Roscoe's Quick Notes


Mass Readings for this, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, according to the Traditional Latin Mass, using the Roman Missal (1962).

Readings 6th Sunday after Pentecost 6th Sunday after Pentecost Gospel

posted Sunday 30/June/2024 ~11:30 #QNJUN2024


Starting my weekend with a smile. Earlier this morning I received a notice from one of the Correspondence Chess Clubs in which I play. A tournament there that started almost exactly a year ago (on 11 July 2023) has finally concluded. And out of the field of 11 players in this thematic tourney, I finished in 2nd place over all. I feel pretty good about that.

posted Saturday 29/Jun/2024 ~09:10 #QNJUN2024

Darn. My Texas Rangers just lost another game. They've been doing that a lot this season.

I did manage to mow most of the front yard this morning before the worst of the day's heat set in. It was still awfully hot when I was out there. If past performance is any guide, tomorrow will find me still recovering from this morning's work. [/sigh]

posted Friday, Jun 28, 2024 at ~8:40 PM #QNJUN2024

I'm trying to psych myself up for mowing and trimming the front yard tomorrow morning. It'll be pretty hot, but not as hot as the afternoon. The lithium batteries for my weed-eater are fully charged, and I'm topping off the charges for the bigger batteries the lawnmower uses.

posted Thursday, Jun 27, 2024 at ~5:49 PM #QNJUN2024

Glad that the Rangers are playing an early afternoon game today. They've been playing too many night games recently, and I've had to stay up past my regular bedtime to hear all nine innings. Maybe tonight I'll be able to turn in earlier and get more sleep.

posted Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:44 PM #QNJUN2024

Back in the house and finally starting to cool down from spending an hour outside, weeding the flower beds that line the front of the house. Lord, it's hot out there! At least I've got that chore done... until I have to get out there and do it again.

posted Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024 at 10:10 AM #QNJUN2024

Sipping my Sleepy Time herbal tea, listening to a baseball game on the radio, and rather satisfied at how this Monday has gone.

posted Monday, Jun 24, 2024 at ~7:35 PM #QNJUN2024

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, and I have certainly fulfilled that obligation. The only positive thing I've done is recharge the lithium batteries to be used in my weed-eater and leaf blower tomorrow, or whenever I use them next.

I've kept up on all my daily prayers, and moved in all pending CC games, listened to this afternoon's Texas Rangers game, and have found a Firefly marathon on Comet TV. But work? nope. not today.

posted Sunday, Jun 23, 2024 at ~5:40 PM #QNJUN2024

Two major chores accomplished, and that's enough for a Saturday. Fixed the paper jam in my printer; the fixing of it was pretty easy, but figuring out how to do it took several hours last night and again this morning. And organized the back porch, making room for our new two-burner propane stove.

Relaxing now to baseball on the radio.

posted Saturday 22/Jun/2024 ~14:50 #QNJUN2024

Grrr... trying to free up a paper jam in my HP printer and really needing needle-nosed pliers. Only I don't have any at hand. Wonder if the wife has such a tool in her sewing machine gear. She's at Bingo tonight. I'll have to ask her in the morning.

posted Friday 21/Jun/2024 ~20:05 #QNJUN2024