We've not yet had any of the thunderstorms in my little corner of Texas that have been forecast for us, that others around the state and the country have been hit with. However, when I stepped outside a few minutes ago there was a light sprinkling of rain, and thunder rolling in the distance, so maybe it's on its way. So maybe...

This morning I retired my big laptop, again. The thing is well over twenty years old, so it's certainly time. Over the last couple of days it has silently crashed on me while being used normally. So it's time to put it to sleep. Two reasons for my liking it so much: it has a BIG 15.6 in. screen, and it's running a Debian OS.

I needed the big screen because my eyes have been so bad, until my recent cataract surgeries. Now that my eyes have been “fixed” using the smaller screens of my other two laptops is no problem. And one of the smaller laptops I've started using again runs a Linux Mint OS, so I'm still using Linux daily.

posted Saturday, Mar 16, 2024 at ~10:45 AM #QNMAR2024