options equally because I gave up on being competitively political a while ago. I’m here to provide an online environment where you can be encouraged to encounter any of the four outcomes.

Okay, here are the questions:

1. Have you considered that by framing abortion as a women’s issue and not a family issue, you’re describing childcare choices as something only women can do?

2. Why would you assume all affirmative action hires people based off their identity and not their suitability for the job? Maybe some affirmative action initiatives can focus on the most suitable applicants from each race, gender, sexuality, and disability.

3. If you made a big fuss about YouTube dislikes getting removed but not about YouTube removing comments from videos on “Topic” channels, why?

4. Why are you so concerned about “cancel culture” when back in the day, you would understand that you can’t please everybody? (This might be a good question for @lanajthomas)

5. You do realize that shutting down sexuality-switching sessions only helps those who are fine with their current sexuality, right? Not people who want to change it.

6. When somebody calls your theory racist, why do you choose to take it personally instead of as feedback on the weaknesses of your theory?

7. Why do you expect AI to compensate you for influencing its output when human artists don’t compensate you for influencing them?

8. What makes you think that you can convince people with harmful ideologies to change their mind if you don’t even let them speak on your platform?

I hope you had fun expanding your perspectives! And before you comment, remember, this is a #svalien space, which means you are free to not let your political orientation limit your ability to do things such as supporting your side’s sacrificial lambs, not forcing everybody into predefined groups, and more. Read here to find out.

#PersonalGrowth #ReaderCentred #Thinking #Questions #List


Image from Windows/Unsplash

Usually, I will try not to write articles from a position of authority, but I will have to make an exception in this case, because this article will be meaningless if I don’t show I have knowledge in the field. Besides, this article still fulfills my mantra of helping the public prepare to be active, empowered, knowledgeable participants in society without the interference of power interests. So, I did receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology. You can verify this by going to the website YuVerify, clicking on “Begin Your Search,” making sure you’re on the page “Search by Name,” and then typing in my name Kevin Zuccherato.

Please be aware that this list is not exhaustive and will be continuously updated.

· Academic sociology papers use lots of technical and unfamiliar terminology, but that shouldn’t scare you off. Set yourself apart from academics by writing in terms that the public can understand. Sociology isn’t complicated enough that it needs to be conveyed through specialized vocabulary, but universities do that anyway, keeping laypeople’s voices out of the knowledge-creation process and preventing the masses from contributing to social change. For your study to connect with the public, you can’t write it like an academic journal.

· When planning your study, make sure you explicitly state what falls within the scope of your study and what doesn’t. For example, if you’re studying employment, you must decide whether you want to study all employment, if you want to focus only on full-time employment, or if you want to research other employment arrangements. If you’re studying violence, make sure you have an idea of what forms of violence you will be studying. Even if you’re studying all forms of violence, list all the forms of violence you can think of, just so the reader can feel reassurance that your study is well-structured.

· Do some research on sampling techniques and choose the one that’s best suited for your study. This page is a fantastic resource for learning about sampling techniques.

· Your introductory section should contain your research question, your scope (as mentioned earlier in this article), and an argument stating why your project is worth carrying out.

· If you’re not a member of an academic or corporate institution, ethics boards won’t be interested in reviewing your plans. Because of this, let your readers know that you are not a professional or trained researcher and that this precludes you from submitting your paper to an ethics board.

· When describing your methodology, note where you will be collecting your data, how much data you will be collecting, and the data’s time span.

· Also in your methodology section, be sure to constantly refer to the scope you’ve set in your introduction and show that you are consistently applying that scope to your data.

· Assess the ethical quality of your study.

· Near the end of your paper, discuss the weaknesses of your study and speculate on how it could have been better. This will open up new topics for other researchers to explore.

· If you used questionnaires or an interview guide in your study, place them in the appendix, located at the very end of your article.

Hopefully this will inspire you to collect meaningful data that could help guide people to develop strategies for a better future!

Article also available at

#List #Sociology #Research #Advocy #Empowerment


Mohammed Shahhosseini/Unsplash

Listen up if you feel unsatisfied despite getting a lot of likes, or if your failed attempts at online stardom have made it harder for you to enjoy the Internet, or if you simply want the Internet to provide some sort of meaning in your life!

Likes, views, and followers are not the only forms of online success out there. Instead of aiming for these more traditional examples of achievement, you may want to consider achieving “effect.”

What does this mean? I’m using “effect” to refer to non-measurable forms of influence that your post may have on your audience. Examples of effect include: the length of time viewers will remember your post, the impact your message will have on your audience’s worldviews or personalities, the role your post plays in your audience’s life decisions, and the effect all of this has on the people around them.

Keep in mind that effect does not just refer to whether your audience agrees with your views. I wouldn’t want to promote the overdone agenda-pushing and ideology exploitation that have been plaguing the Internet. If your online output prompts a viewer to disagree with you, feel emotions, learn something new, come up with an idea of their own, or form a resolution, then it would also be gaining effect.

Here are some ways to gain effect on the Internet. You don’t necessarily need to use all of them, but they all help.

1. Quotability

2. Being unique (this could include a unique communication style, perspective, topic, or feature)

3. Covering topics that are not commonly-discussed yet but could be in the future

4. Making your purpose clear from the start

5. Ignoring trending topics

6. Obtaining followers who are socially active online or offline

7. Being unpredictable

8. Learning to make peace with the fact that it’s impossible to know how much effect you create

Despite that last point potentially turning people away from this option, it’s great for people who want to use the Internet to feel like something more than the number next to their post. Technology has offered us incredible possibilities. It would be wise to act on them.

#List #Listicle #Influence #InternetTechnique #MakingADifference

This article was originally posted to Medium on July 31, 2022 (


#Catholicism #Christianity #List #Spirituality #Catholic

This article was originally posted to Non-Monetized Together on May 8, 2023 (

This list I will be writing here is anecdotal so it’s not your responsibility to give these a try. I’m just saying that these have worked for me and that you’re encouraged to share how you feel about them.

Improvising my prayers has allowed me to share my feelings honestly and directly to God. It has also got me more engaged in my prayers.

I’ll question some aspects of Catholicism because even though some of them don’t seem to make sense at first, I will eventually see their value if I stay patient and faithful that I’ll find the answer. This will allow me to get a fuller and deeper understanding of Catholicism.

I’ll view politics as inferior to religion. I should mention I’m aware that political action is a necessity for people who suffer from the current system, so it shouldn’t go away completely. It just shouldn’t be replacing religion like it is now. Politics comes from a narrow perspective, usually one’s own, and aims at achieving power and domination. Instead of coming from one perspective, Catholicism comes from the perspective of thousands of theologians working together to figure out what God’s telling them. And unlike politics, the Catholic Church aims to provide personal fulfillment instead of power. This is not how it appears to people who are not of faith, but if you are motivated to follow God, it won’t feel like you’re dominated by an institution at all. It will feel more like the Church is helping you focus on what matters.

I also don’t dress up for church. Seriously, what’s up with that? I don’t think God cares about how we look on the outside. It should be enough that you are going to Church to learn more about Him and express remorse for your sins.

And that’s my list. I don’t really have anything to conclude it with, so I’ll just leave it there.
