

Thank you, Target Stores

i recently registered w/ Target Stores online in order to place an order for my cousin's wedding gift, and now that i have an acct, i decided to put some things in my cart. Cheaper than Amazon (on most everything), and i am going to check-out soon. It includes shoes, too, which are desperately needed.

I visited the site this AM bc i just did my budget and discovered that i am going to have a lot more $$$ than i thought this week. i only owe the 'rents (parents) $55 and have a few groceries to get and i'll be set ;)

So, sweet.

As for today:

  • Laundry
  • clean kitchen
  • clean bathroom
  • clean up the apartment
  • etc etc



had a nap. then went to the vneding machine and snagged a pop and a packy of Oreos. Fucking stunning, mid-60's night here. I feel good. And no nerve pain since I took the Lexapro again. #goodtimes

i got nothing special to do tonight, it seems.

the #app

it is going to be totes open-source, of course. it isn't going to be anything too revolutionary (the #code, that is). I am going to keep it as minimal and clean as possible bc i am A) a writer, and B) tedious about shit like that. So i am going to keep all of the code as minimal a possible just like the layout for the site will be as minimal as possible, just like how everything in my life is as minimal as possible.

#goodtimes #tech

Lecture 1: DONE!

Wrapped up that lecture and now i am ready to move onto Problem Set 2. #goodtimes

dad is waiting on word from the hand surgeon to see if/when they are going to remove the pinky finger. We'll see soon.

i am sitting here chatting w/ Winnie on Hangouts and thinking about what i shall do w/ the rest of my day and getting ready to make some sort of lunch.

i reset my phone last night and re-downloaded the FoxFi #app and i think it is just a free app now, because i haven't ran into any hangups w/ it yet. #awesome

be back in a bit!

Watching Twitch

My friend Winnie is streaming a game called...i cannot remember. But it is entertaining. She is on vox and i am just watching. And Tweeting. Had a pop and a dinner of juicy fruits. #goodtimes, indeed

be back in a bit

bus busy busy

well, not really. i am going to be busy at nightfall when i do my studying (will wrap-up the lecture at that time. Hell, probably before noon come to think of it).

as for right now, 8:51 AM, i am just happy to have caffeine in my system and that the sun is out. #goodtimes

Now oleary.xyz is an Instance on Mastodon!

it's @tom@oleary.xyz, so....awesome

I think that is pretty cool

I like Masto a lot :)

been on there all day

also, I am wired



Now that Week 0 + Problem Set 1 is finished, I can move onto W2 + PS2 on Monday and just chillax tomorrow (even though I would prefer to be busy doing something). There may be a chance of me going out to the 'rents for a while to do this or that around the house, but, I will find out tomorrow.

I am having very dark BLACK coffee at the moment and enjoying the nighttime. I feel very good right now.

I also made a list of things that I must buy (for life-advancement purposes) when I get paid next. Including: Makebook (book about bootstrapped startups), SublimeText (text editor for writing code), the domain for the app I am building for the Final Project of CS50x, and paying for the postage/printing/blah, blah for the EdX certificate (should I finish to satisfactory completion the CS50x course (I WILL!))

I really like the random advice people give away (for free!) online because it is super inspirational. Not from the “influencers” who make it their job to “inspire” every fucking one they come into contact with, but the people who just do their own fucking thing and are super fucking good at it. I don't like “life gurus” at all because they are full of shit. I prefer people that do shit that legit succeeds and just shares their experiences so it “may help someone else”.

#Goodtimes, good times indeed.

Nothing Interesting

At least not from the letter I received in the mail just now. It is from the loan discharge place (which the name of I will keep private) and it basically said it got all of my info/will update me when there is a change in the loan status. I can check this shit on their website so there is no need for them to send me snail mail correspondence again (but I'm p sure they will).

Anyway, I am going to wait for the sun to go down before digging into the #EdX lecture (or maybe dig into it a bit before? idk). I am going to finish it today, for sure. Then move onto the next section of Week 0.


On the horse, i jumped

Good good good. I decided to go ahead and learn from my devastating setback earlier in the day and build character from my “failure” (even though it was the failure of good technology) and start over again when it comes to building the @litebytes #app :)

I went ahead and slammed together oleary.io (bc it was lame af before) so people can reach out if need be + reactivated the @litebytes Twitter acct. The idea(s) for the app remain the same but i am taking everything much slower this time around. I am also not going to attempt to do shit w/o a REAL laptop to handle what needs to be done with it (the app). So i am going to spring for a MacBOok Air in a couple weeks (older version of the device) and get down to work.

In the meantime, there are many things to do and i will make a list here shortly.