Mouse 2
Almost two months have passed since I saw a mouse in my car. Since I was driving every other day, never kept food in the car and never saw her again, I thought she was gone.
some of my thoughts and notes
Almost two months have passed since I saw a mouse in my car. Since I was driving every other day, never kept food in the car and never saw her again, I thought she was gone.
Today I visited my grandfather who lives with my aunt and her husband. Recently, during the pandemic, they got a dog, Gustav.
I think I've reached my previous level of thankfulness again. My energy is strong, I'm excited and I'm confident.
I wasn't really aware of the path that this guy has taken in his life and I must admit that I find it highly interesting. Had I been more disciplined and born in different circumstances I can imagine myself on the same trajectory.
I found particularly interesting what he says at this point about what he does every day:
Today I enjoy working, I'm also a bit stressed thinking about the fact that I'll have to leave tomorrow morning at 6 and drive on a snowy highway with summer tires and then up a steep ramp onto the ferry, and that I'll have to pack absolutely all my stuff before that or I won't see it again before summer.
I find it a bit crazy that you prefer the more “honest” version of my original text that was written by ChatGPT.
It's funny to think back at the music that affected me the most this year. When I came to Norway in spring, it was this song that accompanied my ecstatic joy while driving my car over the highway towards the airfield after passing customs:
I'm sitting on the train back to Tønsberg. Right after we separated and I went back into the train station in Oslo I was walking a tightrope between allowing myself to cry as much as I want but also not triggering a reaction from other people.
I am so grateful to be on this train ride back to Tønsberg. Earlier, as I left the train station in Oslo, I struggled with the natural desire to cry and also the need to consider the feelings of others. Now, as I sit here and reflect, I am grateful for the opportunity to feel and process my emotions. I feel a sense of openness and space in my chest, and my hands are tingling with excitement for what is to come.
I'm currently on a train ride back to Tønsberg. Earlier, as I left the train station in Oslo, I struggled with my desire to cry freely while also not wanting to draw attention or upset others.