Paper Waste

Mere ideas

The Samurai-Priest story begins oh so many years ago, when peace was still a difficult word to prononce in what today is called The Platea Union. For since the begining of time, the people of the plateu had being at odds with one another.

The land chastised by high winds and sudden storms, with but a few rivers and lakes in its vastness of green shrub, forced those who called it home to fight tooth and nail for every bit of hospitable land.

And when the conflict had been at its feartest in living history, with not a night where blood did not tainted the robes of innocent bystands, a stranger walked into the nobles and city-leaders homes, and one after another, they sheated their swords, and release their tongues.

The land was brutal, and brutal was its people, but if they could not force each other out of the plateu, they could subdue the land by working together.

As Samurai-Priest, he was employed to safeguard the daughter of the noble of one of the least strong, but somewhat welthier holds. A yound woman with whom he developed a brotherly affection.

Some few nights after the first draft of the Union was created, the wanderer visited Tristan’s lords once again, being received no longer as the stranger he was, but as a friend who had long ago left to travel the world and now was returning home.

The man left the next morning, on the hours before the sunrise when the night was darker. And when the sun burned out the morning mist, Tristan learned, alongside with the holsehood, that his lord’s daughter was nowhere to be seeing.

Searching as they might, they did not find trace nor sign of her.

Hours became days, weeks turned into months. And a year after the girl disappearance, the lord of the house, now a member of the rulling council fo the Plateu Union, left the circles of the world.

At the night, the lady came to Tristan and relieve him of his duties as Samurai-Priest, and in the following morning, a morning not unlike that of when the stranger left, Tristan too set out to wander the world.

It was on the lands under a different sky when Tristan, now wanderer and sellsword, that Tristan found traces of the girl he once protected. Years had passed and she would be a grow woman now, and Tristan might not recognise her, but a simple ribbon found on an abandoned house his current employer stopped to spent the night gave him hope that she was still out there.

With the ribbon in hand, he renew his vow to continue the quest the lady gave him when she gave him her life: to find her daughter, and keep her safe.

The caravan was drawing near the end of his journey, and Tristan had enough safe to forego employement for some time.


Character Change: loose Sharpshooter, alongside Warning Shot skill; gain Wayfarer


  • What were you unable to protect? What was lot? The daugther of his liege. Who disappeared under his nose.
  • Are you or have you been in service to Lord/Lady? What is the relationship? A relationship of respect and loyalty.
  • Many regard your power as evil. How do you see them? The price to acquire said power was steep, and it was not paid by him. Whoever calls it evil, soon find themselves meeting the one who granted Tristan his powers.
  • Are there many practicing your art? None that Tristan is aware of.
  • What led you to a life of endless travels? Were you forced? Are you tired? A last order and the first plea of his lady.

Stats & Equipment

Dex: 8 | Ins: 6 | Mig: 10 | Wil: 8 | HP: 73(36) | MP: 45 | IP: 8 | Def: 11 | MDef: 6 HP +18, IP +2, Martial Melee Weapons, Armour and Shield

  • Blind Katana – Dex+Mig+1 – HR +10 Physical
  • Brigandine – Def: 10
  • Buckler – Def: +1


  • Fortress [1/5] {Guardian} Increase Max HP by SL*3 (3).
  • Protect (i.e.: Cover) {Guardian} May take place of another threatened by danger. Once per turn.
  • Heart of Darkness {Darkblade} Once per scene, upon entering Crisis: choose creature you don’t have bound and create a Bound of Hatred.
  • Agony [1/5] {Darkblade} After dealing damage, if you have Bound: recover SL*2 (2) HP and SL*2 (2) MP.
  • Well-Travelled {Wayfarer} Travel Rolls die reduced by one size to a minimum of d6.

Fabula Ultima Characters

Classes Classes where chosen randomly. If repeated, it reroll.

d6 [1, 3, 5] –> Three Classes | d6[2, 4, 6] –> Two Classes In the case of havin three classes: d6 [1, 2, 3] –> 3, 1, 1 Level Array | d6 [4, 5, 6] –> 2, 2, 1 Level Array The Odd one out was chosen amidst the three classes: d6[1, 2][3, 4][4, 5] for the order of classes rolled

In the case of two classes, d6[3, 4, 5] was for the first option to have three levels; and d6[1, 2, 3] for the second

Regardless of levels, the skills were chosen manually

  1. Darkblade (2) + Sharpshooter (1) + Guardian (2)

  2. Loremaster (3) + Elementalist (2)

  3. Fury (1) + Orator (1) + Rogue (3)

  4. Spiritist (2) + Entropist (3)


Chosen randomly, if does not fit, the missing classes will be custom made If it repeats, reroll

Identity, Adjetive, Detail

  1. Samurai Priest, Influent of the Sacred Flame, of the Old Faith –> Fits Class 1

  2. Monk Warrior Mage, Smilling Young, with a Heart of Gold –> Fits Class 2

  3. Occultist Inventor, Ill-tempered Chose, from and Ancient Bloodline

  4. Athlete Merchant, Proud & Famous, of the Desert Clans –> Fits Class 3

  5. Ronin Rebel Agent, Fearful Well-connected, from the High Academy

  6. Alien Soldier, Royal Chilvarious, looking for Answers –> Can be tunned to Class 4


  1. Belonging –> Clas 4

  2. Hope –> Class 2

  3. Ambition –> Class 3

  4. Mercy –> Class 1

  5. Duty –> Class 1


Random and in order class order

  1. Platea Union

  2. City-State of Regalia

  3. Korinth Village

  4. Nara Empire

Working with the Results

Tristan Hanzel – Male Samurai Prient from the Platea Union An Influent member of Sacred Flame of the Old Faith order

A Guardian who once was faced with a dire choice, a choice that ended resultin in him having to part ways with his brethem, a choice that lead his feet to a darkker path. Nevertheless, his Mercy never wanned and he would always give others the choice of backing away from facing certain death.

  • What were you unable to protect? What was lot?
  • Are you or have you been in service to Lord/Lady? What is the relationship?
  • Many regard your power as evil. How do you see them?
  • Are there many practicing your art?
  • Are you quite? confident? or reckless?

Dex: 8 | Ins: 6 | Mig: 10 | Wil: 8 | HP: 73(36) | MP: 45 | IP: 6 | Def: 11 | MDef: 6 HP +18 Martial Weapons, Armour and Shield

  • Hand Crossbow – Dex+Ins – HR +4 Physical
  • Blind Katana – Dex+Mig+1 – HR +10 Physical
  • Brigandine – Def: 10
  • Buckler – Def: +1


  • Fortress [1/5] {Guardian} Increase Max HP by SL*3 (3).
  • Protect (i.e.: Cover) {Guardian} May take place of another threatened by danger. Once per turn.
  • Warning Shot [¼] {Sharpshooter} Hit target with ranged attack that deals no damage. Inflicts shaken; or slow; or each target hit loses SL*10 (10) MP.
  • Heart of Darkness {Darkblade} Once per scene, upon entering Crisis: choose creature you don’t have bound and create a Bound of Hatred.
  • Agony [1/5] {Darkblade} After dealing damage, if you have Bound: recover SL*2 (2) HP and SL*2 (2) MP.


Harper Kallan – Female Young Monk-Warrior and Loremaster from the City-State of Regalia. Always smilling, she has the best wishes for all and is forever Hopeful of rendepention.

  • What is the centuries old mystery you’re obscessed with?
  • Is it true that something are better left buried beneath the sands of time?
  • Who was your mentor? What is your relationship with them?
  • Your powers are used in war. How do you feel about it?
  • What does your magic looks like?

Dex: 8 | Ins: 10 | Mig: 6 | Wil: 8 | HP: 35(17) | MP: 58 | IP: 6 | Def: 8 | MDef: 12 MP +13 Able to perform Rituals

  • Tome – Ins+Ins – HR +6 Physical
  • Silk Robe – Mdef: Ins +2


  • Focused [1/5] {Loremaster} Increase Max MP by SL*3 (3). Gain bonus of SL (1) on open checks using Ins+Ins.
  • Knowledge is Power {Loremaster} May replace one attribute in accuricy check by Ins.
  • Quick Assessment [1/6] {Loremaster} May spend SL*5 (5) MP at start of conflict: for every 5 MP, chose one option: Learn trait, find a Damage type afinity.
  • Elemental Magic – Vortex {Elementalist} Roaring gale surrounds you giving +2 protectiona gainst ranged attacks. Last the whole scene. Cost 10 MP.
  • Elemental Magic – Fulgur {Elementalist} Up to Three targets suffer HR+15 bolt damage. Targets become dazzed on critical hit. Cost 10 MP / Target.


Berenice Talon Female hailing from a family of Proud Merchants from the Korinth Village of the Desert Clans.

Her Ambition led her to leave her family business and veture in the world, becoming a Famous Athlete.

  • Do you think anyone can be persuated? Everyone have a price?
  • What drives you? Desire? Vegance? Need for freedom?
  • Are you part of a criminal gang or do you work on your own?
  • Is there a place you call home? Or do we all die alone in the end?
  • What triggers you?

Dex: 10 | Ins: 8 | Mig: 8 | Wil: 6 | HP: 50(25) | MP: 40 | IP: 8 | Def: 11 | MDef: 9 HP +5 – MP +5 – IP +2 Martial Melee Weapon and Armour

  • Dagger – Dex+Ins+1 – HR +4 Physical
  • Shuriken – Dex+Ins – HR +4 Physical Ranged
  • Traveller Garb – Def: Dex +1 – MDef: Ins +1
  • Hand Axe – Mig+Mig – HR +10 Physical


  • Unexpected Ally {Orator} A non-hostile creature becomes helpful. Cost 1 Fabula Point.
  • High Speed [1/3] {Rogue} May spent 10 MP at start of conflict: free attack; or perform Hinder or Objective action. Gain SL (1) bonus point to perform chose option.
  • Dodge [1/3] {Rogue} Can’t wear Shield or Martial Armour. Defence score increases by SL (1).
  • Soul Steal [1/5] {Rogue} Dex+Wil VS Magic Defense: soldier, recover SL (1) IP; elite or champion, acquires Soul Treaure (one per creature). Soul Treasure value: Target Level * 30 (50 if Villain).
  • Withstand [1/5] {Fury} When Guarding self, recover SL (multiplied by highest streng amongst Bounds) HP. Might or Willpower becomes one die bigger until end of next turn.


Edel Zima – Male Alien from the Nara Empire, where he grew within the royal court, teaching him the Chilvary arts. Though he was aways made feel welcome within the Nobles that took him under their care, he nevertheless still feel a great need to Belong and is always seeking for Answerer of what he is.

  • Are there many practising your art? Or are you the exception?
  • What do you know of the cosmos? Is it the end of all or a beginning of a new reality?
  • Who taugh you to channel the realiby-bending art?
  • Where does you magic come from? What’s your belief in life and death?
  • What do you feel about religion? Are you part of any group, cult or instituion?

Dex: 8 | Ins: 10 | Mig: 6 | Wil: 8 | HP: 35(17) | MP: 55 | IP: 6 | Def: 9 | MDef: 12 MP +10 Able to perform Rituals

  • Staff – Wil+Wil – HR +6 Physical
  • Sage Robe – Def: Dex +1 – MDef: Ins +2


  • Absorb MP [1/5] {Entropist} When suffering damage: recover SL * 2 (2) MP.
  • Entropic Magic – Anomaly {Entropist} Target’s Immunity or Resistence becomes Vulnerability. Cost 20 MP. Last whole Scene.
  • Entropic Magic – Mirror (i.e.: Reflec) {Entropist} Deflect Offensive Speel from target back to caster. Effect end upon hit. Otherwise last whole scene. Cost 10 MP.
  • Spiritual Magic – Lux {Spiritist} Deals HR +15 light damage to up to three targets. Target becomes dazed upon critical hit. Cost: 10 MP / Target.
  • Spiritual Magic – Heal {Spiritist} Up to three Target recover 40 HP (50 HP if level highter than 20; 60 HP if level higher than 40). Cost: 10 MP / Target.

The Group

Seeker : You thought this place was a safe haven and reveal your next destination. But instead, you found a tainted place. What is this place? What dark force corrupted it? Was it a trap?

Where the Story Starts

Petrified Forest, rummoured to held some long Forgotten Lore. Is populated mostly by Angelic Creatures. And a new vegetaion has grown over the petrified woods.

Elliot Teza is a tired old man.

He saw the City transform from its chaotic maze-like roads, built haphazardly over centuries, into the efficient network, populated not by self contained polluting bombs but by clean, autonomous driven vehicles. He saw derelict buildings give way to heave’s defying towers, he saw the same towers, dark and ugly, transform into a spectacle of light and colour, tailored to each singular inhabitant of the City. Over the years, he saw many and more.

But he also saw the love of his life die young, the worry and fear in her eyes in the final years, the resignation and sadness in the final weeks. Together they fought against decease and malady. Together they transformed the world, giving all they had, so everyone could have a second chance in life when the end was sudden. And he saw that same freedom become fenced by those of means. For he saw, when the child of his love by another grew into a fine woman herself, a woman that found happiness in life, a life that ended in one of the last accidents to ever occur. And Elliot Teza, the man who freely give his knowledge so others could prospect, was unable to use it, to restore the daughter of his love back to live.

He was powerless then. But Elliot Teza is powerless no more. He saw to it that the hoarded knowledge bleed back into society, so all could benefit of it. Just old age remains, but even that, is nearly in his grasp. He knows it, he can feel it. And he knows, when death is finally beaten, so to will be the riddle to stops him from bring the daughter of his love back to life, restore her as she was before the accident.

And restore his love as she was, before she gave up.


The Three Beats – a concept.

Here is a fun fact, a couple of weeks ago, I was dreaming, during those minutes just before the alarm goes off, I was dreaming… … I was dreaming about Brandon Sanderson… … yeah, I know.

In particular, I was dreaming as if I was attending one of his many lessons, you know the one, the BYU – there are plenty freely available on youtube, I do recommend.

So just picture, Brandon in his best Brandon impersonation: one hand in his trouser’s pocket, the other holding a pencil/white board marker, talking about character development.

And he talks about the Three Beats concept: - The Heart Beat: What drives your character. What your character wants most of all. - The Drum Beat: Like in a ship, you must row at the sound of the drum. What is that your character must do, in order to survive, to keep going, to maybe one day, fullfil that desire which makes their Heart Beat. - The … bloody alarm went off…

I know, really. Bloody good time for the alarm to rang.

So I hastly picked it up, silenced it, and open the notes app, and wrote down the two first beats, there was a third missing. With I mind half asleep I managed to get hold of his last words: What gets in the way of your character?

Great, I know what the third beat signifies, I just don’t have a name. I wrote down: The Rain Beat. Imagining the character wanting to get somewhere but rain pours against them, making their path difficult.

I imagine, I heard some simillar concepts before, possibly even from his classes, I did watched them more than a couple of times if I am to be honest.

So I don’t claim this to be in any form original. But I reckon it is an okay-ish way to flesh out your character a bit. And I do wonder what would Brandon comment if he was to ever come across this.

#Character #Writing

Miryan stopped under one of the archers on the western high-passageway. The wind has softened by the floor was still soaked with the water and the rain continued to pour over the gardens. She smiled. Rain on this magnitude seldom fell over Mynx and not a week ago the groundskeeper and those under their guard were working hard to water the flowerbeds. But a week ago no one in sound mind would expect rain clouds to rise this far as Manx crossed the warm equatorial winds. Yet, here it was, rain, pouring relentless, seeming endless, over the fields.

The forested hills barely visible beyond the low wall, each rising up in the distant dimmer than the one before, until all was white. Had the rain drops stopped for just a second, the scene Miryan watched would be no different than a painting.

Resting her spear on the wall she took two steps into the open balcony, not quite getting under the rain, just enough so she could extend her hand and catch the falling water on her palm. It was colder than she expected, and a shiver run her spine when the first drop hit her skin.

‘I envy you my friend,’ she brought her hand back, closing around a crystal necklace that had somewhat escaped from under her hard leather shirt, closing her eyes and trying to see him in the foreign lands he spoke off, imagining him exploring rain soaked hills from the lands bellow, finding rest under the cover of trees.

‘Maybe one day I too will see this wild and fantastic world of yours,’ Miryan let got off the necklace, picking back her spear and walking returning to her round, ‘for now, I have my own world to care fore.’

Her boots fell heavy on the stone floor, splashing water with each steps as she walked away from the faint day light into the darkness of the inner halls. That too, if Myrian had stopped on her tracks for just a brief moment, could be mistaken for a painting.

During the Three Memories, the ultimate attack the hero unlocks, comes from three protectors. And this power that was taugh to the hero by their most difficult enemy, was not the hero’s to yield, so the Enemy had it as well.

But in all three memories, three times, the hero sees the ultimate of each of the Three Friends, and unlocks it during his journey to regroup the protectors.

Thief: Unyielding Blade –> Massive Damage Captain: Unwavering Shield –> Perfect Mitigation Mage: Unlit Fire –> Extreme Buff

Woman: Answering/Aspected Blade –> Debuff Attack, causes bleeding(+paralasys?) Jovial Man: Ambiguous Strike –> Debuff Attack, nulls defense Third Friend: Astral Flame –> Debuff Attack, nulls magic defense

*bleeding: damage + lowers max hp

The Enemy flees to the island where the hero lived in the three Memories.

The island is fully prepared to withstand frontal assault. But the hero “knows” of the path of the secluded beach, from where a small group could attack.

The Trio of Friends held steadfast the island against the Enemy. But eventually succumbed.

The hero goes and build a group, following the Mementos order.

The Captain will comment on how much freedom the hero has. ”I thought they would be stricter when father passed away, but somehow, they relaxed the leash.” ”Maybe because of some rather good ideas I heard came from you.” ”Nothing great, but what about you, being demoted this much.” ”It is funny, when I was captain, I missed the freedom of the low posts, now I miss the perks of being a captain. ”Talking about the past, do you remember much, of-” ”Not really. ”I mean, I remember you figthing to save me, I remember the Mage staying behind and the thief wishing me luck while she held the mob by herself. I also remember facing the Enemy, and you three fighting in perfect harmony in front of me. But not much else.” ”I see, maybe it is a good thing. But I have to confess, as confused as I am now as I was then, one thing struck me more than anything else, when we fought, I was so much stronger than I ever dreamed to be.” ”It is about that I came searching for you, ”I want to enter the island, I want you to join me. I want the three of you to join me.”

Three times you raised my home and detroyed my family Three times I was force o track and kill my protectors Three times I faced you and and three times I lost No more

before battle: If the power I had, was yours. The power you have, is mine.

in battle: Captain, shield us from the attack. Mage, support the thief. Theif, ya know.

For as long as I live, you cannot harm me.

After this, the enemy flees, the rebellion still proceeds, with those that became the warring factions in the three futures, arriving at the king and placing their demands. The king will abdicate. The hero will be their collateral.

Years of regency will pass, the hero being tutored not in one art but three. The level of competency High, Medium, Low, as the three Memories were played. (The order in which the shield, the book and the knife were chosen.)

The Enemy is known and it has caused troubles trhoughout the regency. And this time, when the hero faces him, he will not be alone, but with the three guardians.

By not developting the enemy’s powers but the guardian’s, the hero is able to best the enemy.

front the three confrontations: Enemy: You die, You lose. I die? I Win!

The Return

Here, you will need this knife more than I do.

I would rather learn from a teacher than from a book.

The shield is too heavy for me to yield it yet.

The Captain ”I don’t understand…

“But I’m not required to understand, I’m required to follow.”

The Memory Seal needs at least three parts to be performed.

  • The Performer, who will work the magic.
  • The Sacrifice, who will lose as many years of memory as the Victim.
  • The Key, who will be able to undo the Seal.

It is not uncommon for the Key condition to be life. Many Keys can exist as well as many Performers, but the number of sacrifice must be able to give as much years of memories as the it will be taken from the victim.

The life of the sacrifice is irrelevant for the maintenance of the Seal.

These three roles must be composed by different people.

The Woman brings the boy to her home and summons the Jovial Man, who says the boy can’t stay. How would the Woman explain. The Woman says she will find a way, she will write her son if need be, and ask the Jovial Man to cooperate.

With her son’s help, she creates a ruse where he came to the island with ‘his’ son to leave in her care and depart a few days later.

Together with Jovial Man and Third Friend, they create a spell that will seal the memories of the hero and when she turns to the Woman, whom they previous agreed to be the sacrifice, the Jovial Man interrupts and takes place, he can’t be dissuaded.

The seal blocks the memory of both the hero and Jovial Man. The Third Friend soon has to return to the main land, the College is in disarray after the rebellion, and though she wasn’t there to help, the Third Friend fully supported the upraising, only not their methods.

With the Third Friend gone and the memories blocked, a rift forms in the friendship between the Jovial Man and the Woman.

When at some point, the Woman passes away, she beying the Key, the seal is undone and the Jovial Man remembers it all. Just as the hero recovers the memories of his childhood days.