Roscoe's Story

This is my story and I'm stick'n to it.

Prayers, etc.: * 04:30 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 06:00 – praying The Angelus * 06:45 – praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare * 07:10 – Praying day 7 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception. * 07:20 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Rom 13:11-14 and Gospel: Luke 21:25-33. * 08:50 – praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot. * 11:20 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: A liturgy that is well done, a Mass that is well celebrated with all of the bows, all of the reverences – all that has a meaning. The Church is not trying to give us some kind of a pleasant theatrical performance. The incensing of the priest and the faithful, the bows, the genuflections, every one of those gestures has a profound significance. But some say, why the incense among people? We incense God, we do not incense men. In reality, we are incensing souls sanctified by grace, because they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. And if we incense authorities with more solemnity, it is because men who hold authority are participating in God's authority. * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 14:30 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:30 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Thursday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 216.60 lbs. * bp= 148/76 (77)

Diet: * 06:15 – 1 banana * 07:00 – pumpkin pie * 08:20 – 1 big sweet potato * 11:40 – seafood salad on lettuce * 15:00 – big bowl of meat & vegetable soup

Chores, etc.: * 04:30 – listen to local news talk radio * 05:50 – bank accounts activity monitored * 09:00 – w/o household budget * 14:00 – leisure reading * 18:00 – watching the pregame show for tonight's Thursday Night Football, Lions vs Packers

Chess: * 08:10 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Thursday, 2024-12-05 ~20:00 #DLDEC2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: * 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 06:30 – praying The Angelus, followed by praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare. * 07:00 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: You see that the liturgy is always making us pray through our Lord Jesus Christ, with our Lord Jesus Christ, in our Lord Jesus Christ. Never would the Church give us a religion without our Lord. For Her, our Lord is everything, He is Her mystical Spouse. Never does She let Herself forget it. That is why our prayers end every time with these words: per Christum Dominum nostrum, through Jesus Christ our Lord. And so we see that we cannot obtain any graces at all outside of our Lord Jesus Christ. * 07:05 – Praying day 6 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception. * 07:15 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: 2 Tim 4:1-8 and Gospel: Matt 5:13-19. * 11:30 – praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot. * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 14:30 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 20:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Wednesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 219.91 lbs. * bp= 144/69 (66)

Diet: * 07:15 – 1 banana, pumpkin pie * 08:30 – 1 grapefruit * 09:35 – 1 seafood salad sandwich * 11:45 – pizza * 15:05 – seafood salad on lettuce

Chores, etc.: * 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio * 06:00 – bank accounts activity monitored * 09:45 – organize paperwork & correspondence * 11:45 – watch old game shows and eat lunch at home with Sylvia * 13:00 – organize paperwork * 15:05 – listen to relaxing music * 17:30 – listening to the “Warmup Show” for tonight's women's college basketball game between the Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles vs the IU Hoosiers. Go Hoosiers! Opening tip is minutes away.

Chess: * 09:05 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Wednesday, 2024-12-04 ~20:35 #DLDEC2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: * 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 06:45 – praying The Angelus * 07:30 – praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare. * 08:15 – Praying day 5 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception. * 08:20 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Rom 10:10-18 and Gospel: Mark 16:15-18. * 08:45 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: Dom Gueranger wanted to protect from all deviation that tremendous source of graces that is the liturgy, fundamental source of the life of the Church. Now, alas, the deviations are everywhere. That is why so many of the faithful are dying of suffocation, because no one is giving them these liturgical offices any more. They no longer have the graces to which they have a right and which they need. * 09:10 – praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot. * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 14:30 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Tuesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 218.0 lbs * bp= 141/68 (70)

Diet: * 06:30 – toast and butter, 1 banana * 07:00 – pumpkin pie * 09:05 – sliced ham * 12:30 – egg drop soup, Mongolian beef dinner, spring roll * 15:00 – 1 Reese's peanutbutter cup candy bar

Chores, etc.: * 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio * 06:20 – bank accounts activity monitored * 12:30 – watch old game shows and eat lunch at home with Sylvia * 14:00 – follow news reports from various sources * 17:30 – now listening to men's college basketball, Eastern Illinois Panthers vs Butler Bulldogs

Chess: * 19:45 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Tuesday, 2024-12-03 ~20:20 DLDEC2024

by Roscoe

Monday 2024-12-02

Prayers, etc.: * 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 06:50 – praying The Angelus * 07:00 – praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare * 07:30 – Praying day 4 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception. * 08:30 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Ecclesiasticus 51: 13-17 and Gospel: Matthew 13: 44-52 * 09:00 – praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot. * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 17:30 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Monday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 219.03 * bp= 142/79 (72)

Diet: * 06:40 – toast & butter, 1 banana * 07:30 – pumpkin pie * 08:20 – 1 KitKat candy bar * 11:00 – sliced ham * 13:35 – 1 Hershey's peanut butter cup candy bar * 16:45 – 1 Whataburger bacon double cheeseburger

Chores, etc.: * 06:20 – bank accounts activity monitored * 13:05 – start my weekly laundry * 16:00 – watch local news and weather * 16:30 – watch old game shows and eat dinner at home with Sylvia * 17:15 – NFL+ Press Conference * 16:45 – listening to Westwood One Radio's Pregame Show for tonight's Monday Night Football Game, Cleveland Browns vs Denver Broncos, Kickoff is only minutes away. I'll stay with Westwood One for the call of the game.

Chess: * 10:15 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Monday, 2024-12-03 ~20:10 #DLDEC2024

by Roscoe

Sunday 2024-12-01

Prayers, etc.: * 06:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 07:00 – praying The Angelus * 07:30 – praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare. * 08:50 – Praying day 3 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception. * 09:40 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Rom 13:11-14 and Gospel: Luke 21:25-33. * 11:50 – praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot. * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 16:35 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Sunday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 219.91 lbs. * bp= 139/69 (66)

Diet: * 07:45 – 1 banana * 09:30 – apple pie * 11:30 – cherry pie * 13:35 – sliced ham * 15:50 – 1 Kit Kat candy bar

Chores, etc.: * 11:15 – bank accounts activity monitored * 12:30 – listening to the Pregame Show for this afternoon's Women's Basketball Game, IU Hoosiers vs, Maine Blackbears * 15:00 – listening now to NFL Football, Buccaneers vs Panthers * 15:50 – now following the real time stats of the NFL game, while listening to the Joe Rogan interview with Marc Andreesen, the full 3 hrs.

Chess: * 10:00 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Sunday, 2024-12-01 ~20:00 #DLDEC2024

by Roscoe

Saturday 2024-11-30

Prayers, etc.: * 06:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel followed by praying The Angelus * 07:20 – praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare. * 08:30 – Praying day 2 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception; followed by praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot. * 08:55 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: We really are in awe before all the wealth of the liturgy. Take the introits and the graduals, as well. How many profound and moving things in those graduals, those calls upon the mercy, upon the goodness of God, in praise of God! In these prayers of the Church we can always find one of the four ends of the sacrifice of the Mass: latreutic, eucharistic, propitiatory, or impetratory. And we realize that we can bring all of the texts of the liturgy to one or another of those ends. Sometimes it is adoration that predominates, sometimes thanksgiving, sometimes the presentation of our miseries, of our sins, a call to the mercy of God, and then finally asking for graces that we need. * 12:00 – Praying The Angelus * 17:40 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Saturday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 218.0 lbs * bp= 138/68 (68)

Diet: * 07:25 – 1 banana * 08:15 – cherry pie * 10:20 – turkey meat and stuffing * 11:00 – snacking on fresh grapes and strawberries * 13:10 – cranberry sauce * 13:45 – mashed potatoes & gravy * 14:45 – jello cubes

Chores, etc.: * 08:00 – bank accounts activity monitored * 09:30 – tuned into the FOX Big Noon Kickoff Show * 11:10 – ready now for the Ohio St. vs Michigan game * 14:30 – turning now to the Notre Dame / USC game * 18:10 – now listening to the IU / Purdue game. Go Hoosiers!

Chess: * 09:30 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Saturday, 2024-11-30 ~19:55 #DLNOV2024

by Roscoe

Friday 2024-11-29

Prayers, etc.: * 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 06:00 – praying The Angelus * 06:40 – praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare. * 10:50 – Praying day 1 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception; followed by praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot. * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 12:15 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: As we meditate on the liturgical offices, let us draw special nourishment from the prayers composed by the Church for the proper of the Mass – along with the common, of course. The proper always contains a particular lesson for that feast. And the prayers, so short but so beautiful, give us every time a real subject of meditation. Whether it be the collect, the secret or the postcommunion, we are astounded by their depth and by the truths of our faith which the Church is setting before us. * 16:40 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 216.94 * bp= 144/75 (63)

Diet: * 06:15 – 1 banana * 07:00 – cottage cheese, cherry pie, ham slices and pineapple rings * 09:30 – 1 Reese's peanut butter cup candy bar * 12:10 – green bean casserole * 13:55 – mashed potatoes and gravy * 20:10 – another Reese's peanut butter cup candy bar

Chores, etc.: * 06:00 – bank accounts activity monitored * 11:15 – tuned into college football, Ball State Cardinals vs Ohio Bobcats * 13:30 – switched over to men's college basketball, Ohio St. vs Pitt * 18:30 – After an afternoon of listening to the Ohio Bobcats beat the Ball State Cardinals in their college football game, Pitt beating Ohio St. in an overtime basketball game, and SJSU beating Stanford in their football game, I'm now following the Nebraska vs Iowa football game.

Chess: * 13:00 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Friday, 2024-11-29 ~20:20 #DLNOV2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: * 05:40 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel followed by praying The Angelus * 05:50 – praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare * 06:20 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: Let us follow these pathways in order to know God better, to know Him as the Church wants to make us know Him. We can't start thinking that we are better than other people because we are capable of finding new pathways. On the contrary, let us walk in the pathways that the Church has traced out for us, loving with all our heart that great school which is the liturgy of the Church. * 06:30 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Col 1:9-14, and Gospel Matt 24:15-35. * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 13:20 – Praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot * 17:30 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Thursday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 215.06 lbs. * bp= 156/74 (72)

Diet: * 06:45 – 1 banana, cottage cheese * 09:58 – hot dog pastry * 11:30 – grapes, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple rings, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, turkey * 16:00 – cherry pie

Chores, etc.: * 08:15 – monitored bank accounts activity * 08:30 – watch Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade * 11:30 – NFL football, Bears vs Lions * 15:00 – more NFL football, Cowboys vs Giants

Chess: * 09:15 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Thursday 2024-11-28 ~19:45 #DLNOV2024

by Roscoe

Wednesday 2024-11-27

Prayers, etc.: * 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 05:30 – praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare. * 06:30 – praying The Angelus * 08:20 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: We need to go to God by the ways of the Church – they are the surest of all – and not by our own personal ways. It is certainly very good that we express our devotion to God with our whole heart and soul in our meditation and in our personal prayers; but we are going to pray all the better the more we come to live and breathe the piety of the Church. Never could we have a piety as great as that of the Church Herself. The Church is the mystical Spouse of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the songs of the Spouse are inimitable. Gregorian Chant all by itself truly lifts us up toward Heaven, lifts us up toward to God. * 08:30 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Col 1:9-14, and Gospel Matt 24:15-35. * 09:40 – Praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 16:40 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Wednesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 214.18 lbs. * bp= 161/80 (68)

Diet: * 07:15 – toast & butter, ½ Jimmy John's Submarine sandwich * 08:40 – applesauce, cottage cheese * 12:20 – 1 pb&j sandwich, egg drop soup, beef chop suey * 14:20 – 1 ice cream sandwich * 16:15 – 1 hot dog pastry

Chores, etc.: * 06:15 – monitored bank accounts activity * 10:10 – tuned into IU Sports Radio for pregame coverage ahead of their game vs Louisville Cardinals, opening tip coming later this morning * 12:30 – watch old game show, eat lunch at home with Sylvia * 13:45 – now following men's college basketball, WV Mountaineers vs Gonsaga Bulldogs * 16:00 – now following more men's college basketball, UT Martin Skyhawks vs Tennessee Volunteers. After that, switching to the Bucknell Bison vs Maryland Terrapins.

Chess: * 14:00 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Wednesday, 2024-11-27 ~20:45 #DLNOV2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: * 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 06:00 – praying The Angelus * 06:40 – praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare. * 07:00 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: Why has the Church arranged the liturgical cycle in that manner? It is to make us contemplate all of the mysteries of our Lord. Ultimately, it is our Credo which is being presented to us over the course of the year and on which we are called to meditate in a very special way.

The proper texts of the Seasons, prayers, prefaces and so on, are so well chosen, so beautiful that they raise us up, allow us to deepen our faith and increase our charity. * 09:25 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Ecclus 45:1-6 and Gospel Matt 19:27-29. * 10:50 – Praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 15:50 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:20 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Tuesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 215.06 lbs. * bp= 148/70 (71)

Diet: * 06:30 – toast & butter, little cookies, pizza * 12:30 – applesauce, steamed rice, fried eggs, sausages * 14:00 – snacking on little chocolates through the afternoon

Chores, etc.: * 06:00 – monitored bank accounts activity * 11:00 – listening to relaxing music, and leisure reading * 12:30 – watch old game shows and eat lunch at home with Sylvia * 13:30 – tuned into the Louisina Tech Bulldogs Sports Network ahead of their afternoon men's basketball game vs the Richmond Spiders * 14:05 – Now tuned into the Clemson vs Penn St. men's college basketball game * 17:05 – listening to relaxing music, leisure reading

Chess: * 08:50 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Tuesday, 2024-11-26 ~19:50 #DLNOV2024

by Roscoe

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