
some of my thoughts and notes

This week I realized that I appear to have some predisposition for manic depression. I've known that this runs in my genes – my mother's father committed suicide when she was an infant and my father also struggled with manic depression for a long time.


It's interesting how often prices are simply equal. If you pick up a surprise bag with saved food from any bakery, gas station or cafe, it will most likely cost 39 kr.


You know the saying that we all lie a hundred times each day, right? I think that might be true in subtle ways, but deep down I believe it's bullshit.


There is this strange phenomenon that whenever I come across a woman who resembles this one woman I cannot forget, she seems to pierce me with her glance, she seems to recognize me even though it is impossible.


It is a weird feeling to be here, but finally I've realized (not physically but mentally) my freedom.


I can't explain how exactly I ended up in this situation, so I'll simply describe it as I remember it.


My arrival in Norway was not quite what I expected.


Whether you believe in astrology or not, there's something fascinating and true to be found in it regardless of your own superstition.


On my way back from France I wrote to an old friend who lives in Freiburg that I could give her a visit on my way back to Germany.

It would be illegal but if she didn't care I would neither.

Back in the time we met in Darmstadt we had a good chemistry and I had actually been in love with her while she just wanted to stay single.


During my travel, I did some rather not so nice things to my father's car. I drove over some rock and gravel roads where I had to push all the way into the bushes to avoid getting stuck in the middle. I drove close behind trucks on dirty roads. I hit the edge of the pavement with the right front wheel.