Roscoe's Story


Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:30 – The SORROWFUL MYSTERIES of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare. • 08:00 – Viganò accuses Pope Francis of SAME ABUSES as EX-Cardinal McCarrick – Dr. Taylor Marshall • 08:50 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: Since her body was not susceptible to corruption, it was resurrected and rose up to Heaven, and that is the privilege of her Assumption; she is now the Queen of Heaven and earth. If there is a subject that raises us up to Heaven, it is certainly the thought of Mary triumphant, Mary glorious, Mary Queen of Heaven. 12:00 – the Angelus 18:00 – the Angelus 19:50 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 222.50 lbs. • bp= 147/71 (75)

Diet: • 06:15 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 07:15 – 1 banana • 08:15 – beef chop suey, steamed rice • 17:30 – pizza, chocolate chip cookie

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:15 – bank accounts activity monitored • 09:00 – watching Bannon's War Room • 11:45 – watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune • 13:15 – listen to relaxing music and work on my CC games • 16:00 – follow news reports from various sources • 18:30 – new episode of Wheel of Fortune • 19:00 – relaxing music and leisure reading

Chess: • 07:30 – moved in all pending CC games, registered for new GameKnot tourney

posted Friday 31/May/2024 ~20:45 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:00 – Praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by The Memorare • 09:00 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: The body of our Lord Jesus Christ present in our poor bodies is a pledge of our resurrection. It is already everlasting life inside of us; and that everlasting life will never leave us. Even at the hour of our death, because we have received Communion, because we have been united to our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, there will be in our souls that seed of the resurrection of our bodies for eternity. • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:15 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Thursday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 221.00 lbs • bp= 137/68 (73)

Diet: • 06:50 – ½ pb&j sandwich, 1 banana, cottage cheese and applesauce • 09:15 – nachos, meat, cheese, sour cream, and guac, refried beans • 10:30 – 1 mango popsicle • 12:00 – beef chop suey, steamed rice, mango popsicle • 15:50 – egg drop soup

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:55 – bank accounts activity monitored • 09:00 – start my weekly laundry • 09:15 – listen to The Dennis Prager Show • 11:30 – watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune and eat lunch at home with Sylvia • 13:00 – watch Human Events Daily – with Jack Posobiec • 14:40 – watching The Rabbit Hole – documentary • 16:00 – following news reports from various sources

Chess: • 07:15 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Thursday 30/May/2024 ~19:50 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:45 – The Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare • 12:00 – the Angelus • 12:15 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: The world and all of its distractions exercise an attraction on minds, on imaginations, on hearts, on souls. Even in Catholic communities, unfortunately, people are oriented toward those goods, toward money. You see for yourselves that it is not easy. You know well enough the occasions of sin which there are in the world. It is not easy. So we have to be vigilant all the time and be on our guard. • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:10 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Wednesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 222.50 lbs. • bp= 141/75 (65)

Diet: • 05:45 – ½ pb&j sandwich, 1 banana • 11:15 – nachos, meat & cheese, sour cream & guac • 12:30 – sliced beets, cornbread stuffing • 15:10 – baked chicken • 17:45 – applesauce and cottage cheese

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 10:10 – The Eye of Microsoft – Steve Green's Right Angle • 10:30 – attempt full upgrade of Rpi computer • 11:45 – watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune • 13:15 – follow the Rangers vs D-backs game • 16:15 – listening to relaxing music and leisure reading • 18:00 – local news and weather • 18:30 – a new episode of Wheel of Fortune

Chess: • 11:55 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Wednesday 29/May/2024 ~19:45 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:45 – The SORROWFUL MYSTERIES of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare. • 09:10 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: The world and our daily occupations often distract us from the thought of God, and they are like an obstacle and a screen between us and God on account of the disorder which is in us, as I explained to you when I spoke to you about original sin and its consequences. So the creatures which surround us very often hinder us from going to God. That is why there is a need to turn away from the world. • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus • 20:45 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Tuesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 222.50 lbs. • bp= 140/77 (66)

Diet: • 05:45 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 07:10 – pizza, cottage cheese and applesauce • 12:45 – pizza, Swedish meat balls • 17:00 – sliced beets, cornbread stuffing • 19:30 – nachos with plenty of meat & cheese, sour cream, and guac

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:00 – bank accounts activity monitored • 09:30 to 11:00 – mow front yard • 11:15 – This Is What They Fear... Competence! – Royce White Interview w Tom Hauser • 12:15 – watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune • 12:30 – eat lunch at home with Sylvia • 15:15 – tuned into the NY Mets vs LA Dodgers game • 19:00 – tuned into the Rangers vs D'Backs game • 19:30 – eat dinner at home with Sylvia and watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune

Chess: • 09:00 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Tuesday 28/May/2024 ~21:00 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:30 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel followed by the Angelus. • 07:50 – Praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by The Memorare • 08:20 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: Christian life is more and more difficult to practice in the environment we live in today and it demands a great deal of courage, a great deal of virtue, to manage to practice the law of God in the middle of all the temptations, all the scandals of this world. God knows if the power of the devil is strong today to try to make us fall into sin, to try to turn us away from God, with all the means that men themselves have put in the devil's hands. • 12:00 – the Angelus. • 18:00 – the Angelus. • 19:30 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Monday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 222.00 lbs. • bp= 129/74 (75)

Diet: • 06:30 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 08:30 – cottage cheese & applesauce • 08:50 – 2 big BLT sandwiches, a plate of sausage • 13:00 – baked chicken, cornbread stuffing

Chores, etc.: • 05:30 – listen to local news talk radio • 08:20 – listen to relaxing music • 11:40 – tuned into the Baltimore Orioles Radio Network ahead of their early afternoon game vs the Boston Red Sox • 14:40 – listening to relaxing music, and leisure reading • 17:00 – follow news reports from various sources

Chess: • 10:20 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Monday 27/May/2024 ~20:05 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 06:15 – The Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare • 08:15 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: Opposite this spiritual life that our Lord wishes to give us, and the presence of the Holy Trinity that He wants us to have within ourselves, there stands the world. We sense that our Lord is aware of the danger that the world represents for our salvation. So He puts us on our guard against the spirit of the world. • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:15 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Sunday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 220.60 lbs. • bp= 130/67 (64)

Diet: • 05:15 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 06:30 – applesauce & cottage cheese • 08:45 – stuffed pork patties, bitter melon • 13:00 – 1 pb&j sandwich • 16:30 – bowl of beef stew, white bread

Chores, etc.: • 06:00 – bank accounts activity monitored • 07:00 – listen to relaxing music • 08:30 – listen to Indianapolis Sports Radio for pre-race coverage of today's Indy 500 • 10:40 – rains moving into Indy will postpone the start of the 500, so I've tuned in an early baseball game, Tigers vs Blue Jays • 15:15 – start following the rain-delayed Indy 500

Chess: • 07:55 – moved in all pending games

posted Sunday 26/May/2024 ~19:55 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 06:15 – The Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare • 06:50 – Pope Offers Pan-Religious Blessing and Proposes Global Eco-Finance – Faith & Reason • 08:15 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: Our Christian life is too often formalistic, exterior. It is not practical or profound enough. Do I ask myself if I am changing, if I am deepening my understanding of truths, if I am practicing them? Aren't there many domains in myself which are not animated by the spiritual? We don't actually want the light to penetrate too deeply so we don't have to change a particular habit, one that we suspect is a little bit bad but that we still want to keep. No! There must be no domain which is “my property.” I have to ask God with all my heart and all my will for light in every domain, to have generosity and tear out anything which is not pleasing to Him. • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus

Health Metrics: • bw= 219.90 lbs. • bp= 146/80 (67)

Diet: • 05:40 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 07:00 – cottage cheese & applesauce • 12:30 – bitter melon and stuffed pork patties • 14:45 – plate of cooked bananas

Chores, etc.: • 06:05 – monitor bank accounts activity • 07:45 – prune branches on big front yard tree • 12:30 – watch an old episode of Wheel of Fortune and eat lunch at home with Sylvia • 13:00 – follow this afternoon's Rangers vs Twins MLB game • 15:40 – turned away from the Rangers game, listening to relaxing music, leisure reading • 16:40 – finished cleaning up the front yard following this morning's work cutting branches, etc. • 17:45 – load weekly pill boxes • 19:00 – tonight's Svengoolie.

Chess: • 13:30 – moved in all pending GameKnot games, I have plenty of time cushion in my games in all other clubs, so I'll work on them tomorrow when I have more energy.

posted Saturday 25/May/2024 ~19:50 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:45 – The SORROWFUL MYSTERIES of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare. • 08:15 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: We are unfortunately so far from God. Our minds and our hearts are so attached to the things of this world, so absorbed by our thoughts, our desires, our projects. What we have, our reputation, what people think of us, what people say about us – all those things preoccupy us much more than God does. Ah, if we could only be more detached! That is perhaps the main effort which you can and you must make. You have to detach yourselves from the goods of this world, from honors, from reputation; detach yourselves from your own thoughts, your own desires; and abandon yourselves into the hands of Providence, into the hands of God, in order to give yourselves entirely to Him; in order from now on to have only the interests of our Lord Jesus Christ in your heart and in your soul. • 08:30 – May 23, 2024: Francisvatican Announces The End Of The Chinese Underground Church – Canon212 • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:20 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 220.60 lbs. • bp= 129/68 (75)

Diet: • 05:45 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 07:00 – applesauce & cottage cheese • 10:30 – baked chicken • 11:50 – hot dog & bun • 14:00 – big bowl of home made meat and vegetable soup • 18:00 – small bag of cheetos snacks

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:30 – monitor bank accounts activity • 09:00 – watching Bannon's War Room • 13:00 – watch Human Events Daily – with Jack Posobiec • 14:00 – follow news reports from various sources • 15:30 – trying again to clean the threads on an outside faucet. As yesterday, today I'm applying WD-40 and trying to wipe it clean with rags. Something new added to that project today is scrubbing the threads with a wire brush between applications of WD-40. • 17:45 – after working 2 hours on that darned faucet, I'm inside now, listening to the Texas Rangers warmup show before their game vs the Twins. 1st pitch is ~20 min. away.

Chess: • 11:55 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Saturday 24/May/2024 ~19:50 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:45 – Praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by The Memorare • 08:15 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: A single sin brought about the Passion and the crucifixion of the Word Incarnate! May these considerations make us avoid grave sin, and in case of a fall, make us cling to the life-raft which is the sacrament of penance. • 08:45 – May 22, 2024: Hermits and Trad Pundits May Not Be What They Seem – Canon212 • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:20 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Thursday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 220.60 lbs. • bp= 134/73 (68)

Diet: • 05:45 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 08:00 – cottage cheese and applesauce • 12:15 – scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, refried beans, breakfast tacos • 18:00 – bowl of home made beef stew • 19:00 – ½ fresh mango

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:15 – bank accounts activity monitored • 09:00 – The Absolute Truth With Emerald Robinson May 22, 2024 • 12:00 – watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune and eat lunch at home with Sylvia • 13:00 – work on corroded threads of outside faucet, applying WD-40 every half hour • 15:30 – tuned into the Colorado Rockies vs the Oakland A's MLB game, already in the bottom of the 4th inning • 17:00 – local news and weather • 17:30 – watch live broadcast of President Trump in the Bronx • 19:00 – listening to relaxing music and leisure reading before bedtime

Chess: • 11:10 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Thursday 24/May/2024 ~19:55 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 06:45 – The Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare • 08:50 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: The hymn of Prime is admirable. We beg God that all the acts of our day might be sheltered from anything that may harm us. And the Church goes into detail. “May our tongues be restrained, keeping far away the horror of discord,” so that no violent dispute arise among us. The tongue is often the instrument of such a thing. It is easy to get angry during a conversation; we lose our self-control and we say things we may regret later, but which set off that opposition between souls, between hearts. • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:20 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Wednesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 220.60 lbs. • bp= 133/80 (72)

Diet: • 05:30 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 06:35 – cottage cheese and applesauce • 12:00 – turkey salad, cheese and sausage breakfast taco, lemon sugar cookies • 17:00 – big bowl of home made meat and vegetable soup, fresh pineapple slices

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:00 – monitor bank accounts activity • 07:00 – load weekly pill boxes • 07:50 – ‘Attritable Assets’ – Bill Whittle's Right Angle • 08:15 – Digital ID Mandates Roll Out Worldwide! – Maria Zeee on Infowars • 10:30 – yard work, cut branches in backyard • 12:00 – watch old episodes of Wheel of Fortune and eat lunch at home with Sylvia • 13:15 – out to the backyard again to cut up more branches • 15:00 – following news reports from various sources • 15:40 – tuned into the Baltimore Orioles vs the St. Louis Cardinals MLB game, 2nd game of a double-header, already in the 5th inning • 16:50 – tuned into the Texas Rangers Pregame Show before their game vs the Phillies

Chess: • 10:15 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Wednesday 22 May 2024 ~19:55 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe