Complete One-Eighty

From a paper journal dated May 4, 2016

Just jump! I spend too much time agonizing over the right words. Is my grammar correct? What if they think I'm bothering them? What if I look stupid?

Just write. Just hit send. Don't think, just jump.

Better to get it out there than waste brain power.

Write to them. Reach out. Ask for help.

I'm not sure what exactly I was stressed about on this day but it sounds like some kind of business collaboration I was trying to set up and I was, quite clearly, feeling chickenshit.

It's cute reading this now. It has nothing to do with travel or the book, but it's quaint to see where I was mentally just over two years ago.

I'm afraid I took my own advice a little too well. “Just jump.” Oh, honey-child I do that almost daily now and it takes a crap-load of courage.

Unfortunately, after the courage come the consequences.