Mid-morning Monday and this day is developing nicely in the Roscoe-verse. Traditionally, Mondays are when I do my weekly laundry. When circumstances interfere, I can reschedule that chore for a few days, but things work better when I can do the laundry on Monday. I've got two loads working their way through the machines now.

It looks like the weather and the condition of my hips will allow me to get some yard work done tomorrow and Wednesday. That's one day for mowing the front yard, and another day for the back yard. That's my plan. Hope it works out that way.

Yesterday I reopened a Twitter (X) account. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this on active for a good while before I cancel it in frustration and disgust as I've done to all my previous accounts on that platform.

posted Monday, Mar 18, 2024 at ~10:05 AM #QNMAR2024