


Recently it became clear to me why it is so hard for most of us to suffer injustice: if we get mistreated we immediately feel the need for retribution. We demand justice. We think that only when the perpetrator has been punished, we will be able to find peace.

This happens because we do not believe that there is any justice apart from us. We think that if we don't do it justice ourselves, there will be no justice at all – and that's why we cannot suffer injustice.

It all hinges on our belief in the accidental nature of life. This belief is deeply rooted in our soul, we have been brought up with it. Charles Darwin prepared the way for this ideology and more and more people started sucking it in with their mother's milk.

It means that we are probably not as independent and clever as we might think, because our fundamental views are not our own, but we have adopted them from the people around us. Just like 500 years ago we would probably have adopted the Christian views as personal truth.

This is the same argument some atheists bring up to discredit religion. They say e.g.:

If you would have been brought up in Iran you would be a Muslim now

This could very well be true, but they forget that their own view, that is atheism, is the product of our own culture – and not much different from religion in this regard. Instead of relying on your surroundings you should strip yourself from all that culture has put into you. That is the only way to find truth – if there is such a thing at all.

But now back to the problem of injustice. My current conviction is, that this view, that life is accidental and that there is no justice, is wrong. In my opinion the correct view is, that even the smallest violation of the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, brings retribution in some form.

But it is hard to recognize what it is. It usually comes in the form of what we call bad luck. If you are often “unlucky” this is a pretty good indicator that you're not following the golden rule, that's what I think.

Another aspect of how I understand this principle is, that bad luck does not always hit every person in the same way. My guess is that bad luck can also be kind of a message or warning to the individual saying:

Hey now! Watch out and better your life!

But with some people there is not even the slightest chance that they will do this and therefore they don't experience as much bad luck but it is withhold. The retribution will then come suddenly after many years of seeming “success”, it can even be sudden death in a car accident or something like that.

I know that this view is quite controversial and it is not at all like what believe in the West nowadays. But to me it's not important what the majority believes, but only what is true. And if it is the case that what I'm saying, that there is justice and that everyone gets what he deserves: wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?

Then we would finally be able to suffer injustice, knowing that retribution will come and we don't have to do anything about it.

#retribution #justice #materialism #philosophy