Visit Norway
If you want to visit me in Norway, you are really welcome!
some of my thoughts and notes
If you want to visit me in Norway, you are really welcome!
Today when my colleague and I came back to the airfield I saw a Super Petrel that was pushed by several people along the runway.
Today I went to see my Tattoo Artist the second time to discuss my ideas with him. He told me that what I drew was un-tattoo-able because it was way too fine. It would fade after a few years and then, why would you do it?
In the right fore-chamber, it collects blood that's coming from the veins, and with the right main-chamber pumps it into the lungs.
My father just sent me a mail with the text “Did you know?” and a link. Clicking on that link, I found the following picture:
Two weeks ago I learned that Slavoj Žižek and Jordan Peterson had a grand debate in Toronto last year. I wondered in which ways they would disagree and in the evening immediately searched the web to find a recording of the debate.
Today when I tried to loosen a nut with my fingers, I rammed a shard of glass-fiber under the nail of my left index-finger.
A year ago already I had read a book titled “Fasten heilt Karies” which talks about the misconceptions about modern dental medicines and the real causes of caries and paradontosis. Mainly it's sugar and our modern food.
Even though I have a little chronic inflammation of the gum at one of my teeth that hurts a bit from time to time, I didn't give it any more attention.
TIL that “surgical precision” is nothing more than a myth.
Today I decided that I need some sort of sound system for my room. Listening to music with the built-in notebook speakers is no fun. So I went to to research what's on the market.