

We are what we consume


Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. Something went wrong. – Oscar Wilde

This quote really resonated with me. I believe that these days we consume so much from around us. We are overindulging in information that might not be important to us, but that is not the real issue there. I would say that over time the ideas you consume become your thoughts. Our environment shapes us and really can change us from the ground up if we allow ourselves to be exposed to it long enough.



“If you are painted by external things, it is not that they disturb you, but your own judgement of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgement now” Marcus Aurelius

Our lives are moving very rapidly these days and constantly are we bombarded with information that we must interpret. Some of them may be pleasant to us, while others may not. This poses the question on whether we are slaves to what we are exposes to or if we can regulate and control those external factors.


Take everything with a grain of salt. Knowledge is abundant, but the same cant be said about truth. Rather than taking in information as it is, we should seek to find the answers for ourselves and reach our own conclusions. Knowledge can be bent to serve a certain agenda or could have been passed down while losing its meaning over time.


What is the foundation for your mind. To sup it up, it is the sum of the influence from your family, surroundings and anything that you choose to consume.

By changing your mind, you can essentially change your thought process and therefore affect how you tackle the world.

But it doesn't happen overnight. It incrementally occurs by reading difficult books, having thought provoking conversations and even watching videos of different viewpoints.
