Golden Rule: Whenever you can’t decide on a rule, go with whatever is the most fun (or roll for it).

Objective: The first player to take 3 sacred relics of f their side of the table wins.

Play Space: A 3’x3’ or 2’x2’ table with plenty of elevated terrain to block line of sight.

Models and Dice: Dead Gods is designed for 28mm fantasy models and uses d6s (regular dice).

Warcults: A Warcult is a band of scavengers hoping to use sacred relics of fallen gods to fuel their attempts to raise themselves to godhood. A Warcult consists of 4-6 miniatures of equal points.

Leader: Every Warcult needs one leader. This is a special rule you can give to one of your models.

Stat Line; Each model has the following stats:

• Activation (A) • Move (M) • Battle (B) • Fire (F) • Defence (D) • Momentum (Mm)

SET-UP Terrain: Each player takes it in turns to place a piece of terrain (as much as you want, as long as it’s split fairly).

Objectives: Each player takes turns placing five sacred relic markers (1” diameter) on the table. One must be central and the others no closer than 6” to another marker or the edge of the table.

Deployment: Set up models at opposite table edges, no more than 3” away from an edge (or corners if a 2x2 space).

PLAYING THE GAME Initiative: At the beginning of the game roll a d6 each. Highest goes f i rst.

The last player to activate goes f i rst in the next round.

Activation: Attempt to activate a model by rolling 2d6. If the results of both dice are lower than the model’s activation stat they can take two actions. If one is lower they can take one action. If neither are lower the model is Unruly and can’t activate, with play passing to the opponent as long as they have models eligible for activation. After a model has carried out their actions, the player attempts to activate another model. Once all models are activated a new round begins.

Actions: Models can performs the following actions:

•Full Movement: Move up to your model’s movement stat.

•Charge: Move up to your model’s movement into base contact with an opponent and make a melee attack. This ends your activation.

•Focused Shot: Shoot at half range 6”) with no penalty from Full Movement.

•Full Fire: Shoot at full range (12”).

If this model is coupling this action with Full movement take a +1 penalty to f i ring.

•Claim Objective: Secure a Sacred Relic by rolling a 1-3 on a d6.

Melee: The charging model makes a melee attack. Roll 1d6. If under their Battle stat they have scored a hit.

Otherwise, they have missed. Regardless of a hit or miss, the opponent moves their model 1” backwards (if unable, put a marker down to show they were pushed away). After a hit, the opponent rolls a d6 on their Defence stat. If the result is equal or above, they place wound token next to their model.

Shooting: Any model making a Focused Shot or Full Fire must have line of sight of an enemy model and be within range.

Roll 1d6. If the result is under their Fire stat they have scored a hit. The opponent rolls a d6 on their Defence stat. If the result is equal or above, they place wound token next to their model.

Second Shots: Firing twice in a row incurs a +1 penalty to the second shot.

Concealment: When f i ring, if you can see only part of the target model, the Fire roll takes a +1 penalty for every piece of concealing terrain in the way.

Rough Terrain: When moving over rough terrain, every 1” movement is doubled.

Claiming Objectives: When a model is touching an objective they can spend an action to attempt to claim it. On a roll of 1-3 that model now carries the objective.

Their movement is halved while carrying.

Once a model with an objective has moved of f their own table edge they are considered Out of Action. A model may only carry one objective. They may freely drop one.

Wounds: For each wound on a model they gain +1 to each activation roll (both dice). If they are Unruly while wounded they are instead Out of Action and are removed from play. Drop any objective.

Climbing/ Falling: Models climb at half their move speed. For every 3” fallen, roll Defence. Take a wound for each failure.

Spending Momentum: A model may spend 1 Momentum to reroll any of their dice or move an extra 3”.


Brute (X): Gains a -x to Defence rolls.

Graceful: Ignore the ef f ects of rough terrain.

Holy Hand: While in possession of a sacred relic gain a -1 to Activation dice.

Holy Shield: While in possession of a sacred relic this model gets a -1 to Defence rolls.

Horrifying: An enemy that starts its activation within 3” of this model takes a +1 to Activation dice.

Leader: They and all allied models within 4” gain -1 to both Activation die.

Mighty (X): Gain -x to Battle rolls when charging, having taken no other action.

Relic Guardian: While within 3” of an sacred relic this model gets -1 to Battle.

Scout: This model may be deployed 6” from the table edge.

Self-Flagellation: Immediately after activation, you may gain one wound to recover a Momentum.

Shadowy: When concealed this model doesn’t grant line of sight.

Sniper: (X) Gains a -x to Full Fire.

Stealthy: Enemies get a +1 to Fire against this model.

Unliving: When you become Out of Action roll a d6. On a 1 you return with 2 wounds.


Each player chooses models to form their Warcult. These are typically 30pts total. Add 2 points to a model to give it the Leader special rule.

Assassin (6pts) A4 M6” B5 F4 D3 Mm1 Stealthy, Shadowy

Bowmaster (6pts) A4 M6” B3 F5 D3 Mm1 Sniper 1

Champion (8pts) A5 M6” B5 F- D5 Mm2 Mighty 1

Ghost Warrior (5pts) A4 M6” B4 F- D4 Mm1 Unliving

Golem (7pts) A4 M4” B4 F3 D4 Mm2 Brute

High Priest (8pts) A5 M6” B4 F3 D3 Mm2 Self-Flagellation, Holy Hand

Knight (7pts) A5 M6” B5 F3 D4 Mm1 Relic Guardian

Peasant (3pts) A4 M6” B3 F3 D3 Mm0

Relic Hunter (6pts) A4 M6” B4 F3 D4 Mm1 Holy Shield, Holy Hand

Skirmisher (7pts) A4 M8” B4 F4 D3 Mm0 Scout, Graceful

Wytch (6pts) A4 M6” B3 F3 D3 Mm2 Horrifying, Shadowy