Roscoe's Story


For those keeping score, Monday was a good day.

It was a long day, but a good one. There is one specific and time-consuming chore I delegate to every Monday. That would be doing my laundry, and that usually swallows up the middle part of the day, from late morning until late in the afternoon. Such was the case this time. But now it's done for another week – mostly.

And there is another chore that comes on the second Monday evening of each month: my Knights of Columbus Council's business meeting. As an officer of the Council I'm pretty much obligated to attend. This month's meeting was a good one. Everything ran smoothly, and it was good to be in the company of my Brother Knights.

Between those two regularly scheduled chores there was some correspondence and logistics to handle related to this Summer's move to the Philippines. I imagine that between now and the move itself there will be similar items needing attention on most days. Those handled this day went well.

All in all, this Monday was a good day.

#SeniorLiving #KnightsofColumnbus #chores

by Roscoe