

Pork and shrimp kebabs, on a plate


  • 1 pork chop
  • 1 packet Thai aromatic bbq (https://ASIN.cc/XVwgPf)
  • ¾ pound 16/20 shrimp, peeled, de-veined, with tail removed
  • ½ seedless English cucumber, (or an equivalent amount of zucchini or eggplant) cut into 1cm slices (18 slices)
  • 18 pearl onions
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tsp red chile powder
  • 1 oz soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp dark honey


Night before

  • Cube pork chop (you’re looking for about 30 pieces) and marinate overnight in Thai aromatic bbq mix
  • Peel and clean shrimp, sprinkle with chile powder, and let sit overnight

Cooking time

  • Slice cucumber into 1cm thick slices
  • Peel pearl onions
  • Mix 1oz soy sauce with 1 tbsp dark honey and warm until honey dissolves (10 seconds in the microwave is plenty)
  • Load up the skewers: pork, shrimp, cuke, onion, tomato, pork, tomato, cuke, onion, shrimp, pork
  • Grill, about 7-10 minutes per side, drizzling the kebabs with the honey and soy mix. Or broil, 8 minutes per side at 500F.
  • Serve in a pita or on couscous. Makes 9 kebabs. Serves 4.

#recipe #kebab

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