Richard Feynman
Since Olav yesterday considered Feynman as part of our family, I want to share a bit about him.
As an experiment, I asked OpenAI to write the text for me.
some of my thoughts and notes
Since Olav yesterday considered Feynman as part of our family, I want to share a bit about him.
As an experiment, I asked OpenAI to write the text for me.
I think is the key to many people's problems. Whenever we have a real problem, it is usually in the meaning of things. But in their essence, things don't have any meaning. It's us who make the meaning.
The “problem” that just made my energy feel a bit weird was not that I was struggling with unwanted emotions. It was that my thoughts just didn't stop unfolding into more and more complexity. I was overthinking an imaginary issue.
Yep, I did it again. This time I got a copy of “Lighter” by Yung Pueblo. I think it's a book that shouldn't be left only to those who decide to buy it.
Right now I only want to capture one thought regarding this video:
I always thought that it is strange that people differentiate between their public and their private identity. Finally there is some research on this:
There is a saying we use whenever we process shitty information: “Shit in, shit out.”
I want to share the only good best part of this German TV show from two weeks ago: Linksradikal und staatsfeindlich: Ist die FDP die neue RAF? | ZDF Magazin Royale.
I had a long conversation about the political situation of Norway and the world today. I am not going to bother to summarize it all, but I'm going to try to do it in short.
There's this funny phenomenon I notice in my life right now. People I talk with sometimes tell me that I am one of very few people they can have such a conversation with.