Pandemic, they said This world, interrupted Mere weeks after we met Lockdown, across the globe
Thank you For making me remember That who I am isn’t defined By the slivers of time I sell you
But also
A gentle reminder That you, my most stupid adversary Will someday reap the poisoned crop Of the lies and hate you sow.
In 2nd in extraplanar space The tieflings they did dwell With visage mostly human Links to abyss or the hells
Taking expired food out of work break room fridges
Knowing the taste of baking soda and shame
Only a few days to payday but oh I'm so hungry
If they knew would they like me the same?
I am rage
Lashing out
Needing no one
Scorning friendship
Rejecting compassion
Tears, suppressed by fury
Bleeding, but refusing all help
Despair, hidden by mocking derision
Loneliness, masked with wicked barbs
Why am I like this
(Fundamental flaws)
Why do I do this
(Unworthy soul)
Places I once dwelled, razed
Or else, destroyed by violence
Houses but not homes
The concept of permanence lost on me
Not realizing, until too late
That, perhaps
I would miss them when they were gone.
This maelstrom of chaos Imprisoned by chains I’ve forged Suppressing its mad joy With a veneer of civilization I often loathe