Ironic Free Verse


Things never work out as planned.

This is either due to bad planning or to the Randomness and Chaotic nature of the Universe.

Or it could be that Fate disagrees with your desires and is nudging you along a predetermined path.

Or that you should pay more, or less attention to your Fortune Cookies depending on if they are correct or not.

Or that your Horoscope was not really the best guide to follow this past week.

Or that the Stars had different ideas of how your life should proceed.

Or that a Higher Being really does not like your choices made under the pact of “free will”.

Or that you are out of sync with the Energy and Life Force that is trying to guide you.

Or maybe you just need better Feng Shui in the orientation of your life.

Or it could be just plain, old, simple Bad Luck.

Things never work out as planned.

#babble #fate #chaos #nature

In the pain of her absence, I will somehow make it through the dreariness of the day. I will be doing this or that, distracted, out with friends, something fun. whatever. But behind the laugh, behind my mask, I am holding back tears... There is nothing more hurtful than an unfulfilled tear, and I will be collecting buckets of them until she returns.

#babble #relationships

No longer out, nor about. Just home.


What are your days of the week called?

Mine are:

Sun day, Fun day, News day, When day, Urge day, Free day, Sitter day.


I stopped, dropped and rolled... to avoid sunburn.

#babble #safetyfirst

The hardest part about drinking wine is opening the damn bottle. The rest flows easily from there...

#babble #wine

Drat! Turns out THIS is the alternate universe and not the real one. I think I took a wrong turn at the last nexus.


I have perfected time travel in the forward direction. I have proven that I can travel towards the future at a mind-boggling rate of 3.6 x 10^27 yoctoseconds per hour. Beat that you stuck-in-timers!

#babble #science

Waiting. Nothing yet. It hasn't happened.

We are perpetually waiting. The fact that there is always something coming in the future means that we are always waiting. Ignoring upcoming events just makes you temporarily oblivious to it. Keeping ourselves busy means we are distracted, but something is still coming. Avoiding one thing just leads to another. The next event, the next new thing, the next rendezvous, the next task, the next person, the next day, the next interaction, the next cup of coffee, the next emotion, or even your next heartbeat; we wait. Unless you stop time or stop your heart, you cannot avoid it. Waiting...

#babble #waiting

I was not intending to write anything today. The unwritten words were about to be discarded, garbage collected from my mind and replaced with emptiness. A stillness about to envelop my mental circuits. Brain voltage at an all-time low. A meditation caused by lack of neuron activity. A focus on the vast breadth of nothingness. My attention lacking for all things other than nada. And even that lack of anything would then be neglected. I would have forgotten I had neglected even that. I was to reach a point of self-unawareness. I was to be no more. I was to be null.

#babble #null