
A place to gather words before they get lost.

Riding bitter winds, the hawk eyes the surrounding, then dives for dinner

Silence surrounds me; I am as still as can be - Wind rustling leaves

Sandpipers scuttle on, skimming on surface of sand; Now, I understand

This small stubborn leaf, holding on, bracing itself for that last wind blast

for Algot

On canvas of tongue, a young snowflake breaks apart; temporary art

Take care of yourself and remember that taking care of something else is an important part of taking care of yourself, because you are interwoven with the ten trillion things ...

— Rebecca Solnit

Something threaded gets frayed, tugged, gets pulled apart, fidgeting fingers, nervously pondering something else entirely, ten trillion things on one's mind - still, the tug continues at this darkened time, this dead of night, with distant stars quiet but some, like us, forever in the midst of falling

Gather promises muttered from the mouths of men; the bonfire always burns

Nature wears her scarf of tattered leaves and colors; woven Autumn threads

Perched upon a branch of oak, the murder of crows foreshadows in shouts

Mourning my country, and questioning whether this place is still home