I just realized how malleable my habits actually are.
Last Friday I wanted nothing more than to watch another episode of Hunter X Hunter.
It was due to my mental state. I was completely in relaxation mode, unable to do anything productive or creative, anything that would cost some concentration, so that was all I wanted.
I've been diving into the world of e-books for one simple reason:
The book “The Symbiotic Planet” by Lynn Margulis costs 80€ as a paperback and 3,99€ as an e-book.
I am afraid. Most of the time I probably supress my fears, because most of the time, I don't feel them. I have no idea what the future will look like and it's because I don't think about it very much.
I've watched almost all episodes of Season 4 now and while talking about it the episode where insects of the Galactic Federation try to extract Rick's memory about constructing his portal gun.
Again, I'm writing retrospectively. Right now it's Tuesday, 12:52, and I'm sitting on our balcony in shorts and long jeans shirt while my flatmate Sarah is watering our tomato plants.
My birthday was more of an experiment than a celebration to me. Given the circumstances I had not planned a celebration in advance, quite similar to last year where I didn't tell anything to anyone and just kept doing what I was doing back in these days – tinkering around in the workshop. During this day a lot of people came around and visited me in the workshop. It was a good day, but later I realized that I had somehow missed the party.
This is a conversation that I had with an old friend on Instagram.
She asked me the following after I reacted to her story:
Wie geht es dir? Wie fühlst du dich?
How are you? How are you feeling?
Hatte die spontane Antwort schon im Kopf, habe dann aber vergessen, sie einzutippen.
Had the spontaneous answer in my head, but then I forgot to type it in.
Mein persönliches Leben hat sich durch die Corona-Situation eher subtil verändert. Meine Zeit verbringe ich deutlich weniger alleine und deutlich mehr mit Freunden. Fast vollkommen weggefallen ist die Zeit mit fremden Menschen.
I like the feeling of leaving a place with a full backpack.
In my current situation, I travel between my workshop and my home with all the tools and artefacts that I only have once and could possibly need at any one of the two places. So I carry them to and back from work.
In my back, I pack:
I'm just listening to an interview with the virologist Karin Mölling, author of the book “Viruses”.
Viruses, she says, are not just part of our world, but drivers of evolution. They come up with something new that we then integrate into our cells. They teach us something new. They are the superpower of life.