Dio Writes


So, I sort of had this idea… what if Dio… alt Dio, me, whoever… had gone bad? And this silly little scene just sort of popped into my head. I won’t say it was fun to write, but exploring an older me who lost everything that mattered… who let her rage and anger out and who was paying for it… it was an interesting headspace to be in.



Q: 30 Oct—If your character had a themed vehicle, what would it be?

I already answered this, but I thought it might be fun to contact “alt Dio” to ask her too, as she's a bit different. Anyway, we chatted over lunch; her answer is below!

#WordWeavers #writing


I'm not broken, despite what I'd have me believe

Chipped, cracked, but never quite shattered

The weight of grief and circumstance conspiring

To convince me that I was weaker than I am

All of those lies I whispered in the dark

Punishments inflicted when I was not at fault

Self loathing masquerading as vigilante justice

An unfair sentence from a judge oft compromised

#writing #poetry

There is a resonance between us

Reality quakes when we are near

The rules governing this universe

Are no match for us combined.

#writing #poetry

I don’t have much to say beyond… I am sorry for all of those who have suffered bc I’m the way I am. I’m trying. I am.

TW: Death, Rage, Suicide

#poetry #writing #trauma


This QNOA is dark. I'm usually flippant and stuff but… you wanted some insight into me, and I've had some old self lurking lately. The theme is death, so trigger warning… that's a huge theme here. Be warned. And if you want to keep derpy silly dork me in your head as pristine, maybe skip this one.

TW: Death, Dying

#ama #writing


I sit in maudlin silence

Doomed, if only in my mind

The weight of it all

Demanding my surrender

But, when I put my headphones on

The music brings me back to self

Me, grinning defiance as I sway

Remembering why I still fight

Resolve, pulsing with the beat

Bassline reverberating in my soul

Vocals, reminding me to love

And as the beat drops

My better self is restored.

#poetry #music #writing

I… don’t really know where this came from, I just… know it came from me. As meta as it might be, as strange as it seems, this… helped. I feel less out of alignment. I feel more ‘right’ after writing this, like I’ve regained a small piece of something vital. So… yeah.

#writing #fiction #metafiction


Am I a pale imitation

An echo of a dream

Or is this chrysalis

My true self waiting to break free?

#writing #poetry

“We like you for you” they say

Me, knowing they're wrong, but

Giving it one more chance

(Just one, I pretend)