writing in tiny.

my name is rou and this is my archive for ficlets (。・ω・。) feedback & requests: curiouscat.qa/elyseeum ao3: hailexcalibur

Erik hardly ever travels. Not as a child, a teen, not even in his adolescence. He only knew the four walls that made up his room, the feeling of dread that threatened to choke him when he caught sight of his aunt. His world was small, contained in a cage where the locks and bolts were plenty and the leash around his neck tightened at the smallest show of resistance.

Jovan was the first to expand his world beyond his life of captivity. He was a lover once, a best friend now and forever, he was the push of encouragement that Erik needed to step out of the abusive environment he was forced to live through. Jovan lifted him by his arms and taught him how to walk on his own.

Ivan took the edges of his world, and pushed them beyond their boundaries.

He taught him the gentleness of his touch, the kindness poured into every action, every word that spills from his mouth. Ivan taught him what devotion is, how love is unconditional and how it comes in the simplest of forms, how the feeling floats around him and laps at his soul so tenderly.

If Jovan taught him how to walk, Ivan taught him how to run and let himself fall.


“Huh, would ya’ look at that. We’ve got a new face.”

Tequila nudges Elysium to look up, just as the saloon doors open and a figure walks in. An unfamiliar one from his gait, his build and general mannerisms. There’s a brief pause in chatter when the mystery man walks in, their usual regulars eyeing him up before resuming their conversations and poker games. The interest waned just as fast as it peaked.

His face is partially hidden by the wide brim of his black stetson, Elysium could only make out strands of bluish-black hair peeking out from beneath and the shadow of a smirk on his lips. The man struts with ease towards the bar, one hand tucked neatly near the holster of his pistol. His posture is relaxed, but he doesn’t throw caution out the window in unfamiliar territory.

“Howdy, pal! Welcome to Rhodes Island, how can I help y—”

The stranger tips his hat back, and Elysium chokes on his greeting.

To say that the new arrival is good looking would be an understatement. He’s hellishly attractive. Unfairly so.


The last of the Reunion forces disappear behind clouds of dust, harsh winds acting as cover for their retreat. What little that remains of them hastily scurries away to regroup and recover. Under strict instructions of the Doctor, none of Rhodes was to go after them. So Thorns stays. He didn’t pursue, he didn’t fire another shot. He simply stands and watches as their silhouettes become smaller, and less and less visible as they are engulfed by the swirling sandstorms.

The silence hangs thickly in the air. He counts down to five, and all at once it breaks into a chorus of relieved sighs and murmured conversations as everyone begins to reorganize themselves. Warfarin's voice stands out as she directs wounded operators to see the medics, Exusiai and Executor crouched together taking stock of their remaining bullets, Blaze barking out orders for everyone to load up into the vehicles post-haste if they are uninjured.

The excited chatter right behind him as they make contact with the other squad, informing them of their immediate return.

The person stops talking, and Thorns turns around as they clap him on the shoulder. Elysium's grinning despite the grime and debris clinging to his clothes, perfectly styled hair now strewn about from the harsh winds. He looks worse for wear, not as much as Thorns is, yet he still manages to maintain his cheerful attitude. He radiates a brightness that not even Thorns is immune to. It draws him in, washes him with a sense of relief to see that not even the bloodiest of wars can wipe away Elysium's smile.

“Ready to go home, Brother?”

Thorns doesn't say anything in response, letting his gaze linger on Elysium. He takes him all in, entranced by the sparkling promise he sees in silver eyes, the breathtakingly killer smile that lights up whatever room he walks in, the lulling sense of comfort Thorns only feels in his presence.

Elysium puts him at ease, he makes him feel like he belongs somewhere. Somewhere nestled in his lanky arms with his chipper laughters.

Thorns nods, pries Elysium's hand off to hold it in his and twine their fingers together. He squeezes, warmth emanating from where their palms touch. Elysium squeezes back.

“With you? Always, Elysium.”

When Thorns entered their shared room, he was so shocked at what he saw that he dropped his bag in the same instant. Whatever he intended to do evaporated from his mind the moment his eyes landed on Elysium, who had a confident grin on his face and hands on his hips, standing proudly amidst the clutter of junk all over the floor.

Elysium’s presence itself is not the surprising part, it’s what he’s wearing that makes the wires in Thorns’ head short-circuit trying to comprehend what led to another series of questionable decisions by his boyfriend, how, and why.

The first thing that’s very noticeable about Elysium’s outfit is the frilly white headband sitting atop his head. It almost blends in with his hair, and Thorns would’ve thought he’d grown more feathers if it wasn’t for the obnoxious lock of red hair Elysium is so proud of. His eyes wander down to take in the rest of his clothes, the reason the gears in his brain suddenly halted.

Somehow, as Rhodes Island cruises through the middle of nowhere, Elysium had gotten his hands on a maid dress.



The Sankta doesn’t respond. He continues to peruse the manual in his hands while ignoring the call for his name.

“Executor!” the voice calls out, louder this time, close to whining and Executor doesn’t have to look to know that the other is pouting. With a resigned sigh, he lets his eyes wander from the neatly printed pages to land on Elysium on the other side of the table, his cheeks puffed out and Miss Christine perched on his shoulder. She’s peering up curiously, her two tails swishing languidly in the air as Elysium scratches her behind her ears.

“Is there anything you need, Elysium?” he asks flatly, watching as the vanguard scoops the cat in his arms and holds her up in front of himself, laughing when a paw lands on his nose. Easily amused, as always. Executor wonders how he’s able to find joy in the smallest of things.

“Don’t you want to play with her, too?” Elysium offers, and Miss Christine meows, seemingly in agreement. She attempts to clamber out of his grip to return to her spot on his shoulder, the sleek black feline curling up without a care for the Liberi that gingerly teeters on his chair to make sure she wouldn’t accidentally slip off. “She’s very fond of me, but I can tell she’s getting a bit bored…”

“I’m busy,” Executor interjects without missing a beat, shifting his attention back to the manual.

“You’re just reading!”


Thorns likes to watch Elysium dance.

He’d start out by tapping his foot to the beat of a song he hums to himself, songs that Thorns knows like the back of his hand from how often he heard the Liberi play it on his cherished music player. He’d be sweeping the floor, or tidying up piles of paper, or picking up Thorns’ clothes haphazardly strewn across their room, and he’d suddenly start swaying his hips and moving about with the sort of awkward grace that comes with having long limbs.

Elysium is nowhere near as fluid with his movements as Thorns is, but as time passes he’s no longer as clumsy as when they first started dancing together by the shores of Siesta. He no longer stumbles and staggers as he tries to avoid stepping on Thorns’ feet, or grip his hand too tightly in fear of lurching sideways when Thorns twirls him around–which is already a difficult feat with their height difference. He doesn’t shy away from Thorns’ curious gaze anymore as they stride across the tiled floor of the training room in the dead of night, and he doesn’t hesitate to pull Thorns to an impromptu jig session by the hangar when an AUS song plays from the overhead speaker, shimmying in place with a grin that rivals even the bright rays of sunlight beaming down at them.

Elysium radiates confidence, even when he no longer moves in sync with the rhythm, or when he accidentally slips and would fall flat on his back were it not for Thorns’ arms wrapped securely around his waist. He would laugh, abashed, the sound light and airy, a melody more addicting than any drug that exists in Terra. It spills from the bold smile on his face as he proudly shows Thorns a move that he’s painstakingly mastered, an intricate footwork that he’d only shown the Liberi a few days ago. His eyes, while dull in color, glimmer like coins of silver, shining with excitement and satisfaction before Thorns cups his face and kisses him for his efforts.

It’s satisfying to watch Elysium groove to a tune that only he knows, because he moves like he feels the music coursing through his body, simply to enjoy himself without caring for the complexity that comes with formal dancing.

That’s why Thorns simply stands at the entrance of their room, arms crossed with a thin smile on his face as he follows Elysium’s dramatic prancing and excessive head bobbing, his back turned against the Aegirian. His sweet tenor as he sings along to the funky pop music from the stereo blankets the enclosed space with a warmth that distinctly feels like home. He watches the corners of his eyes crinkle as they form crescent moons, and his heart is full with fondness and endearment. Thorns steps forward, grabs Elysium by the wrist to halt him in the middle of his one-man performance and take him by surprise, a squeak escaping his lips as he whirls around to face Thorns with wide eyes and ruffled ear-feathers. The song continues to play in the background while he maneuvers the other until they’re face-to-face, his hand slotting perfectly at Elysium’s hip. He pulls him closer, almost flush against each other.

“Can I join you?”

The look of shock immediately melts into the blinding smile that Thorns can never look away from, eyes gentle and mirroring the very same affection Thorns undoubtedly has in his own gaze. Elysium twines their fingers, leaning forward until their foreheads are pressed together. And as they begin to fall into a step that feels almost as natural as breathing, he whispers into the small space between them.


“Speak,” Brad says, voice filled with authority as he points the tip of his cane-sword at the whimpering man writhing beneath him, struggling to breath with the firm foot Brad has pressing against his windpipe. The mask concealing his face doesn't detract the intensity of bright pink hues glaring down at his captive with barely held-back anger. “Before I cut your tongue off.”

“IㅡI swear, I have no idea where Faith Beams is!” the man gasps out. Brad narrows his eyes and steps down harder, making him gargle and cough even more. “Us lackeys don’t have that sorta’ info!”

“Then who does?” Brad presses on, increasing the pressure with each second that passes, the goon desperately clawing at the leather of his shoe, face beginning to look blue from the lack of oxygen.

“TheㅡThe leaders are holed up in the Exudia Bar!”

The former officer releases the man, who wheezes and curls up on his side as he gulps in big lungfuls of air. Brad sheathes his cane, and lets the wooden stump knock against the cemented floor, turning his back against the remaining henchman. “You should be grateful you get to live another day.”

Exudia. He's heard the name come out of Keith's lips a couple of times, the other should know where it is.

They're running out of time. Who knows what the gang is doing with Faith at this very moment, and whether they plan to keep him alive or not?

The sooner they get there, the better.

Now, to get out of this stuffy warehouseㅡ




The bundle of blankets move, but otherwise the person crouched beneath it doesn’t come out.

Thorns sighs heavily.

Ely, I already said I’m sorry.” Which is rather difficult, if he was being honest. He still didn’t think the movie was that bad, but Elysium and his fifteen minute silence begs to differ. “The movie was like, ten years older than both of us. It’s not so convincing.”

“For you!” comes the indignant reply, muffled by the thick fabrics over his head. Thorns tried tugging it away but his boyfriend is surprisingly persistent. And strong. Is this the hysterical strength that possesses people when they feel like they’re in imminent danger?

In this case, terrified of plastic ghosts and cheap makeup?

“It scared the shit out of me! I told you not to choose anything with jumpscares!”

He blinks. “There’s jumpscares?”

Elysium makes a disgruntled noise and pulls the blankets tighter around his crouching body, the pair falling into yet another round of tense silence.


Enciodes knows exactly what Courier is up to, but he plays along anyways.

He's aware of the dates and what celebrations are taking place, the convenient absence of the mountains of paperwork that usually litters his desk (also Courier's doing), and the disappearance of a certain Executor that excused himself early for the day, his usually impassive face lighting up slightly at something on his phone as he ushers out of the council's office.

He's aware that all this is part of Courier's plan, a faint smile gracing his lips as he spins around in his chair to face the beaming Itra, hands folded neatly below his chin.



Dangit. Elysium bites his lip, knowing full well that his face is flushed as red as his prided tuft of hair, arousal mixing with embarrassment because how is he supposed to keep calm when Thorns speaks his name like that, voice hoarse and an octave lower, dripping with sex and melting like honey in his ears?

“W—What,” he stutters out, refusing to meet Thorns’ gaze. Elysium inhales sharply at the puff of hot breath against his fingers, and the faint pressure of chapped lips against the pads before they start pressing a little more insistently. His fingertips are wet as those sinful lips finally close around the very edges, kissing each digit one by one. Shivers rack his lithe frame despite his best attempts to suppress it, his brain refusing to cooperate with the traitorous thoughts clouding his mind and all the blood that’s rushing south from the ministrations.

“You’re into this, aren’t you?” Thorns mutters against his skin, all smug and pleased with this turn of events. Elysium swallows thickly, heart beating fast and breath coming up short, and he’s positive Thorns can feel it from where their chests are pressed together. There’s no reason to lie, now that the cat’s out of the bag and Elysium’s arousal is painfully obvious, but having to say it out loud is still...!

“No, I’m not! What makes you think that?!” his voice cracks at the end of his flimsy excuse of a lie, prompting the other to chuckle. Damn, even his laugh is sexy. This isn’t fair.

“Is that so? Then why are you looking away?” With his free hand, Thorns brushes his fingers against Elysium’s face, moving past his cheek and his ear to start stroking the downy feathers that the freaking jerk knows is one of his most sensitive spots, prompting a soft gasp that has him gripping the bedsheets.

“T—That’s because...!” Elysium’s lost at this point, why is he even trying? He’s lost from the moment Thorns had that dawn of realization and decided to torture him with this newly obtained piece of information, information that brings nothing but shame for Elysium.

“Ely, look at me.”

Fuck, not the nickname.