

One of the coolest tricks I learned recently is how to close all of the open browser tabs in #Safari on my iPhone. This will work for any device running #iOS (#iPhone, #iPad, #iPod touch).

Either press and hold the Tab button in the lower-right corner of Safari:

Safari tab button

Or with all tabs visible press and hold Done:

Safari all tabs on display

A pop-up will appear with the option for you to close all open tabs at once.

The default repeat #notifications that come in with SMS texts or iMessages is one setting I wanted to change on my #iPhone. Now only the original message pings on my phone, which is pleasantly less distracting. To enable this:

  • Open Settings, then tap Notifications.
  • Tap Messages.
  • Scroll down and tap Repeat Alerts.
  • Select Never so the checkmark appears next to it.

This process works on my iPhone 6s running #iOS 12.1.3.