In vino mendacium

This week, I went out to town with friends. We had a good time, a drink, another one... “and the rest is history”. Or in this case mine. And guess who was eager to tell it? Of course George.

The next day was rather slow. I spent most of it in bed, accompanied by lots and lots of water and old DVDs. But despite my efforts, I also spent enough time listening to George's nagging voice in my head.

It was way easier than usual, let me tell you. Less distraction, no productivity, and above all: Less resistance. Admit it, old friend, you agreed with me after all: The state you were in was your fault. Stupid, avoidable, and your own fault.

How to even attempt a courtroom defense? Stupid, probably. Avoidable, probably. My own fault, who's else? Being called “old friend” by George seems to put insult to injury. Hitting a nerve, am I not?

Age seems relentless: You're too old to recover on the spot, yet also too old to sell and buy “no more alcohol” as the latest fortune cookie plan! An entire day of this. On and on and on. The offered conclusion – “beyond a reasonable doubt” in George's book: Too wild for monk, so I must be the pope of party land.

Only extremes, no middle ground. And me too tired to protest. The past is the past, no chance in watering some drinks retroactively. And so I win this one. You felt miserable. And I wallowed in the pain. See you again next post.


I don't know about our dear readers. I don't want to give him this one. But I can't deflect or neglect what he said: “Stupid, avoidable, and your own fault.” It was fun, though (the night, not the day). Could we settle for a draw this time? Oh please. You felt bad, it was your fault. Avoidable. Just not for you. You lost a day for a few hours. Not worth it.

Finally: something to disagree. It was worth is. And it will sustain from all of it. What will? The night. The day will pale in memory but the night will stay in memory. And I will tell its story.

This week, I went out to town with friends. We had a good time, a drink, another one... “and the rest is history”. One of fun and food, of stories and jokes, of laughter and joy.

Next post: “A time and a place” Last post: “Sports class warfare”