noted @ ~15:15 – About an hour ago I was finishing a work shift, cutting branches in the back yard, when the wife called to me, “Honey!... The Internet has gone out!” So I set the snips aside and went in to see what I could do.

Sure enough, our home Internet is down. According to the help-line, our neighborhood is having an Internet outage. Google says they have a work crew working on the problem and predict the problem may be fixed by ~21:30 tonight.

Luckily I have OTA antennae hooked up to our TVs and I was able to pull in a game show network on the front room TV to keep the wife entertained. I'm basically a radio guy myself, and I've got no problem taking advantage of the wide variety of San Antonio's music, news, talk and sports stations.

noted @ ~18:00 – And... the home Internet comes back up... but intermittently. It comes and goes. So I'm going to try and post this now.

posted Tuesday 11/Jun/2024 ~18:15 #QNJUN2024