
some of my thoughts and notes

As I was driving on the highway from Almería towards Málaga, the sky looked beautiful and the contrast to the dark sky in the rear view mirror was fascinating.


Yesterday I listened to “Lymphater's Formula” again, a short story by Stanislaw Lem in which a scientist explains to a younger scientist how he once created a synthetic brain which could tap into universal consciousness.


I just walked past a bakery in Almería which had its baking room behind a large windowfront.


Wondering whether the parking lot close to the city center was really legal for me to park on, I looked at my car from a bit of a distance.


Today again I had that feeling that the car just wanted to run, even uphill through the mountains on the highway.


I hadn't expected that becoming part of a small family and sleeping in a bed would feel so good.


I decided that it was time to start preparing my stomach for India, so I decided to pay a visit to a nice looking Indian restaurant in Alicante.


Alicante impressed me with its steep hill and huge apartment buildings in front of it.


On my way to Alicante, the number of people on road bikes increased dramatically.

It would be exaggerating to say that I saw more bicycles than cars, but it's an understatement to say that I saw at least 50.

And I thoroughly enjoyed driving slow or sometimes slower than them and watching them ride through tunnels and down curvy roads.

I really wanted to be on a bike rather than in a car.

From the perspective of a car driver, Valencia is much more relaxed than Barcelona.
