Ironic Free Verse


Today I was planning dinner for the family, and it made me wonder: Did cannibals plan dinner the way we do? “Oh, we have a leftover arm hanging above the rock pile, we should eat it soon!

This principle question was then followed by many others:

Did they shop at specific other tribes? Did they eat “out”? Was there delivery (intentional or otherwise)? Did they make the kids all sit down to eat with them at the same time? Was chanting allowed at the dinner table? What would have been considered bad table manners? Did they prioritize eating rude people over nice ones? Did their kids hate liver too? Was skinless flesh healthier to eat? Was there a use for toenails and other leftover bits? How did they have “wings night”? ...

Given that there are only a few tribes on the planet that still practice cannibalism, these questions may not be so easily answered. And since you can't just start practicing it at home, it would be very hard to do a controlled experiment. “Hey, kids! Guess who's coming as dinner!“

#babble #cannibalism #tablemanners