
I've also been questioned about my innermost thoughts.

If you ever feel like you’re about to lose yourself, you can talk to me again. I should be able to at least listen to you. That’s if you’re okay with me.

Do you think I want to leave you? When I know that there’s someone who is willing to be with me until the end. I couldn’t ask for anything better.

You may have felt like giving up, but please don't.

Because when you don't stop, you will win.

Remember everything you have been through until now, even if you forget I won't.

You can achieve your goals, like leaves flying in the wind.



You have to keep smiling for me. So I know that you’re okay. Never frown even when you’re sad.

You made me feel like I wasn't alone in the world and I don't just mean because we had each other, because you could feel very lonely in a relationship. Especially if you don't feel seen.

The end of a journey, a bittersweet time,

A moment to reflect, to pause and to rhyme.

To look back at all the steps that were taken,

And ponder the moments that were both joyful and shaken.

The road was winding, the path was steep,

With obstacles and challenges that made us weep.

But we marched on, with hope in our hearts,

And every setback was a chance for a fresh start.


A journey long awaited, Filled with hope and fear. A step into the unknown, With a heart that's pure and clear.

The path is winding, And the road is steep and long. But the traveler perseveres, With a spirit brave and strong.


Farewell, dear Ramadan, you're leaving us again.

Our hearts are heavy, as we bid you adieu.

For a month of blessings and mercy, you have been.

And we will miss the warmth and love that we knew.

Your arrival brought joy and renewed hope.

A chance to purify our hearts and our souls.

We fasted and prayed, learned to cope.

With the trials of life, as we reached our goals.


Deep within us lies a force,

A primal urge we can't divorce.

It guides our actions, shapes our lives,

And helps us thrive and survive.

Instinct is the voice that speaks,

When logic fails and reason weakens.

It tells us what we need to do,

To keep us safe and see us through.


  1. Visualize your dream: Take some time to imagine yourself achieving your dream. What does it look like? How does it feel? Keep this image in your mind and use it as motivation when things get challenging.

  2. Break your dream into smaller goals: Sometimes our dreams can feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to know where to start. Break your dream down into smaller, more manageable goals, and focus on achieving each one in turn. This will help you build momentum and stay motivated.