Riley Q

Music – Motherhood – Marriage – Mental Health | Listen to the Solidarity Podcast on Apple & Spotify🎙| Twitter & IG: @riley_quin

When it comes to packing a birth bag it seems pretty straight forward. That is, until you start thinking about all of the unknowns.

What if you have to stay an extra few days?

What if your baby ends up in the NICU?

What if you have to have an emergency c-section?

What if you get transferred from your birthing center to the hospital and they don't have the things you expected to have?

It can be overwhelming but I can guarantee you that if you take a few seconds to sit down and think about it you'll be able to figure out pretty much exactly what you need. It's okay to splurge on some items even if they're bulkier, especially if you know it'll make you more comfortable. You may feel like you're only there for a few hours but you never know if that could be extended and even then, a few hours feels like a lot when you're in pain, in shock and trying to figure out your new baby. Anything to make your life easier and more comfortable is 100% worth it, even if it feels like a lot. For example, I wanted my boppy even though I could've just used a pillow- 1000% worth it. I didn't care that Dustin had to wear it around his neck to bring it in, it was worth it to have when holding Hayden and when trying to support him in learning to latch.

When creating your list, sit down and think of the basic necessities that you like to have when you're not feeling good. Bring those.

I'm talking your own pillow, a blanket, cough drops, a heating pad, essential oils, gum, hair ties, fuzzy socks, lotion, chapstick- the works. Trust me, it's all worth it. Anything to make you feel better and more like yourself is absolutely worth it. If you over pack a little, that's okay, you'll learn for next time what you specifically need. But if you do get stuck there for a few days longer than you anticipated you will be so grateful you have the things you want and need.

I thought that I was great at packing, until I came home and we unpacked all of my stuff and realized I used less than half of what I brought. But I was still thankful I overpacked because I had what I needed. That being said, I'd love to share with you what I brought and what I wished I had left home. Check out the video below on Cinnamon and if you'd like you can snag my printable hospital bag list (with links) and pro-tips, here!

Don't forget to share with a mom-to-be in need!

xoxo – Ry

Do you ever wonder who started the movement that most of us boldly participate in? The movement of speaking out about our feelings, sharing our experiences & making our opinions known?

Clearly someone was the first, someone pioneered and spoke out on the internet and then someone else spoke up because they felt like by that person speaking they had permission to do the same. And over and over and over again that pattern continued until we're here, now, in 2021 where if you don't speak, you're judged for your silence.

That breaks my heart because somewhere in that process we swung from one side of things- silence, shame, hiding to the complete opposite end where you if you stay silent we accuse you of hiding and we shame you. And somewhere in there we lost sight of one of the most important things: wisdom.

The wisdom to know when to speak, how much to share and with whom to share it with. In our own inevitable hypocrisy we contradict the concept of “speaking our truth” and “using our voices” because with using your voice comes the innate right to not use your voice.

The ability to discern when you are supposed to step into a conversation and when God says, “no, I've got this one”. We've lost that ability in the ease of the “share”, “post” and “tweet” button. We're able to get our thoughts and feelings out so quickly that we hardly ever take a minute to contemplate if what we're saying is our conversation to step into and if it's necessary, worth it & appropriate to say.

I applaud speaking out and using your voice, sharing your stories and standing up against injustices. I use that right each and every day. But just as much as it is my right to use my voice, it is also my right not to use it.

Because for each and every word that leaves my mouth or fingertips, I will have to answer to God. I will have to answer to whether or not I listened when I was supposed to speak and if I listened when I was not supposed to speak.

Keep that in mind that if you feel the need to ridicule or “punish” someone for not speaking when you felt that they needed to speak. Nothing you could do or say will hold any weight to God's response if they were actually supposed to speak and they didn't. So give it a rest.

Whether we realize it or not, silence doesn't automatically equal a coward. It doesn't automatically mean that you agree with an injustice. It doesn't mean that you are taking part in an evil. Rather silence sometimes speaks louder than words. Silence sometimes shows wisdom. Silence sometimes means that not engaging in that moment is better than engaging. Silence is not inherently evil.

In fact, in the silence is where we are refreshed. Silence is where God meets us and we can hear His voice. Silence is where we can recenter, refocus and dream up new thoughts and ideas. Creativity overflows in silence because our bodies and brains need rest.

We live in a world that is often screaming.

We live in a world where we are constantly complaining of headaches and anxiety from all the noise.

If you put two and two together you may just see that silence may be what actually frees us and gives us rest and rejuvenation in those in-between moments.

We expect so much grace from other people as we walk through life, let us reciprocate that fully and remember that we don't know their journey. We don't know where they are at mentally or spiritually or what else is going on in their life at that moment. Your top priority does not have to be their top priority. Be intentional with your words and in the same way assume that they are being intentional with theirs as well.

Part of the beauty of having the freedom to choose our words is also having the freedom to choose which words we don't share.

Be blessed today and remember to think before you speak, your words are powerful, use them wisely.

xoxo – Ry

Here's a video I love that is a great reminder.

Psalms 46:10 – He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Exodus 14:14 – The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Hey ya'll!

I'm specifically talking to mama's today, but honestly this applies to anyone going through or supporting someone in postpartum because these points should be common knowledge!

Tune into today's Morning Coffee where I'm talking about my postpartum experience, some of my fears going into it and a few things that I've learned.

I hope you find encouragement and if you haven't already listened to this week's episode of the Solidarity Podcast, “Postpartum Showers” that it's based off of, you can go ahead and listen to that on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or my website where you can listen but also read if you're in need of that option!

xoxo – Ry

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the Biblical principle about being a good steward but if you're curious you can read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25.

This weekend Dustin and I were watching a sermon on being a good steward of your money. This verse in particular stood out to me:

To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”

- Matthew 25:29

It made me start to think about the areas in my life that I've been blessed. Specifically when it comes to my job and my day to day tasks.

Backtracking to a few weeks ago when I decided to start the Solidarity Podcast, I knew that I wanted to put the podcast out but I also knew that I wanted to do more with it than just speak.

I wanted to encourage women and to do that I needed to advertise but I also wanted to continue the conversation and open it up to feedback and sharing.

I played for awhile with how to do this, really trying to avoid Instagram because “my engagement is terrible” and “no one cares what I have to say on there” and “Instagram is hiding everyone's unpaid content anyways”. I've talked a lot about my distaste for the way Instagram handles their affairs and how they treat their creators.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Instagram. For some reason I just kept feeling God call me towards creating content regularly on there again. As I started to think and pray about it the realization came to me that no matter what platform I'm on, if God wants the message to be heard, it's going to be heard. And if He doesn't, well, it'll be seen. Nothing is impossible with God. No matter how many algorithm changes there are.

Back to the sermon, as I was contemplating what to do with that verse it dawned on me that I haven't been a good steward of what I've been given. So why would God give me more? I've lacked in showing up and being there for those who are already there. I've lacked in answering messages, taking the time to listen to people and I've lacked in creating meaningful content that people needed. I've kept my thoughts, revelations & things that God was doing in my life to myself because I thought “why bother?”. But God clearly has called me to a life of sharing and a life of being the encourager.

Who am I to not fulfill that calling simply because of an algorithm and the ruthlessness of Silicone Valley? Isn't my God bigger than them? (The answer is yes.)

I really don't agree with ads and how impossible it is for creators to make any money on these platforms.

I really despise the censorship and lack of space for anyone that doesn't have a voice that fits the narrative.

I really can't stand the cancel culture and the witch hunts.

But it is what it is. I'm being called into a space that is hard to exist in, but I can do all things through Jesus who gives me strength.

The people who hang out in that space matter and I intend to be a good steward with my time and energy and how I show up for them.

I encourage you to ask yourself this week, are you being a good steward with what God has given you?

Are you counting it as “all joy” (James 1:2) when you go through trials or are you abandoning your calling when it gets to be too much?

Priscilla Shirer said in a sermon I watched today, “sometimes you don't see until you have to walk through it”. Allow God to sustain you and walk you through whatever you're having to go through so that you can spread the light and love and joy of Jesus when you get to tell that story.

Even when you are going through it, remember to be a good steward of what God has given you, even the littlest things like a social media platform, and you will be blessed more than you can even ask or imagine.

xoxo – Ry

Postpartum Showers

#YourHobbyExposed Challenge

Don’t Judge A Girl By Her Nails

Morning Coffee – Mental Health: Coping & Supporting

You know that feeling when you're doing everything but it's... just not working?

You're checking off every box.

You're exhausted from doing all of the things but you're not reaping any reward.

The work has been done but the results aren't there.

I've been there, a few times actually. Safe to say, that feeling sucks.

It can quickly morph into feeling like a failure or you go crazy because you're always looking for “the missing piece” that would just make you successful.

But I have a proposition for you. Something I want you to think about.

Have you ever once thought that maybe that thing you're working so hard at and trying all of the methods to be successful at- maybe you were never supposed to be doing that thing in the first place?

Maybe, and stick with me here, you were made for more than that but you're so focused on what you're trying to do that you're missing the bigger picture.

You were made for more than... broken relationships.

You were made for more than.. constant disappointment .

You were made for more than... “the best” you could come up with.

You were made for more than... late nights that lead to dead ends.

You were made for more than... the worst case scenario.

So stop settling. Because that's not “as good as it gets”.

Now I get a lot of motivational speakers will say “don't ever give up”. But I have something to add to that.

Don't ever give up.. on yourself- but give yourself permission to give up on the things that were never yours in the first place.

Oftentimes we get ideas of things we'd like to do, but rather than take them with a grain of salt and think them through and pray about whether or not that's what we're supposed to be doing, we just dive in head first. Now it's great to be spontaneous but the holding on for dear life when you're clearly supposed to move on is the issue.

I've found myself holding on to people, creative projects (books, music) and travel plans and the more I got entangled in them, the worse the heartbreak was when I finally let go.

But you know what's even better than those dreams I had?

Stepping into the things that were intended for me.

It was like my dreams happening, but even better. They moved without issue, everything just flowed and I finally happy and at peace. That's when you know that it's for you.

So stop robbing yourself of that peace and joy. Let go and move on because something beautiful and exciting is around the corner.

The beauty is you don't have to figure it out because there is a creator who has an even better imagination than we could ever have who has it all set up for you.

All you have to do is let go and step into it.

You were made for more.

xoxo – Ry

Solidarity Sister