Roscoe's Quick Notes


The original plans were that I'd be attending a Funeral Mass right now, but here I am at home working on my weekly laundry. My backup ride to the funeral had to bail this morning, he had come down with a bad case of the flu: aches all over his body, diarrhea, vomiting. I'd already cancelled my primary ride, letting the driver go to her regular job today instead of missing a day's pay to drive me around.

Interestingly I have a friend in Florida who has just come out of a similar flu. Could the same strain be running here in South Texas as in Florida? Hmm... Now I could have caught another ride to the funeral, but he who I would have called works closely with the driver who is now sick. Hmm... No, I don't want to needlessly expose my old self to this bug. I WILL be attending a Council meeting this evening. But I'm staying home from the funeral.

Monday, Jan 9, 2023 at 10:45 AM #QNJAN2023

Tired. As I expected to be. This has been a long Sunday, capped off by a good session of 4th Degree Honor Guard work at the Rosary Service for the mother of a friend and fellow KofC officer. Man, I love working with those guys. But it takes so darned much out of me.

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 at 9:30 PM #QNJAN2023

Three projects of the day are done and it's barely Noon yet! Go me!

Have broken down the cardboard boxes in the garage and filled the blue recycle bin; have vacuumed up leaves in the back yard and filled the green organics bin; and have fixed the wife her coffee and late breakfast.

Fourth project of the day will be attending 5:00 PM Mass at STM and even if I have to walk over and back that shouldn't be a problem.

That's enough productivity for a Saturday in the Roscoe-verse.

Saturday, Jan 7, 2023 at 12:10 PM #QNJAN2023

Friday has been easy on me, so far. Had very early text comms with a KofC officer, then lots of R&R. Now i'm working on the presentation I'm supposed to give at Monday's Funeral. I've never done one of these before. Think I'll keep it brief.

Friday, Jan 6, 2023 at 4:21 PM #QNJAN2023

So I've just cancelled my Twitter account, active this go around since July of 2021. And I'd even earned the blue check mark status symbol. But I decided it was just a waste of my time, and money: time and money better spent elsewhere.

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 at 6:57 PM #QNJAN2023

Two down, one to go. So far today I've: 1.) processed and posted the pictures taken Monday night, and 2.) I've mowed the front yard, letting the grass catcher pick up the leaves that blew down in last week's big wind. That's two chores taken care of. The third will be attending this evening's KofC Council officers meeting which will be a peace of cake for me as I hold a minor office in the Council and won't have to provide much input.

Wednesday, Jan 4, 2023 at 4:15 PM #QNJAN2023

As late afternoon slides into early evening it finds me satisfied with the day's productivity. My weekly laundry, usually done on Monday, was taken care of today. Funds were transferred to the Philippines, and research begun on the presentation I'm expected to give at next Monday morning's Funeral.

The bathroom scales were kind to me this morning, too. I weighed 4 lbs. less this morning than I did yesterday.

Tuesday, Jan 3, 2023 at 5:10 PM #QNJAN2023

Have just tuned into Rose Parade coverage on ABC. I try to watch this every year. Hopefully I won't be chased away from it by excessive “wokeness.” Looking forward to following the Citrus Bowl game after the parade. And this evening will probably find me doing Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Honor Guard work at a Rosary (Wake) at a Catholic Church in town.

Monday, Jan 2, 2023 at 10:10 AM #QNJAN2023

So. This is a new year. Doesn't seem markedly different from the old one, yet. However, I am on guard, trying to maintain a high level of situational awareness. And preparing for changes if conditions warrant.

Sunday, Jan 1, 2023 at ~7:30 AM #QNJAN2023