Perched upon a branch of oak, the murder of crows foreshadows in shouts
A place to gather words before they get lost.
Perched upon a branch of oak, the murder of crows foreshadows in shouts
Mourning my country, and questioning whether this place is still home
Solitary walk - stand inside the ballot box; cast the hate aside
for Election Day 2024
Chewing on Penicillin spores -
Gorgonzola, we're never bored!
Loosen up, bits, on the plate
Dress the salad - it's time we ate!
for DS106 Daily Create
A slight flash of red beneath the surface of pond; a tail, then its gone
Minutes and seconds, hours discarded like leaves; Decomposition
for Algot
That hour, misplaced back in Spring, returns again; a moment too soon
Cold, as if your bones might just break from the shaking, then comes the embrace
North winds always blow cold, collapsing the mountain inside a moment
Finding poetry in the dew of the morning, ghost writers at work