Jefferson Bookcases – The Littlest Case

Originally written Nov 22, 2020

I needed to make a little case for some small hardcovers. It's also the size I will need for paperbacks if I don't put them in tall skinny cases.

Cut list for smallest (paperback) case

If that's hard to read, the measurements are (to hold 5¼x7¼ books)

2 – 1×6×30¼ 2 – 1×6×8¾ 1 – 1×8×29⅝

Smallest case, sitting on a piece of cardboard

I didn't have a 30 inch long 1×8 offcut, so I put two shorter ones together. They're ship-lapped. Otherwise it's just like the other cases, just smaller.

Smallest case, medium case, and art book case

Jefferson Bookcases Contents #woodworking #bookcases #cutList

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